
9-18-2023.  I-9 Compliance and IRCA

What Are Your Business Obligations?

Most businesses are well aware of the need to verify their employees’ eligibility to work in the United States. It is pretty well ingrained into our collective knowledge that when hiring employees it is necessary to complete the I-9 form. All too often, however, employers are failing to properly maintain a proper I-9 procedure and are finding themselves paying for their failure.

What are the obligations of a business and what are the consequences of failing to meet those obligations? Read on and you might just be surprised about how complex the law can become and how important it is to comply with the law.

What is IRCA?

The Immigration Reform and Control Act (“IRCA”) of 1986 requires employers to verify the identity and employment eligibility of all newly hired U.S. employees. Businesses are often well aware of this requirement and attempt to comply with IRCA by having each new employee complete an I-9 form. In fact, the IRCA requires the use of Form I-9 in conducting work eligibility verification.

How Difficult is It To Maintain I-9 Compliance?

Most employers approach the I-9 with the feeling that it is a simple form that shouldn’t be worried about except for the minute or two it takes to complete. I-9, however, is deceptively complex and maintaining an adequate I-9 compliance program is especially important. Although this is not the right place to fully explain a company’s obligations, if you are a business owner are you able to answer the following questions?

How long does an employer have to complete the I-9 after a person is hired? What forms are needed to complete the I-9? Does a person need a social security card to complete the I-9? What happens if a person presents a fraudulent document? What happens if the company doesn’t realize the document is fraudulent? How long must a company maintain an I-9 form? Is it necessary to maintain records of the documents? How often must a company reexamine an employee’s eligibility?

Why Does I-9 Compliance Matter?

Perhaps in the past, a company could comfortably disregard its I-9 obligations without fear of any repercussions. Those days, however, are past. The government is moving into a much more rigid culture of compliance where it is actively seeking out companies that may be disregarding its I-9 obligations. In fact, the government recently announced it would examine 1000 more U.S. employers. The number of investigations is only expected to increase.

Additionally, if the government catches a company, it is increasing imposing fines and Managers and Business owners may also be criminally liable for I-9 violations.

Updates Below:

  • Edition Date

08/01/23. After Oct. 31, 2023, the prior version of Form I-9 will be obsolete and no longer valid for use.

Starting Nov. 1, 2023, employers who fail to use the 08/01/23 edition of Form I-9 may be subject to all applicable penalties under section 274A of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1324a, as enforced by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

You can find the edition date at the bottom of the page on the form and instructions.

Dates are listed in mm/dd/yy format.

Link attached for more information:

  • Remote Inspection Flexibility for Form I-9 Documents has Ended

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced that employers will no longer be allowed to remotely inspect employees’ Form I-9.

Employers should develop plans to identify affected workers whose employment authorization documents were reviewed virtually, communicate with those workers, and prepare them to physically present their employment authorization documents, schedule in-person meetings and correct Form I-9s. Notations should be made in Section 2’s Additional Information field. If the same person performs both the remote and subsequent physical inspections for a reverification, the notation can state, “COVID-19 documents physically examined,” initial, and date. If a different person performs the physical inspection, the same notation should be made, but that person should also write their full name and title, instead of their initials. Examples of the required notations can be found here.

While ICE permits employers to fix minor technical or procedural violations, if those violations go uncorrected or are numerous, employers may be subject to civil fines, criminal penalties, debarment from government contracts, and specific court orders. Monetary penalties range from $573 to $20,130 per violation for knowingly hiring and continuing to employ unauthorized individuals to $230 to $2,292 per violation for technical or substantive issues, including failing to produce a Form I-9.


For employers who have new hires who work remotely, someone will need to examine their I-9 documents within three business days from the start of employment.


Remote Inspection Flexibility for Form I-9 Documents is Ending

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced that employers will no longer be allowed to remotely inspect employees’ Form I-9 as of July 31, 2023 and there will be a 30-day grace period during which employers who remotely inspected employees’ Form I-9 documents during the pandemic must re-inspect their physical documents in person by August 30, 2023.


Employers should develop plans to identify affected workers whose employment authorization documents were reviewed virtually, communicate with those workers, and prepare them to physically present their employment authorization documents, schedule in-person meetings and correct Form I-9s. Notations should be made in Section 2’s Additional Information field. If the same person performs both the remote and subsequent physical inspections for a reverification, the notation can state, “COVID-19 documents physically examined,” initial, and date. If a different person performs the physical inspection, the same notation should be made, but that person should also write their full name and title, instead of their initials. Examples of the required notations can be found here.


While ICE permits employers to fix minor technical or procedural violations, if those violations go uncorrected or are numerous, employers may be subject to civil fines, criminal penalties, debarment from government contracts, and specific court orders. Monetary penalties range from $573 to $20,130 per violation for knowingly hiring and continuing to employ unauthorized individuals to $230 to $2,292 per violation for technical or substantive issues, including failing to produce a Form I-9.

Starting July 31, 2023, for employers who have new hires who work remotely, someone will need to examine their I-9 documents within three business days from the start of employment. DHS is moving forward with the proposed rule that would authorize alternatives to the in-person inspection of I-9 documents (the Proposed Rule), which was published in August 2022. The public comment period for the Proposed Rule ended on October 17, 2022, and DHS is expected to issue a final rule sometime later this year.

1-17-2023.   Manning Accounting Services is one of the premier Cannabis Dispensary Accounting Tax Firms in the United States.

    We are fully versed in Section 208E IRS tax implications on your business. To help Dispensary Owners, the following states have Decoupled State Tax laws from the IRS Section 208E requirements:
    California, Colorado, Hawaii, Massachusetts New York and Oregon., 
    This will allow owners to deduct business expenses on a State level not allowed on the IRS level. This will save thousands upon thousands of dollars to business owners in these States.  
    For all DISPENSARIES it is vital that your accounting system be set up properly so as not to be in VIOLATION of FEDERAL Tax Laws. The SECTION 208E law is a strict and Narrow definition of what can be deducted.
 Expenses like rent, salaries, taxes, insurance, utilities, office supplies, telephone, build out, repairs, signs, computers and software are not deductible!! The IRS has been very strict on this and has won its court cases against Dispensaries who have tried to claim these expenses. The businesses that have tried to fight this have had to pay large tax bills along with penalties and interest.

1-04-2023.   Have you arranged to start repaying your EIDL SBA loans?

For those who need help in setting up your repayment plan we are charging $250.00 to get it all done for you.

CONTACT our office at 718-227-9797 to talk to us. REMEMBER if you don’t set up a repayment plan you will be in default of your loan and the SBA will start formal collection proceedings against you.


The first thing you politely say is “I would like you to deal with my accountant on this. Do you want to call him/her or should I have him/her call you?”

If pushed just say that your accountant has all your records and can answer questions that you cannot as you are not a tax savvy person. Always be polite as they control the situation. Usually they are reasonable. 

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals were surprised to find out that the IRS operates in the field. And now, after a more than two-year hiatus prompted by the pandemic, at the end of June 2022, IRS Revenue Officers resumed field visits to individual taxpayer’s homes and to business taxpayer’s offices to collect delinquent tax and secure delinquent returns. Thus, for taxpayers with significant overdue tax liabilities and multiple unfiled tax returns, there is a real likelihood of an unexpected visit from the IRS. 

Naturally, for taxpayers facing such a surprise, receiving this knock on the door will result in considerable stress. Nonetheless, to paraphrase the Stoic philosopher Epictetus, the imagined anxiety may be worse than the real tax problem. Even if the role of the Revenue Officer is to collect the tax, interacting with a specific IRS employee familiar with the taxpayer’s matter provides the taxpayer with the opportunity to understand their options and begin the path towards putting their tax problems behind them. 

During this initial visit, the IRS Revenue Officer will identify themselves and show the taxpayer their credentials (called the pocket commission) as well as their HSPD-12 Federal ID card. Taxpayers should call the IRS Field Employee Verification Center at 1-844-809-4566 to verify the Revenue Officer’s identity. 

The Revenue Officer will ask for immediate (or part) payment of all delinquent accounts. The IRS will never ask for payment by prepaid debit cards, gift cards or wire transfers. If tax returns are delinquent, the IRS will request their immediate filing. Since most taxpayers visited in person are unlikely to be able to make a full payment, the goal of the Revenue Officer is to secure a financial statement and discuss other collection alternatives. At a minimum, the Revenue Officer will attempt to secure information about the taxpayer’s bank accounts assets, other levy sources, employment status and salary. If the taxpayer does not wish to—or is unable to speak at the time—the Revenue Officer will leave their contact information and ask the taxpayer to respond within two business days. It is important that the taxpayer responds. Otherwise, enforcement action will begin. 


Taxpayers need to recognize that Revenue Officers wield a vast array of resolution alternatives which span the gamut from voluntary but manageable (e.g., installment agreements) to involuntary and consequential (e.g., wage garnishments and asset seizures).  Although the situation is inherently stressful, taxpayers should strive to be cordial and respectful to the Revenue Officer because this initial encounter will likely establish the tone of future interactions.

Never go through this process by yourself. Even though you will have to pay your accountant to represent you it will be well worth it.

11-21-2022.  Pandemic Tax Credit

If you are a business owner with W2 employees you may be eligible for Pandemic Tax Credits for 2020 and 2021 of up to $26,000 per employee. Please contact us to see if you are eligible. 

11-21-2022.  New Jersey Homeowners and Renters:

If you own a home or rent an apartment on October 1st 2019 you may be entitled to a cash tax credit of up to $1500 for homeowners and up to $450 for renters. 

We can help you with the application process contact us at 718-227-9797

9-13-2022.  Don’t Miss Out

If you haven’t filed your 2019 or 2020 Personal or Corporate returns the IRS will waive late filing penalties -up to 25% of the tax due- if the returns are filed by September 30th.
Call us for help.

6-1-2022.  Pandemic Unemployment Assistance

If you received the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) during December 2020-September 2021 you should have or will possibly receive the following notice. Please read the notice carefully and send back to NYS the documents they are requiring to the fax number they give or by the address they give. This is a notice to verify your eligibility to receive the PUA. This is not a tax notice and therefore there is no need to send to our office.

4-7-2022.  File On Time

ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10)- The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance is urging taxpayers to file on time, even if they can’t pay owed taxes in full. Filing late will result in penalties with added interest on unpaid taxes.

The Tax Department said they can help taxpayers avoid or reduce penalties and any added interest on owed taxes. “Some New Yorkers mistakenly think it’s better to simply not file their tax return if they can’t afford to pay what they owe,” said Acting Commissioner Amanda Hiller. “To avoid making their financial situation worse, they should instead file and reach out to us for ways to resolve their tax liabilities.”

The deadline to file taxes is April 18.

2-7-2022.     IRS: Parents of children born in 2021 can claim stimulus as tax credit

Parents of children born in 2021 can claim a “recovery rebate credit” of up to $1,400 per child if they haven’t yet received the maximum amount of stimulus check money they are eligible for.

While there won’t be any more third-round stimulus checks distributed, parents of a child or children born in 2021 – or parents and guardians who added a new child to their family in 2021 – can still receive money by claiming it on their tax return.

In late January, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) began issuing Letter 6475 to recipients of the third-round stimulus checks. The letter will help stimulus check recipients determine if they are entitled to and should claim the recovery rebate credit on their 2021 tax returns when they file in 2022.

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which was signed into law on March 11, 2021, authorized the third round of payments to Americans. The IRS began issuing those payments on March 12, 2021.

New parents aren’t the only ones who may be eligible for the recovery rebate credit. According to the IRS, the following people may be owed stimulus check money in the form of a tax credit:

  • Parents of a child born in 2021 who claim the child as a dependent on their 2021 income tax return may be eligible to receive a 2021 Recovery Rebate Credit of up to $1,400 for this child.
  • All eligible parents of qualifying children born in 2021 are also encouraged to claim the child tax credit— worth up to $3,600 per child born in 2021 — on their 2021 income tax return.
  • Families who added a dependent – such as a parent, a nephew or niece, or a grandchild – on their 2021 income tax return who was not listed as a dependent on their 2020 income tax return may be eligible to receive a 2021 Recovery Rebate Credit of up to $1,400 for this dependent.
  • Single filers who had incomes above $80,000 in 2020 but less than this amount in 2021; married couples who filed a joint return and had incomes above $160,000 in 2020 but less than this amount in 2021; and head of household filers who had incomes above $120,000 in 2020 but less than this amount in 2021 may be eligible for a 2021 Recovery Rebate Credit of up to $1,400 per person.
  • Single filers who had incomes between $75,000 and $80,000 in 2020 but had lower incomes in 2021; married couples who filed a joint return and had incomes between $150,000 and $160,000 in 2020 but had lower incomes in 2021; and head of household filers who had incomes between $112,500 and $120,000 in 2020 but had lower incomes in 2021 may be eligible for a 2021 Recovery Rebate Credit.

According to the IRS, “Get My Payment” will no longer be available as of Jan. 29, 2022, and individuals are encouraged to access their Online Account to view their first, second, and third Economic Impact Payment amounts under the related tax year tab.

The IRS is encouraging taxpayers to file electronically and choose direct deposit for the fastest way to receive their 2021 tax refund.

1-24-2022.  IRS tips to get your tax refund fastest

It’s nearly that time of year again, when we cross our fingers and hope to get money back after filing our taxes – and for those owed money, the IRS has some pointers when it comes to speedy refunds.

The majority of Americans are already using direct deposit to get their refunds, but, if you aren’t, the IRS calls it the “best and fastest way to get your tax refund.”

If you’re using tax software, just select direct deposit as the refund method and enter your bank account and routing numbers. If you’re unsure where to find that information, you can look at a paper check, which will have your routing number on the bottom left and account number on the bottom right. You can also check your online back account info or call the bank for help.

If you have a prepaid debit card you may be able to send the money directly to it, but you’ll need to check with the financial institution to make sure you have the correct routing and account info.

For those taxpayers who don’t have a bank account, the IRS encourages people to visit the FDIC website, Veterans Benefits Banking Program or the National Credit Union Administration for help opening an online account.

To make the refund process even faster, file your taxes electronically and select direct deposit for the refund. The IRS says nine out of 10 refunds are issued in less than 21 days when the entire process is done electronically.

Doing so may be vital this year as it’s still unclear how the explosion of COVID-19 cases driven by the omicron variant will affect the IRS workers tasked with processing returns.

The IRS also notes that filing a complete and accurate return will help streamline the process. Taxpayers are encouraged to check for the latest on questions around advance payments of the Child Tax Credit, claiming a Recovery Rebate Credit for missing stimulus money and other issues.

Antsy and just can’t wait to see that larger number in your account? You can always check the progress of the refund using the IRS Where’s My Refund tool.

Tax season begins two weeks early

This year’s tax filing season will begin on Jan. 24, 17 days earlier than last year, the Internal Revenue Service announced Monday.

The IRS is warning that a resurgence of COVID-19 infections on top of less funding authorization from Congress than the Biden administration had requested could make this filing season particularly challenging.

“The pandemic continues to create challenges, but the IRS reminds people there are important steps they can take to help ensure their tax return and refund don’t face processing delays,” IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig said.

Avoiding a paper tax return will be more than important than ever this year to avert processing delays, Rettig said. He urged taxpayers to file their returns electronically and to get their refunds by direct deposit.

It is also import for taxpayers who received a COVID-19 relief Economic Impact Payment last year or who got an advance Child Tax Credit payment to make sure they report the correct amount on their tax returns to avoid processing delays, Rettig said.

The IRS will send letters to recipients of the impact payments and the advance Child Tax Credit payments and taxpayers can also check for the amounts they received on the website

The deadline for tax returns to be filed is Monday, April 18 this year, three days later than the normal April 15 deadline for filing taxes. The later date is a result of a Emancipation Holiday in the District of Columbia. By law, Washington, D.C., holidays impact tax deadlines for everyone the same way federal holidays do.

April 18 is the deadline for filing tax returns or requesting an extension. which gives taxpayers until Oct. 17 to file their returns for 2021.

10-26-2021.  IRS issues information letters to Advance Child Tax Credit recipients and recipients of the third round of Economic Impact Payments; taxpayers should hold onto letters to help the 2022 Filing Season experience

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service announced today that it will issue information letters to Advance Child Tax Credit recipients starting in December and to recipients of the third round of the Economic Impact Payments at the end of January. Using this information when preparing a tax return can reduce errors and delays in processing.

The IRS urged people receiving these letters to make sure they hold onto them to assist them in preparing their 2021 federal tax returns in 2022.

Watch for advance Child Tax Credit letter

To help taxpayers reconcile and receive all of the Child Tax Credits to which they are entitled, the IRS will send Letter 6419, 2021 advance CTC, starting late December 2021 and continuing into January. The letter will include the total amount of advance Child Tax Credit payments taxpayers received in 2021 and the number of qualifying children used to calculate the advance payments. People should keep this and any other IRS letters about advance Child Tax Credit payments with their tax records.

Families who received advance payments will need to file a 2021 tax return and compare the advance Child Tax Credit payments they received in 2021 with the amount of the Child Tax Credit they can properly claim on their 2021 tax return.

The letter contains important information that can make preparing their tax returns easier. People who received the advance CTC payments can also check the amount of their payments by using the CTC Update Portal available on

Eligible families who did not receive any advance Child Tax Credit payments can claim the full amount of the Child Tax Credit on their 2021 federal tax return, filed in 2022. This includes families who don’t normally need to file a tax return.

Economic Impact Payment letter can help with the Recovery Rebate Credit

The IRS will begin issuing Letter 6475, Your Third Economic Impact Payment, to EIP recipients in late January. This letter will help Economic Impact Payment recipients determine if they are entitled to and should claim the Recovery Rebate Credit on their tax year 2021 tax returns that they file in 2022.

Letter 6475 only applies to the third round of Economic Impact Payments that was issued starting in March 2021 and continued through December 2021. The third round of Economic Impact Payments, including the “plus-up” payments, were advance payments of the 2021 Recovery Rebate Credit that would be claimed on a 2021 tax return. Plus-up payments were additional payments the IRS sent to people who received a third Economic Impact Payment based on a 2019 tax return or information received from SSA, RRB or VA; or to people who may be eligible for a larger amount based on their 2020 tax return.

Most eligible people already received the payments. However, people who are missing stimulus payments should review the information to determine their eligibility and whether they need to claim a Recovery Rebate Credit for tax year 2020 or 2021.

Like the advance CTC letter, the Economic Impact Payment letters include important information that can help people quickly and accurately file their tax return.

More information about the advance Child Tax Credit, Economic Impact Payments and other COVID-19-related tax relief may be found at

As the 2022 tax filing season approaches, the IRS urges people to make sure to file an accurate tax return and use electronic filing with direct deposit to avoid delays.

10-26-2021.    New Billing System in Place

     In an effort to streamline our business, we have purchased a state-of-the-art billing program that will allow us to automatically take our fees in an easy one-step process.

     Melissa will arrange a recurring payment date. Our program will automatically email you a paid bill for your records.

     We will be going online with the program starting January 1, 2022. Melissa will contact you shortly to set everything up.

     Obviously, we would like to have any open bills settled by year end. If you have any questions, call Melissa or me.


Lenny & Staff

6-29-2021.   Child Tax Credit

The IRS has opened an online site to enable taxpayers to unenroll from receiving advance payments of the 2021 child tax credit (CTC).
The new “Child Tax Credit Update Portal” allows parents to view their eligibility, view their expected CTC advance payments, and, if they wish to do so, unenroll from receiving advance payments (i.e., to opt out). Unenrolling may be desirable if, for instance, taxpayers expect the amount of tax they owe to be greater than their CTC refund when they file their 2021 tax return.
In a set of new FAQs, the Service answers questions about unenrolling from the CTC advance payments.

2021 Child Tax Credit

Under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), P.L. 117-2, the IRS must make 2021 periodic advance child tax credit payments to taxpayers up to the “annual advance amount.” These payments — up to $300 per month per child under age 6 and up to $250 per month per child age 6 through 17 — will be paid in equal amounts and made no earlier than July 1, 2021, and no later than Dec. 31, 2021.
For tax year 2021 only, ARPA increased the child tax credit amount to up to $3,000 for each qualifying child between age 6 and 17 at the end of the 2021 tax year, and $3,600 for each qualifying child under age 6 at the end of the 2021 tax year. ARPA also made the child tax credit for 2021 fully refundable if the taxpayer (or spouse, on a joint return) has a principal place of abode in the United States for more than one-half of the 2021 tax year.
Last week, the Service opened an online site called the “Non-Filer Sign-Up Tool” that enables parents who are not required to file a 2019 or 2020 individual income tax return to sign up to receive 2021 CTC advance payments.
The IRS also, in Rev. Proc. 2021-24, clarified how individuals who are not otherwise required to file 2020 returns can claim 2021 CTC advance payments by either filing simplified returns or electronically filing a 2020 return with zero adjusted gross income.

6-2-2021.   New Office Location

Our Office is re-opened at our NEW location, 107 Bedell Avenue, Rear Entrance. Also our phones are back up.

6-2-2021.   Temporary Office Closure

Our Office and Phones will be temporarily closed due to a move to a new office space. We will notify everyone via email when the new office space is up and running. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

4-28-2021.    IRS Sees Delays in Tax Refunds and Quarterly Payments

(Accounting Today) – The Internal Revenue Service is holding up millions of tax refunds for manual processing and its systems were unable to process many of the quarterly payments that needed to be sent by April 15. The IRS is holding approximately 29 million tax refunds that need to be processed manually

3-26-2021.     IRS refunds will start in May for $10,200 unemployment tax break

  • The American Rescue Plan waived federal tax on up to $10,200 of unemployment benefits, per person, collected in 2020.
  • President Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion Covid relief bill on March 11, after many people eligible for the tax cut had already filed their tax returns.
  • The IRS will issue refunds automatically to these taxpayers starting in May, the agency said Wednesday. Those payments will continue into the summer.

    The IRS will start issuing tax refunds in May to Americans who filed their returns without claiming a new break on unemployment benefits, the federal agency said Wednesday.

    The American Rescue Plan waived federal tax on up to $10,200 of unemployment benefits, per person, received in 2020. Households with $150,000 or more in income are not eligible for the tax cut.

    President Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion relief law during tax season, on March 11.

    Taxpayers eligible for the tax break were left wondering if they should file amended tax returns to claim the benefit. The IRS advised taxpayers not to file an amended return, saying it was devising a workaround.

    The agency confirmed Wednesday that it will issue refunds automatically to eligible taxpayers.

    “Because the change occurred after some people filed their taxes, the IRS will take steps in the spring and summer to make the appropriate change to their return, which may result in a refund,” the agency said. “The first refunds are expected to be made in May and will continue into the summer.”

    The IRS will conduct a recalculation in two phases for those who already filed their taxes.

    The agency will start with taxpayers eligible for a break on up $10,200 of unemployment benefits. The IRS will then adjust returns for married couples filing a joint tax return, who are eligible for the tax break on up to $20,400 of benefits, and others with more complex tax returns.

    Workers may still owe state tax on their benefits. More than a dozen states weren’t offering a tax break on benefits as of this week.


    Around 40 million Americans collected jobless benefits last year, according to The Century Foundation. The average person got $14,000 in assistance.

    The IRS is working to determine how many workers affected by the tax change already have filed their tax returns.

    When to file an amended return

    Taxpayers may need to file an amended return if the tax break makes them newly eligible for additional federal credits and deductions that weren’t already included on the original tax return, the IRS said.

    For example, the unemployment tax break may make some people newly eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit. Taxpayers who didn’t claim the credit on their initial return must file an amended return to get it. They may want to review their state tax returns, as well, the IRS said.

    People who’d claimed a tax credit or deduction on their initial federal return but are now eligible for a larger tax break due to the unemployment waiver don’t have to file an amended return — the IRS can adjust it for them.

This is an IRS mandate and each state has the right to go along with this. New York will not give the tax break. New Jersey doesn’t tax unemployment. Check with your local state for their stance on this.

3-26-2021  Senate passes PPP deadline extension

A bill to move the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) application deadline from March 31 to May 31 won approval in the U.S. Senate on Thursday.

The final vote to approve the PPP Extension Act of 2021, H.R. 1799, was 92–7.

There was some drama, however. A measure to amend the bill was narrowly defeated 52–48. The amendment, proposed by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., would have restricted the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA’s) ability to prioritize certain PPP borrowers over others. If the measure had passed, it could have led to an amended bill having to be sent back for approval to the House of Representatives, which had passed the original bill 415–3 but currently is adjourned.

As it stands, the votes Thursday send the legislation to President Joe Biden for his signature several days before the PPP was set to expire.

The AICPA praised the passage of the PPP Extension Act, which extends the filing deadline for PPP applications by 60 days and provides an additional 30 days for the SBA to finish processing applications received by May 31.

In a news release, the AICPA said that the additional 60 days provided by the bill will greatly help small businesses, not-for-profits, and the CPAs that serve them complete existing PPP loan applications and file new ones. The extension act also provides the SBA time to address significant loan application process challenges, including confusing validation and error codes, delayed guidance, and changes to the PPP loan amount calculation for self-employed borrowers, the AICPA release said.

Patrick Kelley, associate administrator for the SBA’s Office of Capital Access, testified during a Senate Small Business Committee meeting Wednesday that 190,000 applications were still held up in the SBA’s PPP platform due to unresolved error codes related to validation checks instituted by the SBA to help prevent fraudulent applications from being funded.

The PPP Extension Act does not provide any additional funding for the current round of the PPP, which Congress provided with more than $290 billion to make forgivable loans to small businesses and not-for-profits. From the program’s opening on Jan. 11 through March 21, the SBA has approved more than 3.1 million loans totaling nearly $196 billion. In his testimony Wednesday, Kelley said that at the current lending rate, the PPP should have enough funding to last through mid-April.

3-8-2021   $1.9 Trillion Corona Relief Package

A $1.9 trillion U.S. coronavirus relief package took a step forward Saturday when the Senate voted 50–49 to approve a bill that will be sent back to the House of Representatives because the Senate changed the legislation originally approved by the House.

Known as the American Rescue Plan Act, H.R. 1319, the bill will be sent to President Joe Biden’s desk to be signed into law if it passes the House without changes. Congress is under pressure to get Biden’s signature on the bill before legislation authorizing $300 a week in federal funds added to unemployment checks expires on March 14.

The recovery rebate credits (to be paid to most taxpayers in advance as economic impact payments) would phase out more quickly than it did in the two previous rounds.

The Senate bill retains most of the tax provisions in the House bill unchanged. However, under the Senate bill eligibility for the recovery rebate credits (to be paid to most taxpayers in advance as economic impact payments) would phase out more quickly than it did in the two previous rounds.

For single taxpayers, the phaseout will begin at an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $75,000 and the credit will be completely phased out for taxpayers with an AGI over $80,000. For married taxpayers who file jointly, the phaseout will begin at an AGI of $150,000 and end at AGI of $160,000. And for heads of households, the phaseout will begin at an AGI of $112,500 and be complete at AGI of $120,000.

Under the House bill, the phaseout range was $25,000 for single taxpayers (i.e., from AGI of $75,000 to AGI of $100,000), $50,000 for joint filers, and $37,500 for heads of household.

The Senate bill also:

  • Provides $300 a week in federal unemployment benefits through Sept. 6 and makes the first $10,200 in unemployment benefits tax-free in 2020 for households making less than $150,000 per year.
  • Does not raise the federal minimum wage, which the House bill would have increased to $15 per hour.
  • Will not include funding for a bridge to Canada in upstate New York over the St. Lawrence seaway, or the extension of a railway system near San Francisco. Funding for both projects was included in the House bill.
  • Specifies that gross income does not include any amount that would otherwise be included in income due to the discharge of any student loan after Dec. 31, 2020, and before Jan. 1, 2026.

The legislation will provide funding for state, local, and Tribal governments; K-12 schools and colleges and universities; COVID-19 testing and support of the vaccine rollout; and small businesses.

1-19-2021   Congratulations to Melissa Eisler Manning

We are proud to announce that Melissa has passed her Series 6 exam and is now licensed to sell stocks , bonds, mutual funds, annuities, life insurance, health insurance, disability insurance and long term care plans. We are extremely proud of her accomplishments.

1-19-2021   Some people are inadvertently throwing away stimulus check debit cards

As if waiting for a stimulus check to arrive wasn’t frustrating enough, now it turns out some people are throwing their $600 away.

Jim Wallace almost tossed a letter he received in the mail the other day.

“I received a white envelope, with clear plastic on the top left corner and in the middle,” Wallace said.

Nowhere was a U.S. Treasury or IRS return address in Washington, D.C. that would have indicated a stimulus payment.

“There was this address here with a little seal, and it didn’t look like U.S. government mail. It looked like junk mail,” Wallace said.

No indication it contained $600 payment

He was more confused when he opened it.

“There was a card inside,” Wallace said.

A note with the card said Economic Impact Payment, which Wallace said assumed meant his stimulus. But nowhere did it say $600, so he still wasn’t sure.

“It did not look like an official IRS letter,” he said. “It did not. We almost tossed it aside. We almost threw it away.”

The IRS now acknowledges that some people are tossing the cards in the trash, or cutting them up, assuming they are an attempt to get them to sign up for something.

It is now issuing an alert to watch for the cards in the mail, as it is your real stimulus check, just not in the form of a check.

Why IRS is now using debit cards

The $1,200 checks last spring looked like typical tax refund checks from the U.S. Treasury.

But in an attempt to speed up the process this time, the IRS ordered several million pre-printed debit cards from Meta Bank. They don’t say $600, as the figure was decided at the last minute.

So, the debit cards are legit.

But Wallace and his wife, Caroline, don’t think the government should send out debit cards that come with an ATM fee for cashing it out.

“It’s got all of these fees that are associated with it,” she said, pointing to a list of $2 and $3 fees on the back. “So this sounded like a scam to us.”

But it’s not a scam — it’s your $600 stimulus.

If you accidentally threw yours away, you can request a new one by calling the IRS, if you can get through.

Or you may have to claim it on your federal income tax form.

So be careful, so you don’t waste your money.

Article first published on PIX 11 by John Matarese


1-18-2021  Tax Filing Season to start Feb 12th IRS Announces

    The IRS on Friday announced that it will start accepting and processing 2020 tax returns on Friday, Feb. 12. This is later than in most previous years, when tax season has started in January. The IRS says the delay is due to the extra time it needs for programming and testing its systems following the tax law changes made by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA 2021), P.L. 116-260, which was enacted Dec. 27.

    According to the IRS, much of the additional programming stems from the second round of recovery rebate credits authorized by the CAA 2021, which taxpayers can claim on their 2020 returns if they do not receive an economic impact payment.

    The IRS anticipates starting to issue refunds for taxpayers who claim the earned income tax credit and/or additional child tax credit in the first week of March, for taxpayers who file electronically and provide direct deposit information and have no other issues with their returns.

1-8-2021  Stimulus Check Online Tool

Haven’t received your stimulus checks yet? Use the link below to find out about the status of your stimulus check.


1-7-2021  PPP Loans Round 2

PPP2 overview

Congress revived the PPP as part of the $900 billion COVID-19 relief bill that was signed into law on Dec. 27. The program provided $525 billion in forgivable loans over five months before it stopped accepting applications in August. The Economic Aid Act rebooted PPP (or PPP2, as some call it) with many of the same parameters as the first program but also several important differences from the original PPP.

One of the biggest changes is making PPP funding available to businesses that previously received a PPP loan. Business are eligible for a second PPP loan of up to $2 million, provided they have 300 or fewer employees, have used or will use the full amount of their first PPP loan, and can show a 25% gross revenue decline in any 2020 quarter compared with the same quarter in 2019.

Fresh PPP loans also are available to first-time borrowers from the following groups:

  • Businesses with 500 or fewer employees that are eligible for other SBA 7(a) loans.
  • Sole proprietors, independent contractors, and eligible self-employed individuals.
  • Not-for-profits, including churches.
  • Accommodation and food services operations (those with North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes starting with 72) with fewer than 300 employees per physical location.

The legislation also allows borrowers that returned all or part of a previous PPP loan to reapply for the maximum amount available to them.

PPP loan terms

As with PPP1, the costs eligible for loan forgiveness in PPP2 include payroll, rent, covered mortgage interest, and utilities. PPP2 also makes the following potentially forgivable:

  • Covered worker protection and facility modification expenditures, including personal protective equipment, to comply with COVID-19 federal health and safety guidelines.
  • Expenditures to suppliers that are essential at the time of purchase to the recipient’s current operations.
  • Covered operating costs such as software and cloud computing services and accounting needs.

To be eligible for full loan forgiveness, PPP borrowers will have to spend no less than 60% of the funds on payroll over a covered period of either eight or 24 weeks — the same parameters PPP1 had when it stopped accepting applications in August.

PPP borrowers may receive a loan amount of up to 2.5 times their average monthly payroll costs in the year prior to the loan or the calendar year, the same as with PPP1, but the maximum loan amount has been cut from $10 million in the first round to the previously mentioned $2 million maximum. PPP borrowers with NAICS codes starting with 72 (hotels and restaurants) can get up to 3.5 times their average monthly payroll costs, again subject to a $2 million maximum.

Simplified application and other terms of note

The new COVID-19 relief bill also:

  • Creates a simplified forgiveness application process for loans of $150,000 or less. Specifically, a borrower shall receive forgiveness if the borrower signs and submits to the lender a certification that is not more than one page in length, includes a description of the number of employees the borrower was able to retain because of the loan, the estimated total amount of the loan spent on payroll costs, and the total loan amount. The SBA must create the simplified application form within 24 days of the bill’s enactment and may not require additional materials unless necessary to substantiate revenue loss requirements or satisfy relevant statutory or regulatory requirements. Borrowers are required to retain relevant records related to employment for four years and other records for three years, as the SBA may review and audit these loans to check for fraud.
  • Repeals the requirement that PPP borrowers deduct the amount of any Economic Injury Disaster Loan advance from their PPP forgiveness amount.
  • Includes set-asides to support first- and second-time PPP borrowers with 10 or fewer employees, first-time PPP borrowers that have recently been made eligible, and for loans made by community lenders.

12-21-2020  Stimulus Package December 2020

Congress has hammered out a new Covid-19 stimulus package that includes a new round of Paycheck Protection Program loans, tax relief and other measures for small businesses.

Congress appears set to vote on the relief measures as early as Monday after leadership from both parties endorsed the new deal. Congress will ultimately pair the deal with additional legislation to fund the government for the next fiscal year. Lawmakers have repeatedly passed short-term measures to keep the government operating over the last few weeks while lawmakers hammer out a stimulus deal. It must still pass the new legislation for any of its provisions to become law.

The roughly $900 billion spending measure will include Stimulus checks of $600 per individual, an extended eviction moratorium and enhanced unemployment insurance of about $300 a week, according to a summary released by House Republicans, among a variety of school funding, vaccine and other public health-related measures.

The package also comes with a variety of measures long sought after by the business community, including:

  • A new round of PPP loans, with about $284 billion earmarked for the program. It also comes with expanded eligibility for so-called 501(c)(6) nonprofits, such as local chambers of commerce, which were left out of the original program. Businesses with “severe” revenue reductions can apply for a second loan.
  • Expenses paid for with PPP loans would be considered tax deductible, officially reversing an IRS decision made earlier in the year that would have seen some small businesses pay more in taxes. The ability to deduct expenses if paid for with PPP loans had been the focus of intense lobbying by small business groups.
  • A fresh $20 billion for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program.

10-26-2020  PPP Loan Forgiveness

On Thursday, Oct. 8, 2020, the Small Business Administration released PPP Loan Forgiveness Application Form 3508S, which is available for borrowers meeting criteria listed on the top of the application. When you are invited to apply, you will use the new streamlined form (form 3508S) if you received a PPP loan of $50,000 or less and have not, together with your affiliates, received PPP loans totaling $2MM or more.

10-6-2020  Economic Impact Payment

The Internal Revenue Service announced today that the deadline to register for an Economic Impact Payment (EIP) is now November 21, 2020. This new date will provide an additional five weeks beyond the original deadline.

The IRS urges people who don’t typically file a tax return – and haven’t received an Economic Impact Payment – to register as quickly as possible using the Non-Filers: Enter Info Here tool on The tool will not be available after November 21.

“We took this step to provide more time for those who have not yet received a payment to register to get their money, including those in low-income and underserved communities,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. “The IRS is deeply involved in processing and programming that overlaps filing seasons. Any further extension beyond November would adversely impact our work on the 2020 and 2021 filing seasons. The Non-Filers portal has been available since the spring and has been used successfully by many millions of Americans.”

Special note: This additional time into November is solely for those who have not received their EIP and don’t normally file a tax return. For taxpayers who requested an extension of time to file their 2019 tax return, that deadline date remains October 15.

To support the ongoing EIP effort, many partner groups have been working with the IRS, helping translate and making available in 35 languages IRS information and resources on Economic Impact Payments.

To help spread the word, the IRS sent nearly 9 million letters in September to people who may be eligible for the $1,200 Economic Impact Payments but don’t normally file a tax return. This push encourages people to use the Non-Filers tool on

“Time is running out for those who don’t normally file a tax return to get their payments,” Rettig added. “Registration is quick and easy, and we urge everyone to share this information to reach as many people before the deadline.”

While most eligible U.S. taxpayers have automatically received their Economic Impact Payment, others who don’t have a filing obligation need to use the Non-Filers tool to register with the IRS to get their money. Typically, this includes people who receive little or no income.

The Non-Filers tool is secure and is based on Free File Fillable Forms, part of the Free File Alliance’s offering of free products on

The Non-Filers tool is designed for people with incomes typically below $24,400 for married couples, and $12,200 for singles who could not be claimed as a dependent by someone else. This includes couples and individuals who are experiencing homelessness.

Anyone using the Non-Filers tool can speed the arrival of their payment by choosing to receive it by direct deposit. Those not choosing this option will get a check.

Beginning two weeks after they register, people can track the status of their payment using the Get My Payment tool, available only on

9-17-2020  Federal Unemployment Starting Up

With the next round of Federal Unemployment starting up REMEMBER the money is taxable both at the IRS level and at the State level (if your state is a taxable state).
Most people have had 10% taken out by the Feds very few have had state taxes withheld. Our advice is to take out 10% for the Feds and 5% for your state.
Will that be enough? Too soon to tell but taking nothing out will be a heavy hit at tax time for most people. Better take taxes out now piecemeal than a lump sum hit at tax time.

9-11-2020  Additional Federal Unemployment

Federal additional $300/week unemployment benefits for New Yorkers will start next week. There will be 6 weeks of benefits starting retroactively to August 01, 2020. 

What that means if you are eligible for unemployment you will get a total of $1,800.00.
As to the second $1,200.00 stimulus check its stuck in Washington. Bureaucracy at its best. The Senate is voting on the this round of CARES money and then the House and Senate have to come to some sort of compromise package.
On hold until then. 

9-1-2020     Still haven’t applied for your SBA EIDL Loan?

We have helped our clients secure almost $4 Million in emergency funds. Time is running out. SBA is offering a 3.75% 30 year payback on the money. What we call CHEAP MONEY. Help your business meet bills, rent, payroll, insurance, inventory, utilities and more. Program is scheduled to end soon. Call us for more details.

8-27-2020     A common question we hear is How Much Life Insurance Should I Have? The answer is how much can you afford?

Rule of thumb is that you should have enough life insurance to cover your outstanding debt such as mortgages, credit cards, car loans, boat loans etc. Then enough to cover 4-5 years of income. Finally add in funeral expenses.

You want to leave your spouse debt free. If nothing else that is your minimum. Then considering your position in life determines the amount over that. If you have children in the house then obviously you will need more. Providing a college fund is important with the ridiculous amounts college costs now let alone 10-15 years from now. If your kids are out of the house then you want to make sure your spouse has enough to not have to significantly lower their lifestyle.

If you are a one income family don’t think you should have insurance only the breadwinner. It will cost you to hire people to replace and do what they provide.

The next question is once we know how much we need what kind of insurance do we get and how can we afford it?

The two basic types of insurance are Whole Life and Term.

Term is insurance for a specific term of time. It is meant to give you as much coverage as possible as cheap as possible. You don’t use it you get nothing back like car insurance.

Whole Life is insurance that builds cash value that will always be there if you decide you don’t want insurance anymore or if you don’t want as much. Paying off a mortgage, children growing up and leaving the house (They truly never leave don’t kid yourself) or a change of lifestyle (like retiring) may alter your needs. With Whole Life there will be a point that you will have more money in the policy than you spent on it. Because of that savings feature it is more expensive than term.

Both types serve the same primary purpose. Protect your spouse and family. If your spouse never needs to collect on the policy then Whole Life will make a nice nest egg that you can use for retirement.

If you want to get more information or have a customized plan drawn up for you call Melissa in our office. She will gladly give you help and pricing.

8-26-2020    When am I going to get the extra unemployment benefit?

Thirty states were approved for the assistance as of Monday evening. 

(They are: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Washington state.)

States are getting an initial tranche of lost-wages funding covering three weeks, going back to the week ended Aug. 1.

States may pay additional weeks depending on how quickly the earmarked federal funds (up to $44 billion) are depleted.

Officials from the Labor Department and Federal Emergency Management Agency, which is overseeing the program, estimate states will get about five total weeks of funding.

But workers may not see the money show up in their accounts for several weeks, as states build out the infrastructure to administer the payments.

8-17-2020  EIDL and the pandemic

Many businesses have used EIDL loans administered by the SBA to offset the pandemic’s effects. An EIDL is a low-interest, fixed-rate loan that can provide assistance to small businesses during an emergency.

EIDL loans are not forgivable, but the 30-year term provides payback flexibility to borrowers. In response to the pandemic, Congress also created $20 billion in EIDL advance grants that are not required to be repaid. Eligible applicants who applied for an EIDL were permitted to request up to $10,000 in EIDL funding to be immediately disbursed, and this advance grant amount did not need to be repaid, regardless of the loan decision.

The $20 billion in advance grants has been exhausted.

8-17-2020    UNEMPLOYMENT

Politicians are still fighting over the amount and time of a federal unemployment extension. It has varied from $200.00 by the Republicans, $400.00 by the president and $600.00 by the Democrats.Not to get political, because this is only an informational website, but most of our business clients have found it hard to bring back their employees who were getting the additional $600.00 through July 31st. Across the country there were states that their average unemployed worker was making 141% staying on unemployment rather than going back to work.
                                                        PPP PROGRAM
A new round of PPP will be available on TOP of the first round money already received. Still in the works but it looks like the criteria will be that a business will have to show a 50% or more loss in business over a similar time frame for the previous year.
If you want to know what that means for you give us a call.

8-17-2020   A revamped PPP coronavirus loan program is in the works. Will it help small businesses left out before?

The Paycheck Protection Program stood out as an early success of the government’s pandemic relief effort, but it ended with a whimper and left billions of dollars unallocated when small businesses got spooked by the ever-changing rules.

Even as Democrats and Republicans fight over other aspects of another major stimulus bill, they have largely agreed on how to revamp the PPP to restore its popularity and usefulness.

But groups representing the smallest business owners — independent contractors, the self-employed and minority-owned businesses who complained they were largely shut out of the earlier rounds of funding and for whom these changes are meant to help — are already questioning whether it will be enough.

For starters, they note that both the old and the proposed new PPP are run by the Small Business Administration, which works with businesses with as many as 500 workers, has less experience with companies with fewer than 100, and almost none with those with one or a handful of employees.

The bulk of America’s small businesses have fewer than 20 employees, but they didn’t get the bulk of the earlier PPP money and aren’t sure they’ll do better under a revised program still run by the SBA, advocates say.

For small businesses that already received one of the forgivable PPP loans, there is some good news about a possible PPP relaunch: They may be able to get a second loan, something not permitted in the original rules. That could be a lifeline for businesses that burned through the initial 24 weeks of payroll support.

In total, more than 5.1 million businesses got PPP funds before lending ended Aug. 8. The government says 51 million jobs were saved. S&P Global estimates it is closer to 13.6 million.

When the program began, $349 billion flowed out the door in less than two weeks. But the early successes were soon replaced by outrage and confusion. The public was frustrated to hear of large publicly traded companies like Potbelly or Shake Shack receiving loans.

Commercial banks tasked with distributing the money gave priority to their existing customers, leaving small businesses without a strong banking relationship scrambling to compile the needed application paperwork as the money flowed to larger businesses.

Meanwhile, rules governing how the money could be spent changed weekly, at times daily, casting doubt on what terms businesses would have to meet to have the loans forgiven. Demand plummeted. Even an extension of the program in June wasn’t enough to renew interest. While more small loans were processed in the second round than in the first, more than $126 billion was left on the table when the program ended.

Republicans want to target businesses with fewer than 300 employees that have seen sales decline by 35% or more, and to set aside $10 billion for community and rural banks to lend. Democrats want to focus on those with fewer than 100 employees that have seen sales decline by 50% or more. Both want to set aside up to $25 billion for businesses with fewer than 10 employees.

For the nation’s smallest businesses — many of which are Black-owned and have no employees — even the changes Congress is proposing may not be enough, said Ron Busby Sr., president of U.S. Black Chambers.

An estimated 41% of Black-owned businesses have permanently closed since the pandemic began, he said.

More info to follow as it happens.

7-24-2020   PPP Loan Guidance

  1. Please make sure your online profile for your bank is active.
  1. Have you spent all of your funds that are eligible for forgiveness?
  1. Have you reviewed the PPP forgiveness program details available at and ?
  1. Will you be using the Covered Period or the Alternative Payroll Covered Period for your payroll costs?
  1. Will you be using the 8 week or the 24 week covered period?
  1. Do you meet any of the Safe Harbor requirements?
  1. Have you determined if you are eligible to use the simpler 3508 EZ form?
  1. If you are eligible to use the 3508 EZ form, have you completed it and calculated your payroll costs by using Tables  1 & 2 from the Schedule A worksheet within form 3508?
  1. If you are not eligible to use the 3508 EZ form, have you completed Form 3508 including the forgiveness calculation form, Schedule A and the Schedule A worksheet?
  1. Have you calculated your payroll costs?
  1. Do you have the documentation to support your payroll costs, including wages, health care costs, retirement costs and taxes?
  1. Do you have the documentation to support your non-payroll costs, including eligible utilities, rent and mortgage interest?
  1. Please have handy your EIDL advance amount, if you received one, and application number.
  1. If you are not ready with any/all of the above, when can you be ready?

7-24-2020   New Stimulus Package Expected Monday—$1,200 Second Stimulus Checks, Unemployment Benefits Propose

$1,200 Stimulus Check

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin confirmed earlier today that a stimulus check would make it into the next bill:

It will match the stimulus check created by the Cares Act, which created a refundable tax credit of $1,200 to qualifying Americans who earned less than $75,000. It added an extra $500 for dependent children ages 16 and younger. Joint filers would get $2,400 for those who earned less than $150,000.

If you earn more than those limits, your stimulus check amounts would be reduced by 5% of your adjusted gross income above those limits.

Lower Unemployment Benefits

We have no concrete information about the next round of unemployment benefits but Secretary Mnuchin has said that he hopes to adjust it to 70% of wages.

Information in this post comes from

7-10-2020    The IRS on Wednesday issued the limitations on depreciation deductions for passenger automobiles first placed in service in 2020 and the amounts of income inclusion for lessees of passenger automobiles first leased during 2020 (Rev. Proc. 2020-37). For these purposes, passenger automobiles include trucks and vans. The amounts in the revenue procedure are inflation-adjusted as required by Sec. 280F(d)(7), using the automobile component of the chained consumer price index for all urban consumers (C-CPI-U).

For passenger automobiles to which the Sec. 168(k) additional (bonus) first-year depreciation deduction applies and that are acquired after Sept. 27, 2017, and placed in service during calendar year 2020, the depreciation limit under Sec. 280F(d)(7) is $18,100 for the first tax year; $16,100 for the second tax year; $9,700 for the third tax year; and $5,760 for each succeeding year, all unchanged from 2019. Under Sec. 168(k)(8)(D)(i), no bonus depreciation is allowed for property acquired before Sept. 28, 2017, and placed in service after 2019.

For passenger automobiles placed in service in 2020 for which no Sec. 168(k) additional (bonus) first-year depreciation deduction applies, the depreciation limit under Sec. 280F(d)(7) is $10,100 for the first tax year; $16,100 for the second tax year; $9,700 for the third tax year; and $5,760 for each succeeding year, also unchanged from 2019.

7-9-2020       PPP Loans Extension

On June 30th, the US Senate voted unanimously to extend the Paycheck Protection Program through August 8th, 2020. That is a 5-week extension to the program. You can read the full article on the PPP Extension here.

If you haven’t yet applied for the program, you can download a PPP application here and submit it to a lender.

7-2-2020  Big News As IRS Opens Taxpayer Phone Lines & More

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) continues to resume operations.

According to the IRS Commissioner, as of mid-month, thousands of employees had returned to facilities in seven states (Kentucky, Texas, Utah, Georgia, Minnesota, Tennessee, and Missouri) with employees in four more states and Puerto Rico returning on June 29. The IRS will reopen facilities in remaining states on July 13. And, as you can imagine, the IRS is putting an emphasis on telework and plans to continue to encourage it, where possible, for the foreseeable future to ensure social distancing. 

Here’s a closer look at some of what’s open or opening soon:

Telephone Lines. Automated phone lines are available to handle calls. But the big news is this: all IRS toll-free phone lines supported by customer service representatives for taxpayers and tax professionals are also now available. You should expect to wait, however, due to limited staffing. 

If you’re looking for an update for your regular tax refund, you can call the automated number at 800.829.1954. And before you dial: this line has no information about the status of your stimulus checks (Economic Impact Payments). For those, call 800.919.9835. 

Balance Due Notices. The IRS was unable to mail some previously printed balance due notices as a result of office closures. These notices will be delivered to taxpayers in the next few weeks. Some of the notices will have due dates that have already passed. However, each notice will include an insert confirming that the due dates printed on the notices have been extended. I can confirm that the inserts are going out (several of my clients have received them)

7-1-2020    The SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) is a special loan backed by the government that offers an unusually low interest rate.

And because it’s a government loan with unusual benefits, the government needs to know that the funds are being spent in the right way. Which means your EIDL loan comes with bookkeeping and record keeping requirements you might not be aware of.

One section of the EIDL agreement, “Books and Records”, outlines your bookkeeping and record keeping responsibilities, such as maintaining accurate books. We are telling all our clients to open up a separate bank account strictly for this. That way when the SBA asks for records and financials we can easily draw the information for that.

Here are some of the conditions of the EIDL loan agreement:

  • Maintain “current and proper” records for the most recent five years until three years after your loan maturity or after the loan has been paid in full, whichever comes first. 

Records include:

Financial and operating statements

    • Insurance policies
    • Tax returns and related filings
    • Records of earnings or dividends distributed
    • Records of compensation to owners or shareholders
  • Allow the SBA to inspect or audit all books and records
  • Allow the SBA to inspect or appraise any business assets
  • Provide financial statements to the SBA within three months of the end of your fiscal year
  • Pay for a review of financial statements by an independent public accountant, if requested by the SBA (this is included in our services to you).
  • Allow all Federal, State, and municipal governments to provide the SBA with relevant documents if requested by the SBA

How do I maintain good records?

An accurate and up-to-date set of books will allow the SBA (and you!) to get a clear look at the financial health of your business, using financial documents such as your balance sheet and income statement.

You’ll need to track and categorize all your business expenses. Receipts and invoices should be digitally filed and recorded. It can take some time, but it’s well worth the effort to be able to see where your money is going and ensure you’ll be able to get the most of your eligible deductions come tax season.

Are my current records okay?

For SBA-ready books, you should have completed financials for the last five years of your business: a fully completed and accurate ledger of transactions, list of accounts, an income statement, and balance sheet.

That will put you in the best possible position if the SBA chooses to audit your business. Plus, preparing regular financial statements is a recommended best practice for understanding how your business is performing. These documents also allow your CPA or accountant to prepare an accurate tax return.

6-30-2020  The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have announced that the 2019 tax filing deadline remains July 15, 2020. 

Due to COVID-19, the original filing deadline and tax payment due date for 2019 was postponed from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020. With many states still under travel and work restrictions due to the pandemic, some taxpayers and tax professionals alike were hoping that the date might be extended.

Last week, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin had not ruled out the possibility of pushing out the deadline, saying, “It’s something I’m thinking about.” He had indicated that he would continue to consider the idea as the date approaches.

But today’s announcement appears to rule out any additional changes. Individual taxpayers who cannot meet the July 15 due date can request an automatic extension of time to file. Keep in mind that the extension is a six-month extension from the original filing date of April 15, meaning that an extension will extend the time to file to October 15, 2020. It is not an extension from the extended due date.

If you can’t pay, help is available.

“The IRS understands that those affected by the coronavirus may not be able to pay their balances in full by July 15, but we have many payment options to help taxpayers,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. “These easy-to-use payment options are available on, and most can be done automatically without reaching out to an IRS representative.”

Payment options are available on to help taxpayers who can’t pay in full and some can offer taxpayers smaller penalties. That’s important since interest and late-payment penalties will continue to accrue on any unpaid taxes.

6-23-2020   The (Not Quite) Definitive Guide To Paycheck Protection Program Program Loan Forgiveness

6-23-2020   EIDL Loan Questions Answered 

1. QUESTION: How do I get in touch with customer service phone support?

ANSWER: The highest level of official customer service is known as “tier 2” and can be reached by calling 1-800-659-2955 and asking for Tier 2.

They are unfortunately, a very limited means of support. They are able to check your application status and see the current “stage” and leave notes in your file, but unable to directly make any changes or escalate anything in a meaningful way.

Most are very nice and well meaning people but are usually poorly informed and often provided contradictory information between calls. The important thing to understand is that notes left by T2 do not actually notify a loan officer or anyone, they are simply waiting to be read if someone happens to open your file and takes the time to review the case notes. So if a T2 says they requested a change do not assume it was or will be made.

2. QUESTION: What are my chances of being approved for this loan? Can I know in advance?


ANSWER: The loan is relatively easy to get approval for by loan standards. The exact underwriting criteria the SBA is using was leaked by some helpful people and thus you can have a good understanding what your chances are.

Underwriters look for the following:-Minimum Credit Score of 570. They will pull from experian. Close to Vantage 3 model found on nav DOT com or TransUnion numbers on credit karma. They do NOT use FICO. Credit score is largest factor for approval for this loan and no exceptions are made for under 570.

-If economic injury was sustained based on formula described in QUESTION 4. If this is a negative number you will be auto declined. (SEE QUESTION 5) The SBA does not consider potential revenue lost or general expenses in the loan amount.

-Tax liens or tax issues are NOT a disqualifying factor or taken into consideration for COVID19 disaster.

-Business start date must be prior to 1/31/20
-open bankruptcies = Declined. Closed OK.
-Arrest for felony < 5 years = Declined
-Arrest for misdemeanor < 5 years = Declined
-Sole proprietors with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Any business principals with 50% or more ownership with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Your business must pass verification in some way that it is a valid operation. If they can find it on google it will suffice. Otherwise you may have to provide documents to prove it’s a legit business.
-Your business type must not be on the list for ineligible business activity.

-All owners on application must be either US citizens or Permanent Residents. E-2 Investor visa is NOT eligible and any attempts to appeal or add a co-borrower who is a citizen or LPR will be unsuccessful. Corporations, Partnerships, and Limited Liability Entities (LLE): Alien-owned corporations, partnerships, and LLEs properly registered and licensed in the state where the disaster occurred are eligible. If any member, partner, or shareholder, owning 20 percent or more of the applicant business is in the USA they must be a qualified alien.  If the alien resides outside the USA an exception may be made.3. QUESTION: I received a decline letter for “Business activity not eligible”. What can I do?

ANSWER: EIDL has a list of restricted business categories, if your type is NOT on this list and you still received this letter you may have been improperly classified.
The following applicants are not eligible for EIDL assistance.

7-Eleven Franchise Stores, despite what corp office says. (advance is OK)

Lending or Investment Concerns (except for real estate investments held for rental)

Multi-level Sales Distribution (Pyramid) Concerns c. Speculative Activities d. Non-profit Organizations that are not considered a Private Non-Profit

Consumer and Marketing Cooperatives. However, other cooperatives and small agricultural cooperatives meeting applicable size standards are eligible f. Not a small business concern (except for PNP of any size) g. Gambling Concerns. Concerns that derive more than one-third of their annual gross revenue from legal gambling activities.

Casinos, Racetracks, Etc. Businesses whose purpose for being is gambling (such as casinos, racetracks, poker parlors, etc.) are not eligible for EIDL assistance regardless of their ability to meet the one-third criteria established for otherwise eligible concerns.Loan packagers who derives more than one-third of their annual volume from the preparation of applications seeking financial assistance from SBA

Religious Organizations.

Political or Lobbying Concerns.

Pawn shops, when 50 percent or more of previous year’s income was derived 50 30 9 71 Effective Date: May 31, 2018 from interest

Real Estate Developers. Establishments primarily engaged in subdividing real property into lots and developing it for resale on their own account.

Life Insurance Companies.

Concerns Engaged in Illegal Activities (as defined by Federal guidelines). p. Government-owned concerns, except for businesses owned or controlled by a Native American tribe.

Concerns with Principals Incarcerated, on Parole or Probation: remain ineligible if the parole or probation is lifted solely because it is an impediment to obtaining a loan.

Concerns engaged in live performances of, or the Sale of Products, Services, of a Prurient Sexual Nature.

Businesses considered as hobbies.

Concerns Involved in Change in Ownership Situations: Concerns which had a substantial change of ownership (more than 50 percent) after the impending economic injury became apparent, and no contract for sale existed prior to that time are ineligible .

4. QUESTION: How is the loan amount calculated? How can I request a specific amount?

ANSWER: There is no way to request a specific amount, the eligible amount is calculated automatically by formula based on your inputs. There are three known formulas:

Standard Small Business: Revenue minus COGS divided by 2 minus advance, subject to maximum of 150K

Not for Profit: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20Business that collects rental property income, your offer is calculated by lost rents due to the disaster, not the standard formula. If your offer is lower than expected you may have been wrongly classified into this formula.

Agricultural businesses: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20

If the formula results in a negative number or less than your advance you will be declined for “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”

5. QUESTION: What is the maximum loan amount?

ANSWER: As of last update it is currently 150K cap. This will not change anytime soon and there will be no way to request more at present. The only way to avoid the cap is if your loan was already being obligated prior to the change by the SBA from 500K. If I hear anything new on this it will be updated here.

6. QUESTION: When will I get my portal invite?

ANSWER: Portal invites are a fully automated process and not strictly sequential but follow general group patterns. If you see someone that has a higher number than you get a portal invite it does NOT mean you were “passed over”.

Note: as of 5/30 there are a number of very early applications that are actually “stuck” in the credit pull stage (no portal invite yet, if you have the portal you do not have this issue) due to a glitch. If you have an application date of 3/29, 3/30, 3/31, or 4/01 (but no later) you may email me for information on how to get this resolved. Please be honest and accurate about your application date, I will know. If you app date is later and you still haven’t gotten your portal invite, I cannot help with this! I can’t stress that enough. 

7. QUESTION: I finally got a portal invite and accepted and submitted an amount. My application says it is “processing”, now what?

ANSWER: This is when the actual loan process starts and underwriting begins. Your application will be assigned a loan officer for review using the criteria listed in question 2.

The exact process is as follows with the actual stages from start to finish. Keep in mind that once you accept in the portal a number of things are going on behind the scenes, which is why “processing” can take a great deal of time. Once you see a loan amount in your portal, this is NOT an approved offer. It is simply a potential amount you are eligible for based on the stated formula if you pass underwriting.

Initial Call Needed (credit not ran)

Credit Pulled (waiting for automated portal invitation, this is by far the longest part of the process)
Quoted (received portal invite with an eligible amount)
Offer Accepted (you confirmed and submitted an amount in the portal)
Submitted Deal (waiting to be assigned to a Loan Officer)

LO assigned and makes decision: Declined, Duplicate, Approved[The following takes place behind the scenes and will not reflect in your portal, but will still say “processing”]

Approved: T2 Rep can now see your loan is approved on their screen. This means the Loan Officer has approved the deal and it is now going to the Senior Loan Officer. If the SLO does not approve the deal then it will go to declined.

Obligating: SLO known as a “team leader” reviews the work of the first LO to ensure everything was done correctly. Once they sign off on the deal the loan is now fully approved. The loan is being sent to the E-Tran system to receive a loan number. The loan has not yet received a loan number from E-Tran while obligating. This is the most common phase where hang ups in “processing” can error called “error in obligating”. Usually due to small technical issues or errors in your information that need to be sorted.Obligated: A loan number from E-Tran has been obtained and now closing documents can be drafted and sent to the borrower. This is when your portal would change from “processing” to approved. There may be a delay between when your offer is obligated to when it actually shows approved. I have seen it happen in as fast as 10 minutes or as long as 12 hours. You can also see approved but not have docs available. Docs will not show up until you get an email with the approval. The delay on this can be a few hours or more.

Funding: Docs are signed and the loan is automatically moved to funding stage to have treasury issue an ACH. This happens very quickly and you should see the ACH sent right after with the funds arriving in 24-48 hours on banking days. **NOTE** Currently as of 6/10 we are seeing delays in funding of up to a week or even more, as it is very backed up in the queue.** At this point you can track the disbursement with your loan number from the docs using CAWEB to see if the ACH has been sent. See CAWEB question.

Funded: Process complete, funds are successfully in your bank account. Congrats

Note: The exception to this process is that some applications which are considered easy (based on unknown factors) to approve are subject to full automation and may go straight to approval bypassing the above steps. This only happens in rare cases.

You may also see a status that says, “On-Hold” Amount $0: This status typically is when your loan was temporarily declined and is still in the reconsideration department pending possible reconsideration approval.

8. QUESTION: I now understand that processing really means “underwriting”, but how long will it actually take? What is the normal amount of time?

ANSWER: The amount of time it is normal for your portal to say “processing” is highly variable as a hundred different factors are involved behind the scenes. As of 6/10 we are seeing extended delays in processing time and obligating stage specifically. The average we are seeing is around 14-16 days total in processing. If your application has been in underwriting for greater than 14 days it may merit investigate, but not necessarily indicate a problem with your chances of approval. Do NOT panic if it seems “stuck” with no communication from anyone. This is normal.

9. QUESTION: Does contacting my congressmen or senator actually work?

ANSWER: Yes, the SBA treats congressional inquiry very carefully and will flag and sometimes white glove your application. Often they will assign a special case worker during the process. The important thing is when your local congressional office reaches out they do NOT contact the local district SBA but this email: This email is NOT for use by applicants but only official government purposes.

10. QUESTION: Help! I accidentally entered the wrong revenue or COGS on my application and my offer amount was lower than I expected, is it possible to change this?

ANSWER: Yes, but two factors are important:

You should NOT have already accepted an amount and submitted for processing in the portal. *If you already did see note below.

You have documentation to backup the changes such as Federal Tax Returns 2018 or 2019 or P&L Statements. Tax returns are strongly preferred if available.

****The important thing here is DO NOT accept the offer in the portal if you need to revise your numbers.****

*IF YOU HAVE ALREADY ACCEPTED THE OFFER: Call tier 2 support as soon as you possibly can and ask them to make the following note in your file: Loan Officer, DO NOT approve this file without calling me, the applicant, because my (revenue or COGS) figures are wrong. I have supporting docs to make the changes. Please contact me ASAP.11. QUESTION: I need to change my Rev or COGS and I already accepted an amount in the portal, Tier 2 told me to do it! Is it too late?

Answer: Unfortunately tier 2 is currently giving absolutely terrible advice in this situation. They are telling people to accept the offer in the portal to speak with a loan officer to make the revision. The problem is that once you accept you set the process in motion and then it gets obligated by treasury it is impossible to adjust. The proper time is prior to accepting. Often times loan officers never are needed, never reach out or even read these notes. I see it every day and people are stuck its the “kiss of death” advice. If you already accepted you may have time but would need to work quickly from date of submit.

UPDATE: As of 6/15 there is now a way to fix this. See question 13.

12. QUESTION: Who are you. Can you help me?

ANSWER: I am the owner of a Mid Sized accounting firm. We are assisting not only our clients but anyone who needs help. We are sharing the information, strategies, and general knowledge we have gained since the beginning of the Covid 19 outbreak. We do not work at the SBA nor do we have any affiliation with the SBA.
Due to a huge volume of E-Mail be patient if we do not get back to you as quickly as we would like. We will be answering all E-Mails.

13. QUESTION: My loan was obligated, already funded, or I already accepted the amount in the portal. I made a mistake with my COGS or revenue and I am not happy with the amount. Can I change it?

ANSWER: As of 6/12 loan modifications are now being allowed. You can contact and request a “Loan Modification increase”. It is a 3-4 week process that requires documentation. A second loan will be given for the difference from the first one. It will be processed as a 20xx series loan in the old system/portal. For more details email me. Note if you have not yet accepted the offer the normal process is much faster.

14. QUESTION: I received my portal link, but when I go to create an account it just takes me to the login page. What can be done?

ANSWER: Follow these steps:

Open the email to create your portal account. Right click on the green button that says, “create your account”. Click “copy link address” or “copy hyperlink” depending on your browser.

Use a VPN service, such as NordVPN or ProtonVPN (free), to connect to a VPN server in different state than yours, preferably on the opposite coast you are located.

Open an incognito browser window, or private browser session if on firefox.

Right click on the URL/web address field and paste the link you copied. Hit enter.

You should then successfully be able to create a login, enter the portal, and accept your offer.

Alternately if you don’t have a VPN or want to use one you can use a mobile phone to login incognito, with WiFi off on a cellular network, to create the account.

15. QUESTION: I was declined for “unsatisfactory credit”. What are my options?

ANSWER: You have a few options.

You can bring your vantage 3 score over 570 by paying down cards, when you are ready you can request the SBA re-pull your report and reactivate your account via


You can request to add a co-borrower that has a higher score than 570 with no open bankruptcy and run their credit to reactivate your application.You can expedite your request for a co-borrower by having this ready to go. You can also do this preemptively if you expect to be declined for credit. The co-borrower does NOT have to be involved with the business and can be anyone.

The form is available here:

SBA Form 3501 – Adding Co-Borrower
Instructions for filling out form:
Only fill out the following:

Line #14 – Add the co-borrowers information under owner #1
Line #15 – Answer question for co-borrower.
Line #16 – Answer question for co-borrower.

Sign page 10, co-borrower signs.Attach and send with your co-borrower request to with your application number.

16. QUESTION: What documents are required? Will a loan officer contact me?

ANSWER: In most cases no documentation is required and everything is self certified. In some cases a LO will need to contact you to clarify some things about your business or request specific documents. In most cases you will never be contacted by or communicate with a loan officer.

17. QUESTION: Can I decline the loan and just get the advance/grant?

ANSWER: Yes, but the EIDL loan and EIDL loan Advance/Grant are on the same application, so you should not decline the loan until you receive the EIDL Advance.

18. QUESTION: What are the eligible uses of EIDL funds?

ANSWER: These loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact. What are all the possible uses of the funds? The wording ‘obligations that are unable to be met due to lack of revenue’ seems to be a catch all, but how much so? The EIDL working capital loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that could have been paid had the disaster not occurred. The loans are not intended to replace lost sales or profits or for expansion.

 19. QUESTION: I received a denial letter for the reason “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”. What does this mean and what can I do?

ANSWER: This occurs when the numbers entered on your application for COGS are greater than your revenue. The SBA calculates economic injury based on the formula in question number 4. You can also be denied for this reason if the resulting number is less than your advance amount. Please note that the SBA is only taking into account revenue earned prior to the disaster date of 1/31/20 to calculate your economic injury. If your only revenue was earned after that date as a newer business you may not qualify.

If the numbers on your application were correct, you would not be eligible for an EIDL. If you made an error you can request an amendment and request reactivation of your application. I can assist with this process. You need at minimum Profit and Loss statements for the period 12 months prior to the disaster starting 1/31/20.

20. QUESTION: What is CAWEB and how can it help me track my loan disbursement and other status?

ANSWER: You can use the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding. It allows you to see disbursement status and other details related to your loan.

Using the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding.Visit or click the link at the top of r/EIDL

Setting up an account:

You need a SBA Loan # to set up an account – for EIDL it appears on the first page of your documents, in the upper left hand area, and says “SBA Loan # XXXXXXXXXX.”

SBA loan #’s are 10 digits. Your Application # will NOT work for account set-up.

If you have a PPP Loan, you can use your SBA # for this loan to set up an account. Sometimes this # is easy to figure out, sometimes not. That has to do with an intermediary (like your bank) being involved, but if you can track down an actual SBA Loan #, you can go ahead and get registered without your EIDL loan number.

On the home page click on “Not Enrolled?” in the top left. This takes you to a screen to enter info. You may come to hate this screen, this process is very finicky.

Look at the rules for creating a User ID and Password by clicking on “Rules…” next to the fields.

Write your exact ID & password down somewhere – if you ever get locked out and call the SBA for help, they are going to tell you that Borrowers are not supposed to be able to access CAFS CAWeb. Apparently we still can, so don’t make this a big deal or maybe that will change!For user type – select “borrower” from the drop down menu.

Fill in the highlighted fields with your info. Click on the “ZIP LOOKUP” button after you enter your zip code. This auto populates some other boxes, and registration won’t work if you don’t do this.
For the country code in the phone number section enter “1” for the United States.

Financial commitment ID is your Loan # – 10 digits.

If you don’t have a landline, it has been reported that just entering your mobile number in both fields works. You will have to select 3 of their security questions, enter the Captcha image info, then hit “submit” at the bottom.

If it didn’t like the info you have entered, it will give you an error message for what part it didn’t like, and you will have to try again, which requires re-entering quite a bit of the information. It’s a pain.
But if it takes it, you’re in! There may be a verification step now as well.

Finding your loan on CAWeb

On the caweb homepage, login (if you aren’t already), it will be personalized and show your name. You have to scroll down and check the “Agree to Terms” box when you are logging in.

Click on “Borrower” in the top left, then click on “Borrower Search”. This should take you to your “Loan List” showing the loan #, borrower name, loan type, amount, and loan status.

PPP loans typically appear as “Active Un-Disbursed” – if your PPP is already funded don’t worry about that. Your EIDL will show up as “Disbursed Current” if funds are on their way. It may say something else if you look immediately after you send back you Docs, but it should change pretty quickly. Logging out and back in again will sometimes refresh the status. Loan status will say “Active Un-Disbursed” until Treasury send the funds to your bank, then it changes to “Disbursed Current”.

It depends on your bank when they post in your account (same day, next day, time).

If your banking info didn’t verify, the transaction will fail to go through, and the status will revert.

If you are not funded within 3-4 banking days, there is likely a problem – check your info in your portal, call the SBA, and then email Cue if needed.

If you click on your loan# in the list, it opens up a page with details about your loan.

There’s even a box at the bottom to check if you want electronic account statements only, but if you check that, a warning pops up about “all attached to this loan will be affected by this change”, so we recommend not selecting that option just yet.
21. QUESTION: I received my portal invite link, however when I go to create an account I just get the message: “The user account has not been confirmed yet. Please confirm using the link in the e-mail”. What can I do?

ANSWER: This is a known bug/error normally relating to either getting the invite ahead of schedule or other missing information in your file that would prevent the account creation from moving forward. Tier 2 cannot solve this and it need a special approach to resolve.

6-23-2020   EIDL Loan Questions Answered 

1. QUESTION: How do I get in touch with customer service phone support?

ANSWER: The highest level of official customer service is known as “tier 2” and can be reached by calling 1-800-659-2955 and asking for Tier 2.

They are unfortunately, a very limited means of support. They are able to check your application status and see the current “stage” and leave notes in your file, but unable to directly make any changes or escalate anything in a meaningful way.

Most are very nice and well meaning people but are usually poorly informed and often provided contradictory information between calls. The important thing to understand is that notes left by T2 do not actually notify a loan officer or anyone, they are simply waiting to be read if someone happens to open your file and takes the time to review the case notes. So if a T2 says they requested a change do not assume it was or will be made.

2. QUESTION: What are my chances of being approved for this loan? Can I know in advance?


ANSWER: The loan is relatively easy to get approval for by loan standards. The exact underwriting criteria the SBA is using was leaked by some helpful people and thus you can have a good understanding what your chances are.

Underwriters look for the following:-Minimum Credit Score of 570. They will pull from experian. Close to Vantage 3 model found on nav DOT com or TransUnion numbers on credit karma. They do NOT use FICO. Credit score is largest factor for approval for this loan and no exceptions are made for under 570.

-If economic injury was sustained based on formula described in QUESTION 4. If this is a negative number you will be auto declined. (SEE QUESTION 5) The SBA does not consider potential revenue lost or general expenses in the loan amount.

-Tax liens or tax issues are NOT a disqualifying factor or taken into consideration for COVID19 disaster.

-Business start date must be prior to 1/31/20
-open bankruptcies = Declined. Closed OK.
-Arrest for felony < 5 years = Declined
-Arrest for misdemeanor < 5 years = Declined
-Sole proprietors with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Any business principals with 50% or more ownership with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Your business must pass verification in some way that it is a valid operation. If they can find it on google it will suffice. Otherwise you may have to provide documents to prove it’s a legit business.
-Your business type must not be on the list for ineligible business activity.

-All owners on application must be either US citizens or Permanent Residents. E-2 Investor visa is NOT eligible and any attempts to appeal or add a co-borrower who is a citizen or LPR will be unsuccessful. Corporations, Partnerships, and Limited Liability Entities (LLE): Alien-owned corporations, partnerships, and LLEs properly registered and licensed in the state where the disaster occurred are eligible. If any member, partner, or shareholder, owning 20 percent or more of the applicant business is in the USA they must be a qualified alien.  If the alien resides outside the USA an exception may be made.3. QUESTION: I received a decline letter for “Business activity not eligible”. What can I do?

ANSWER: EIDL has a list of restricted business categories, if your type is NOT on this list and you still received this letter you may have been improperly classified.
The following applicants are not eligible for EIDL assistance.

7-Eleven Franchise Stores, despite what corp office says. (advance is OK)

Lending or Investment Concerns (except for real estate investments held for rental)

Multi-level Sales Distribution (Pyramid) Concerns c. Speculative Activities d. Non-profit Organizations that are not considered a Private Non-Profit

Consumer and Marketing Cooperatives. However, other cooperatives and small agricultural cooperatives meeting applicable size standards are eligible f. Not a small business concern (except for PNP of any size) g. Gambling Concerns. Concerns that derive more than one-third of their annual gross revenue from legal gambling activities.

Casinos, Racetracks, Etc. Businesses whose purpose for being is gambling (such as casinos, racetracks, poker parlors, etc.) are not eligible for EIDL assistance regardless of their ability to meet the one-third criteria established for otherwise eligible concerns.Loan packagers who derives more than one-third of their annual volume from the preparation of applications seeking financial assistance from SBA

Religious Organizations.

Political or Lobbying Concerns.

Pawn shops, when 50 percent or more of previous year’s income was derived 50 30 9 71 Effective Date: May 31, 2018 from interest

Real Estate Developers. Establishments primarily engaged in subdividing real property into lots and developing it for resale on their own account.

Life Insurance Companies.

Concerns Engaged in Illegal Activities (as defined by Federal guidelines). p. Government-owned concerns, except for businesses owned or controlled by a Native American tribe.

Concerns with Principals Incarcerated, on Parole or Probation: remain ineligible if the parole or probation is lifted solely because it is an impediment to obtaining a loan.

Concerns engaged in live performances of, or the Sale of Products, Services, of a Prurient Sexual Nature.

Businesses considered as hobbies.

Concerns Involved in Change in Ownership Situations: Concerns which had a substantial change of ownership (more than 50 percent) after the impending economic injury became apparent, and no contract for sale existed prior to that time are ineligible .

4. QUESTION: How is the loan amount calculated? How can I request a specific amount?

ANSWER: There is no way to request a specific amount, the eligible amount is calculated automatically by formula based on your inputs. There are three known formulas:

Standard Small Business: Revenue minus COGS divided by 2 minus advance, subject to maximum of 150K

Not for Profit: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20Business that collects rental property income, your offer is calculated by lost rents due to the disaster, not the standard formula. If your offer is lower than expected you may have been wrongly classified into this formula.

Agricultural businesses: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20

If the formula results in a negative number or less than your advance you will be declined for “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”

5. QUESTION: What is the maximum loan amount?

ANSWER: As of last update it is currently 150K cap. This will not change anytime soon and there will be no way to request more at present. The only way to avoid the cap is if your loan was already being obligated prior to the change by the SBA from 500K. If I hear anything new on this it will be updated here.

6. QUESTION: When will I get my portal invite?

ANSWER: Portal invites are a fully automated process and not strictly sequential but follow general group patterns. If you see someone that has a higher number than you get a portal invite it does NOT mean you were “passed over”.

Note: as of 5/30 there are a number of very early applications that are actually “stuck” in the credit pull stage (no portal invite yet, if you have the portal you do not have this issue) due to a glitch. If you have an application date of 3/29, 3/30, 3/31, or 4/01 (but no later) you may email me for information on how to get this resolved. Please be honest and accurate about your application date, I will know. If you app date is later and you still haven’t gotten your portal invite, I cannot help with this! I can’t stress that enough. 

7. QUESTION: I finally got a portal invite and accepted and submitted an amount. My application says it is “processing”, now what?

ANSWER: This is when the actual loan process starts and underwriting begins. Your application will be assigned a loan officer for review using the criteria listed in question 2.

The exact process is as follows with the actual stages from start to finish. Keep in mind that once you accept in the portal a number of things are going on behind the scenes, which is why “processing” can take a great deal of time. Once you see a loan amount in your portal, this is NOT an approved offer. It is simply a potential amount you are eligible for based on the stated formula if you pass underwriting.

Initial Call Needed (credit not ran)

Credit Pulled (waiting for automated portal invitation, this is by far the longest part of the process)
Quoted (received portal invite with an eligible amount)
Offer Accepted (you confirmed and submitted an amount in the portal)
Submitted Deal (waiting to be assigned to a Loan Officer)

LO assigned and makes decision: Declined, Duplicate, Approved[The following takes place behind the scenes and will not reflect in your portal, but will still say “processing”]

Approved: T2 Rep can now see your loan is approved on their screen. This means the Loan Officer has approved the deal and it is now going to the Senior Loan Officer. If the SLO does not approve the deal then it will go to declined.

Obligating: SLO known as a “team leader” reviews the work of the first LO to ensure everything was done correctly. Once they sign off on the deal the loan is now fully approved. The loan is being sent to the E-Tran system to receive a loan number. The loan has not yet received a loan number from E-Tran while obligating. This is the most common phase where hang ups in “processing” can error called “error in obligating”. Usually due to small technical issues or errors in your information that need to be sorted.Obligated: A loan number from E-Tran has been obtained and now closing documents can be drafted and sent to the borrower. This is when your portal would change from “processing” to approved. There may be a delay between when your offer is obligated to when it actually shows approved. I have seen it happen in as fast as 10 minutes or as long as 12 hours. You can also see approved but not have docs available. Docs will not show up until you get an email with the approval. The delay on this can be a few hours or more.

Funding: Docs are signed and the loan is automatically moved to funding stage to have treasury issue an ACH. This happens very quickly and you should see the ACH sent right after with the funds arriving in 24-48 hours on banking days. **NOTE** Currently as of 6/10 we are seeing delays in funding of up to a week or even more, as it is very backed up in the queue.** At this point you can track the disbursement with your loan number from the docs using CAWEB to see if the ACH has been sent. See CAWEB question.

Funded: Process complete, funds are successfully in your bank account. Congrats

Note: The exception to this process is that some applications which are considered easy (based on unknown factors) to approve are subject to full automation and may go straight to approval bypassing the above steps. This only happens in rare cases.

You may also see a status that says, “On-Hold” Amount $0: This status typically is when your loan was temporarily declined and is still in the reconsideration department pending possible reconsideration approval.

8. QUESTION: I now understand that processing really means “underwriting”, but how long will it actually take? What is the normal amount of time?

ANSWER: The amount of time it is normal for your portal to say “processing” is highly variable as a hundred different factors are involved behind the scenes. As of 6/10 we are seeing extended delays in processing time and obligating stage specifically. The average we are seeing is around 14-16 days total in processing. If your application has been in underwriting for greater than 14 days it may merit investigate, but not necessarily indicate a problem with your chances of approval. Do NOT panic if it seems “stuck” with no communication from anyone. This is normal.

9. QUESTION: Does contacting my congressmen or senator actually work?

ANSWER: Yes, the SBA treats congressional inquiry very carefully and will flag and sometimes white glove your application. Often they will assign a special case worker during the process. The important thing is when your local congressional office reaches out they do NOT contact the local district SBA but this email: This email is NOT for use by applicants but only official government purposes.

10. QUESTION: Help! I accidentally entered the wrong revenue or COGS on my application and my offer amount was lower than I expected, is it possible to change this?

ANSWER: Yes, but two factors are important:

You should NOT have already accepted an amount and submitted for processing in the portal. *If you already did see note below.

You have documentation to backup the changes such as Federal Tax Returns 2018 or 2019 or P&L Statements. Tax returns are strongly preferred if available.

****The important thing here is DO NOT accept the offer in the portal if you need to revise your numbers.****

*IF YOU HAVE ALREADY ACCEPTED THE OFFER: Call tier 2 support as soon as you possibly can and ask them to make the following note in your file: Loan Officer, DO NOT approve this file without calling me, the applicant, because my (revenue or COGS) figures are wrong. I have supporting docs to make the changes. Please contact me ASAP.11. QUESTION: I need to change my Rev or COGS and I already accepted an amount in the portal, Tier 2 told me to do it! Is it too late?

Answer: Unfortunately tier 2 is currently giving absolutely terrible advice in this situation. They are telling people to accept the offer in the portal to speak with a loan officer to make the revision. The problem is that once you accept you set the process in motion and then it gets obligated by treasury it is impossible to adjust. The proper time is prior to accepting. Often times loan officers never are needed, never reach out or even read these notes. I see it every day and people are stuck its the “kiss of death” advice. If you already accepted you may have time but would need to work quickly from date of submit.

UPDATE: As of 6/15 there is now a way to fix this. See question 13.

12. QUESTION: Who are you. Can you help me?

ANSWER: I am the owner of a Mid Sized accounting firm. We are assisting not only our clients but anyone who needs help. We are sharing the information, strategies, and general knowledge we have gained since the beginning of the Covid 19 outbreak. We do not work at the SBA nor do we have any affiliation with the SBA.
Due to a huge volume of E-Mail be patient if we do not get back to you as quickly as we would like. We will be answering all E-Mails.

13. QUESTION: My loan was obligated, already funded, or I already accepted the amount in the portal. I made a mistake with my COGS or revenue and I am not happy with the amount. Can I change it?

ANSWER: As of 6/12 loan modifications are now being allowed. You can contact and request a “Loan Modification increase”. It is a 3-4 week process that requires documentation. A second loan will be given for the difference from the first one. It will be processed as a 20xx series loan in the old system/portal. For more details email me. Note if you have not yet accepted the offer the normal process is much faster.

14. QUESTION: I received my portal link, but when I go to create an account it just takes me to the login page. What can be done?

ANSWER: Follow these steps:

Open the email to create your portal account. Right click on the green button that says, “create your account”. Click “copy link address” or “copy hyperlink” depending on your browser.

Use a VPN service, such as NordVPN or ProtonVPN (free), to connect to a VPN server in different state than yours, preferably on the opposite coast you are located.

Open an incognito browser window, or private browser session if on firefox.

Right click on the URL/web address field and paste the link you copied. Hit enter.

You should then successfully be able to create a login, enter the portal, and accept your offer.

Alternately if you don’t have a VPN or want to use one you can use a mobile phone to login incognito, with WiFi off on a cellular network, to create the account.

15. QUESTION: I was declined for “unsatisfactory credit”. What are my options?

ANSWER: You have a few options.

You can bring your vantage 3 score over 570 by paying down cards, when you are ready you can request the SBA re-pull your report and reactivate your account via


You can request to add a co-borrower that has a higher score than 570 with no open bankruptcy and run their credit to reactivate your application.You can expedite your request for a co-borrower by having this ready to go. You can also do this preemptively if you expect to be declined for credit. The co-borrower does NOT have to be involved with the business and can be anyone.

The form is available here:

SBA Form 3501 – Adding Co-Borrower
Instructions for filling out form:
Only fill out the following:

Line #14 – Add the co-borrowers information under owner #1
Line #15 – Answer question for co-borrower.
Line #16 – Answer question for co-borrower.

Sign page 10, co-borrower signs.Attach and send with your co-borrower request to with your application number.

16. QUESTION: What documents are required? Will a loan officer contact me?

ANSWER: In most cases no documentation is required and everything is self certified. In some cases a LO will need to contact you to clarify some things about your business or request specific documents. In most cases you will never be contacted by or communicate with a loan officer.

17. QUESTION: Can I decline the loan and just get the advance/grant?

ANSWER: Yes, but the EIDL loan and EIDL loan Advance/Grant are on the same application, so you should not decline the loan until you receive the EIDL Advance.

18. QUESTION: What are the eligible uses of EIDL funds?

ANSWER: These loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact. What are all the possible uses of the funds? The wording ‘obligations that are unable to be met due to lack of revenue’ seems to be a catch all, but how much so? The EIDL working capital loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that could have been paid had the disaster not occurred. The loans are not intended to replace lost sales or profits or for expansion.

 19. QUESTION: I received a denial letter for the reason “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”. What does this mean and what can I do?

ANSWER: This occurs when the numbers entered on your application for COGS are greater than your revenue. The SBA calculates economic injury based on the formula in question number 4. You can also be denied for this reason if the resulting number is less than your advance amount. Please note that the SBA is only taking into account revenue earned prior to the disaster date of 1/31/20 to calculate your economic injury. If your only revenue was earned after that date as a newer business you may not qualify.

If the numbers on your application were correct, you would not be eligible for an EIDL. If you made an error you can request an amendment and request reactivation of your application. I can assist with this process. You need at minimum Profit and Loss statements for the period 12 months prior to the disaster starting 1/31/20.

20. QUESTION: What is CAWEB and how can it help me track my loan disbursement and other status?

ANSWER: You can use the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding. It allows you to see disbursement status and other details related to your loan.

Using the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding.Visit or click the link at the top of r/EIDL

Setting up an account:

You need a SBA Loan # to set up an account – for EIDL it appears on the first page of your documents, in the upper left hand area, and says “SBA Loan # XXXXXXXXXX.”

SBA loan #’s are 10 digits. Your Application # will NOT work for account set-up.

If you have a PPP Loan, you can use your SBA # for this loan to set up an account. Sometimes this # is easy to figure out, sometimes not. That has to do with an intermediary (like your bank) being involved, but if you can track down an actual SBA Loan #, you can go ahead and get registered without your EIDL loan number.

On the home page click on “Not Enrolled?” in the top left. This takes you to a screen to enter info. You may come to hate this screen, this process is very finicky.

Look at the rules for creating a User ID and Password by clicking on “Rules…” next to the fields.

Write your exact ID & password down somewhere – if you ever get locked out and call the SBA for help, they are going to tell you that Borrowers are not supposed to be able to access CAFS CAWeb. Apparently we still can, so don’t make this a big deal or maybe that will change!For user type – select “borrower” from the drop down menu.

Fill in the highlighted fields with your info. Click on the “ZIP LOOKUP” button after you enter your zip code. This auto populates some other boxes, and registration won’t work if you don’t do this.
For the country code in the phone number section enter “1” for the United States.

Financial commitment ID is your Loan # – 10 digits.

If you don’t have a landline, it has been reported that just entering your mobile number in both fields works. You will have to select 3 of their security questions, enter the Captcha image info, then hit “submit” at the bottom.

If it didn’t like the info you have entered, it will give you an error message for what part it didn’t like, and you will have to try again, which requires re-entering quite a bit of the information. It’s a pain.
But if it takes it, you’re in! There may be a verification step now as well.

Finding your loan on CAWeb

On the caweb homepage, login (if you aren’t already), it will be personalized and show your name. You have to scroll down and check the “Agree to Terms” box when you are logging in.

Click on “Borrower” in the top left, then click on “Borrower Search”. This should take you to your “Loan List” showing the loan #, borrower name, loan type, amount, and loan status.

PPP loans typically appear as “Active Un-Disbursed” – if your PPP is already funded don’t worry about that. Your EIDL will show up as “Disbursed Current” if funds are on their way. It may say something else if you look immediately after you send back you Docs, but it should change pretty quickly. Logging out and back in again will sometimes refresh the status. Loan status will say “Active Un-Disbursed” until Treasury send the funds to your bank, then it changes to “Disbursed Current”.

It depends on your bank when they post in your account (same day, next day, time).

If your banking info didn’t verify, the transaction will fail to go through, and the status will revert.

If you are not funded within 3-4 banking days, there is likely a problem – check your info in your portal, call the SBA, and then email Cue if needed.

If you click on your loan# in the list, it opens up a page with details about your loan.

There’s even a box at the bottom to check if you want electronic account statements only, but if you check that, a warning pops up about “all attached to this loan will be affected by this change”, so we recommend not selecting that option just yet.
21. QUESTION: I received my portal invite link, however when I go to create an account I just get the message: “The user account has not been confirmed yet. Please confirm using the link in the e-mail”. What can I do?

ANSWER: This is a known bug/error normally relating to either getting the invite ahead of schedule or other missing information in your file that would prevent the account creation from moving forward. Tier 2 cannot solve this and it need a special approach to resolve.

6-23-2020   EIDL Loan Questions Answered 

1. QUESTION: How do I get in touch with customer service phone support?

ANSWER: The highest level of official customer service is known as “tier 2” and can be reached by calling 1-800-659-2955 and asking for Tier 2.

They are unfortunately, a very limited means of support. They are able to check your application status and see the current “stage” and leave notes in your file, but unable to directly make any changes or escalate anything in a meaningful way.

Most are very nice and well meaning people but are usually poorly informed and often provided contradictory information between calls. The important thing to understand is that notes left by T2 do not actually notify a loan officer or anyone, they are simply waiting to be read if someone happens to open your file and takes the time to review the case notes. So if a T2 says they requested a change do not assume it was or will be made.

2. QUESTION: What are my chances of being approved for this loan? Can I know in advance?

ANSWER: The loan is relatively easy to get approval for by loan standards. The exact underwriting criteria the SBA is using was leaked by some helpful people and thus you can have a good understanding what your chances are.

Underwriters look for the following:-Minimum Credit Score of 570. They will pull from experian. Close to Vantage 3 model found on nav DOT com or TransUnion numbers on credit karma. They do NOT use FICO. Credit score is largest factor for approval for this loan and no exceptions are made for under 570.

-If economic injury was sustained based on formula described in QUESTION 4. If this is a negative number you will be auto declined. (SEE QUESTION 5) The SBA does not consider potential revenue lost or general expenses in the loan amount.

-Tax liens or tax issues are NOT a disqualifying factor or taken into consideration for COVID19 disaster.

-Business start date must be prior to 1/31/20
-open bankruptcies = Declined. Closed OK.
-Arrest for felony < 5 years = Declined
-Arrest for misdemeanor < 5 years = Declined
-Sole proprietors with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Any business principals with 50% or more ownership with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Your business must pass verification in some way that it is a valid operation. If they can find it on google it will suffice. Otherwise you may have to provide documents to prove it’s a legit business.
-Your business type must not be on the list for ineligible business activity. See list on FAQ.

-All owners on application must be either US citizens or Permanent Residents. E-2 Investor visa is NOT eligible and any attempts to appeal or add a co-borrower who is a citizen or LPR will be unsuccessful. Corporations, Partnerships, and Limited Liability Entities (LLE): Alien-owned corporations, partnerships, and LLEs properly registered and licensed in the state where the disaster occurred are eligible. If any member, partner, or shareholder, owning 20 percent or more of the applicant business is in the USA they must be a qualified alien.  If the alien resides outside the USA an exception may be made.3. QUESTION: I received a decline letter for “Business activity not eligible”. What can I do?

ANSWER: EIDL has a list of restricted business categories, if your type is NOT on this list and you still received this letter you may have been improperly classified.
The following applicants are not eligible for EIDL assistance.

7-Eleven Franchise Stores, despite what corp office says. (advance is OK)

Lending or Investment Concerns (except for real estate investments held for rental)

Multi-level Sales Distribution (Pyramid) Concerns c. Speculative Activities d. Non-profit Organizations that are not considered a Private Non-Profit

Consumer and Marketing Cooperatives. However, other cooperatives and small agricultural cooperatives meeting applicable size standards are eligible f. Not a small business concern (except for PNP of any size) g. Gambling Concerns. Concerns that derive more than one-third of their annual gross revenue from legal gambling activities.

Casinos, Racetracks, Etc. Businesses whose purpose for being is gambling (such as casinos, racetracks, poker parlors, etc.) are not eligible for EIDL assistance regardless of their ability to meet the one-third criteria established for otherwise eligible concerns.Loan packagers who derives more than one-third of their annual volume from the preparation of applications seeking financial assistance from SBA

Religious Organizations.

Political or Lobbying Concerns.

Pawn shops, when 50 percent or more of previous year’s income was derived 50 30 9 71 Effective Date: May 31, 2018 from interest

Real Estate Developers. Establishments primarily engaged in subdividing real property into lots and developing it for resale on their own account.

Life Insurance Companies.

Concerns Engaged in Illegal Activities (as defined by Federal guidelines). p. Government-owned concerns, except for businesses owned or controlled by a Native American tribe.

Concerns with Principals Incarcerated, on Parole or Probation: remain ineligible if the parole or probation is lifted solely because it is an impediment to obtaining a loan.

Concerns engaged in live performances of, or the Sale of Products, Services, of a Prurient Sexual Nature.

Businesses considered as hobbies.

Concerns Involved in Change in Ownership Situations: Concerns which had a substantial change of ownership (more than 50 percent) after the impending economic injury became apparent, and no contract for sale existed prior to that time are ineligible .

4. QUESTION: How is the loan amount calculated? How can I request a specific amount?

ANSWER: There is no way to request a specific amount, the eligible amount is calculated automatically by formula based on your inputs. There are three known formulas:

Standard Small Business: Revenue minus COGS divided by 2 minus advance, subject to maximum of 150K

Not for Profit: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20Business that collects rental property income, your offer is calculated by lost rents due to the disaster, not the standard formula. If your offer is lower than expected you may have been wrongly classified into this formula.
Agricultural businesses: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20

If the formula results in a negative number or less than your advance you will be declined for “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”

5. QUESTION: What is the maximum loan amount?

ANSWER: As of last update it is currently 150K cap. This will not change anytime soon and there will be no way to request more at present. The only way to avoid the cap is if your loan was already being obligated prior to the change by the SBA from 500K. If I hear anything new on this it will be updated here.

6. QUESTION: When will I get my portal invite?

ANSWER: Portal invites are a fully automated process and not strictly sequential but follow general group patterns. If you see someone that has a higher number than you get a portal invite it does NOT mean you were “passed over”.
Note: as of 5/30 there are a number of very early applications that are actually “stuck” in the credit pull stage (no portal invite yet, if you have the portal you do not have this issue) due to a glitch. If you have an application date of 3/29, 3/30, 3/31, or 4/01 (but no later) you may email me for information on how to get this resolved. Please be honest and accurate about your application date, I will know. If you app date is later and you still haven’t gotten your portal invite, I cannot help with this! I can’t stress that enough. 

7. QUESTION: I finally got a portal invite and accepted and submitted an amount. My application says it is “processing”, now what?

ANSWER: This is when the actual loan process starts and underwriting begins. Your application will be assigned a loan officer for review using the criteria listed in question 2. The exact process is as follows with the actual stages from start to finish. Keep in mind that once you accept in the portal a number of things are going on behind the scenes, which is why “processing” can take a great deal of time. Once you see a loan amount in your portal, this is NOT an approved offer. It is simply a potential amount you are eligible for based on the stated formula if you pass underwriting.

Initial Call Needed (credit not ran)

Credit Pulled (waiting for automated portal invitation, this is by far the longest part of the process)
Quoted (received portal invite with an eligible amount)
Offer Accepted (you confirmed and submitted an amount in the portal)
Submitted Deal (waiting to be assigned to a Loan Officer)

LO assigned and makes decision: Declined, Duplicate, Approved[The following takes place behind the scenes and will not reflect in your portal, but will still say “processing”]

Approved: T2 Rep can now see your loan is approved on their screen. This means the Loan Officer has approved the deal and it is now going to the Senior Loan Officer. If the SLO does not approve the deal then it will go to declined.
Obligating: SLO known as a “team leader” reviews the work of the first LO to ensure everything was done correctly. Once they sign off on the deal the loan is now fully approved. The loan is being sent to the E-Tran system to receive a loan number. The loan has not yet received a loan number from E-Tran while obligating. This is the most common phase where hang ups in “processing” can error called “error in obligating”. Usually due to small technical issues or errors in your information that need to be sorted.Obligated: A loan number from E-Tran has been obtained and now closing documents can be drafted and sent to the borrower. This is when your portal would change from “processing” to approved. There may be a delay between when your offer is obligated to when it actually shows approved. I have seen it happen in as fast as 10 minutes or as long as 12 hours. You can also see approved but not have docs available. Docs will not show up until you get an email with the approval. The delay on this can be a few hours or more.

Funding: Docs are signed and the loan is automatically moved to funding stage to have treasury issue an ACH. This happens very quickly and you should see the ACH sent right after with the funds arriving in 24-48 hours on banking days. **NOTE** Currently as of 6/10 we are seeing delays in funding of up to a week or even more, as it is very backed up in the queue.** At this point you can track the disbursement with your loan number from the docs using CAWEB to see if the ACH has been sent. See CAWEB question.

Funded: Process complete, funds are successfully in your bank account. Congrats

Note: The exception to this process is that some applications which are considered easy (based on unknown factors) to approve are subject to full automation and may go straight to approval bypassing the above steps. This only happens in rare cases.

You may also see a status that says, “On-Hold” Amount $0: This status typically is when your loan was temporarily declined and is still in the reconsideration department pending possible reconsideration approval.

8. QUESTION: I now understand that processing really means “underwriting”, but how long will it actually take? What is the normal amount of time?

ANSWER: The amount of time it is normal for your portal to say “processing” is highly variable as a hundred different factors are involved behind the scenes. As of 6/10 we are seeing extended delays in processing time and obligating stage specifically. The average we are seeing is around 14-16 days total in processing. If your application has been in underwriting for greater than 14 days it may merit investigate, but not necessarily indicate a problem with your chances of approval. Do NOT panic if it seems “stuck” with no communication from anyone. This is normal.

9. QUESTION: Does contacting my congressmen or senator actually work?

ANSWER: Yes, the SBA treats congressional inquiry very carefully and will flag and sometimes white glove your application. Often they will assign a special case worker during the process. The important thing is when your local congressional office reaches out they do NOT contact the local district SBA but this email: This email is NOT for use by applicants but only official government purposes.

10. QUESTION: Help! I accidentally entered the wrong revenue or COGS on my application and my offer amount was lower than I expected, is it possible to change this?

ANSWER: Yes, but two factors are important:

You should NOT have already accepted an amount and submitted for processing in the portal. *If you already did see note below.

You have documentation to backup the changes such as Federal Tax Returns 2018 or 2019 or P&L Statements. Tax returns are strongly preferred if available.

****The important thing here is DO NOT accept the offer in the portal if you need to revise your numbers.****

*IF YOU HAVE ALREADY ACCEPTED THE OFFER: Call tier 2 support as soon as you possibly can and ask them to make the following note in your file: Loan Officer, DO NOT approve this file without calling me, the applicant, because my (revenue or COGS) figures are wrong. I have supporting docs to make the changes. Please contact me ASAP.11. QUESTION: I need to change my Rev or COGS and I already accepted an amount in the portal, Tier 2 told me to do it! Is it too late?

Answer: Unfortunately tier 2 is currently giving absolutely terrible advice in this situation. They are telling people to accept the offer in the portal to speak with a loan officer to make the revision. The problem is that once you accept you set the process in motion and then it gets obligated by treasury it is impossible to adjust. The proper time is prior to accepting. Often times loan officers never are needed, never reach out or even read these notes. I see it every day and people are stuck its the “kiss of death” advice. If you already accepted you may have time but would need to work quickly from date of submit.

UPDATE: As of 6/15 there is now a way to fix this. See question 13.

12. QUESTION: Who are you. Can you help me?

ANSWER: I am the owner of a Mid Sized accounting firm. We are assisting not only our clients but anyone who needs help. We are sharing the information, strategies, and general knowledge we have gained since the beginning of the Covid 19 outbreak. We do not work at the SBA nor do we have any affiliation with the SBA.
Due to a huge volume of E-Mail be patient if we do not get back to you as quickly as we would like. We will be answering all E-Mails.

13. QUESTION: My loan was obligated, already funded, or I already accepted the amount in the portal. I made a mistake with my COGS or revenue and I am not happy with the amount. Can I change it?

ANSWER: As of 6/12 loan modifications are now being allowed. You can contact and request a “Loan Modification increase”. It is a 3-4 week process that requires documentation. A second loan will be given for the difference from the first one. It will be processed as a 20xx series loan in the old system/portal. For more details email me. Note if you have not yet accepted the offer the normal process is much faster.

14. QUESTION: I received my portal link, but when I go to create an account it just takes me to the login page. What can be done?

ANSWER: Follow these steps:

Open the email to create your portal account. Right click on the green button that says, “create your account”. Click “copy link address” or “copy hyperlink” depending on your browser.

Use a VPN service, such as NordVPN or ProtonVPN (free), to connect to a VPN server in different state than yours, preferably on the opposite coast you are located.

Open an incognito browser window, or private browser session if on firefox.

Right click on the URL/web address field and paste the link you copied. Hit enter.

You should then successfully be able to create a login, enter the portal, and accept your offer.

Alternately if you don’t have a VPN or want to use one you can use a mobile phone to login incognito, with WiFi off on a cellular network, to create the account.

15. QUESTION: I was declined for “unsatisfactory credit”. What are my options?

ANSWER: You have a few options.

You can bring your vantage 3 score over 570 by paying down cards, when you are ready you can request the SBA re-pull your report and reactivate your account via

You can request to add a co-borrower that has a higher score than 570 with no open bankruptcy and run their credit to reactivate your application.You can expedite your request for a co-borrower by having this ready to go. You can also do this preemptively if you expect to be declined for credit. The co-borrower does NOT have to be involved with the business and can be anyone.

The form is available here:

SBA Form 3501 – Adding Co-Borrower
Instructions for filling out form:
Only fill out the following:

Line #14 – Add the co-borrowers information under owner #1
Line #15 – Answer question for co-borrower.
Line #16 – Answer question for co-borrower.
Sign page 10, co-borrower signs.Attach and send with your co-borrower request to with your application number.

NOTE: If you have an urgent need to have your co-borrower request expedited, please email me at with the subject line: “ADDING CO-BORROWER REQUESTED URGENT” I will respond within 24 hours.

16. QUESTION: What documents are required? Will a loan officer contact me?

ANSWER: In most cases no documentation is required and everything is self certified. In some cases a LO will need to contact you to clarify some things about your business or request specific documents. In most cases you will never be contacted by or communicate with a loan officer.

17. QUESTION: Can I decline the loan and just get the advance/grant?

ANSWER: Yes, but the EIDL loan and EIDL loan Advance/Grant are on the same application, so you should not decline the loan until you receive the EIDL Advance.

18. QUESTION: What are the eligible uses of EIDL funds?

ANSWER: These loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact. What are all the possible uses of the funds? The wording ‘obligations that are unable to be met due to lack of revenue’ seems to be a catch all, but how much so? The EIDL working capital loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that could have been paid had the disaster not occurred. The loans are not intended to replace lost sales or profits or for expansion.

 19. QUESTION: I received a denial letter for the reason “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”. What does this mean and what can I do?

ANSWER: This occurs when the numbers entered on your application for COGS are greater than your revenue. The SBA calculates economic injury based on the formula in question number 4. You can also be denied for this reason if the resulting number is less than your advance amount. Please note that the SBA is only taking into account revenue earned prior to the disaster date of 1/31/20 to calculate your economic injury. If your only revenue was earned after that date as a newer business you may not qualify.

If the numbers on your application were correct, you would not be eligible for an EIDL. If you made an error you can request an amendment and request reactivation of your application. I can assist with this process. You need at minimum Profit and Loss statements for the period 12 months prior to the disaster starting 1/31/20.

20. QUESTION: What is CAWEB and how can it help me track my loan disbursement and other status?

ANSWER: You can use the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding. It allows you to see disbursement status and other details related to your loan.
Using the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding.Visit or click the link at the top of r/EIDL

Setting up an account:

You need a SBA Loan # to set up an account – for EIDL it appears on the first page of your documents, in the upper left hand area, and says “SBA Loan # XXXXXXXXXX.”

SBA loan #’s are 10 digits. Your Application # will NOT work for account set-up.

If you have a PPP Loan, you can use your SBA # for this loan to set up an account. Sometimes this # is easy to figure out, sometimes not. That has to do with an intermediary (like your bank) being involved, but if you can track down an actual SBA Loan #, you can go ahead and get registered without your EIDL loan number.

On the home page click on “Not Enrolled?” in the top left. This takes you to a screen to enter info. You may come to hate this screen, this process is very finicky.

Look at the rules for creating a User ID and Password by clicking on “Rules…” next to the fields.

Write your exact ID & password down somewhere – if you ever get locked out and call the SBA for help, they are going to tell you that Borrowers are not supposed to be able to access CAFS CAWeb. Apparently we still can, so don’t make this a big deal or maybe that will change!For user type – select “borrower” from the drop down menu.

Fill in the highlighted fields with your info. Click on the “ZIP LOOKUP” button after you enter your zip code. This auto populates some other boxes, and registration won’t work if you don’t do this.
For the country code in the phone number section enter “1” for the United States.

Financial commitment ID is your Loan # – 10 digits.

If you don’t have a landline, it has been reported that just entering your mobile number in both fields works. You will have to select 3 of their security questions, enter the Captcha image info, then hit “submit” at the bottom.
If it didn’t like the info you have entered, it will give you an error message for what part it didn’t like, and you will have to try again, which requires re-entering quite a bit of the information. It’s a pain.
But if it takes it, you’re in! There may be a verification step now as well.
Finding your loan on CAWeb

On the caweb homepage, login (if you aren’t already), it will be personalized and show your name. You have to scroll down and check the “Agree to Terms” box when you are logging in.

Click on “Borrower” in the top left, then click on “Borrower Search”. This should take you to your “Loan List” showing the loan #, borrower name, loan type, amount, and loan status.

PPP loans typically appear as “Active Un-Disbursed” – if your PPP is already funded don’t worry about that. Your EIDL will show up as “Disbursed Current” if funds are on their way. It may say something else if you look immediately after you send back you Docs, but it should change pretty quickly. Logging out and back in again will sometimes refresh the status. Loan status will say “Active Un-Disbursed” until Treasury send the funds to your bank, then it changes to “Disbursed Current”.

It depends on your bank when they post in your account (same day, next day, time).
If your banking info didn’t verify, the transaction will fail to go through, and the status will revert.
If you are not funded within 3-4 banking days, there is likely a problem – check your info in your portal, call the SBA, and then email Cue if needed.

If you click on your loan# in the list, it opens up a page with details about your loan.
There’s even a box at the bottom to check if you want electronic account statements only, but if you check that, a warning pops up about “all attached to this loan will be affected by this change”, so we recommend not selecting that option just yet.
21. QUESTION: I received my portal invite link, however when I go to create an account I just get the message: “The user account has not been confirmed yet. Please confirm using the link in the e-mail”. What can I do?

ANSWER: This is a known bug/error normally relating to either getting the invite ahead of schedule or other missing information in your file that would prevent the account creation from moving forward. Tier 2 cannot solve this and it need a special approach to resolve.

6-19-2020   Financial Assistance for Small Businesses

Have you applied for the SBA’s Payroll Protection Program (PPP) yet? 
Reach out to your lender to apply before June 30, 2020. 
On June 15, the SBA reopened the EIDL loan program. Small businesses can access low-interest, long-term loans and an advance of up to $10,000. You can apply directly online with the SBA here.
Have questions about either program? We are ready to help you prepare and submit loan documents call us at 718-227-9797 

6-19-2020   Social Security Benefits Site

The Social Security Administration announced the first of several steps the agency is taking to improve the publics experience on its website. The newly redesigned retirement benefits portal, at, will help millions of people prepare for and apply for retirement.

For more information, please visit

6-16-2020   EIDL applications for non-agricultural business have been re-opened.

Press Release Here:

Program application here:

If you have a business client that owes back taxes to the IRS, especially if it’s relatively recent tax liability, then they should absolutely apply for an EIDL, without hesitation. IRS debts are the only long-term liability that is allowed to be paid with an EIDL.

These are 30-year, 3.75% loans. Compare that to combined penalties and interest at IRS rates, as well as the much shorter “term” of 10 years max that an IA payment is based on.

6-15-2020   New York Forward Loan Fund (NYFLF)

The New York Forward Loan Fund (NYFLF) is a new economic recovery loan program aimed at supporting New York State small businesses, nonprofits and small landlords as they reopen after the COVID-19 outbreak and NYS on PAUSE.  The NYFLF targets the state’s small businesses with 20 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees (90% of all businesses), nonprofits and small landlords that have seen a loss of rental income.  The NYFLF is specifically timed to support businesses and organizations as they proceed to reopen and have upfront expenses to comply with guidelines (e.g., inventory, marketing, refitting for new social distancing guidelines) under the New York Forward Plan.   

Pre-applications for the New York Forward Loan Fund are now open.  Priority will be given to industries and regions that have been reopened.  This is not a first-come, first-served loan program.  Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis as regions and industries reopen. 

For small businesses and nonprofits that are in industries and regions that have not yet reopened, you are encouraged to prepare your pre-application in advance by taking advantage of the application preparation resources available here.  

  • Small businesses and nonprofits must employ 20 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees; 
  • Small businesses must have gross revenues of less than $3 million per year;
  • Nonprofits must provide direct services and have an annual operating budget of less than $3 million per year; and
  • Have not received a loan from either SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) for COVID-19 in 2020.

6-5-2020    Senate approves House-passed Paycheck Protection Program Reform Bill

5-18-2020  The following is the rule for collecting partial unemployment insurance

What if I work part-time?

If you’ve lost work and are working less than four days a week, making $504 or less, you are eligible for unemployment benefits in New York.

But partial unemployment benefits are calculated based on the number of days you work, not the number of hours. So, even if you work only two hours each day for four days a week, the state unemployment system considers that working four days, and you would not qualify for unemployment benefits.

Nicole Salk, senior staff attorney at the nonprofit Legal Services NYC, recommends consolidating your hours.

“If you have reduced work, try to put it all on one day, because then you maximize your benefits,” she said.

For every day you work, you lose access to 25% of your maximum unemployment benefits. So if you work three days a week, you get 25% of your benefits. If you work two days a week, you get 50% of your benefits, and if you work one day a week, you get 75% of your benefits.

5-7-2020   IF YOU MISSED THE PPP Loans

If you missed out on the ppp payroll program, there is still money available to help with payroll.

There is a tax credit we can help you apply for as long as you have w-2 employees. This can be as much as $5000 an employee that can be used to pay Irs payroll taxes and possibly have a check written out to you. 

Available to all businesses that are down 50% of gross income or you have a government shutdown business. 

Touch base with us so we can see if this works for you! 

If you are already in the PPP Program you are not eligible for this. 

5-7-2020   PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROGRAM LOANS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

5-7-2020     Frequently Asked Questions: SBA Loans

4-21-2020     Social Security Recipients

4-17-2020     Paycheck Protection Program

4-16-2020     To our valued clients,

4-16-2020     Relief for workers affected by the Corona Virus

4-15-2020     Small-business program intended for quick grants is running weeks behind

4-15-2020        Supplemental Security Income recipients will receive automatic Economic Impact Payments; step follows work between Treasury, IRS, Social Security Administration

The Internal Revenue Service, working in partnership with the Treasury Department and the Social Security Administration, announced today that recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) will automatically receive automatic Economic Impact Payments.

SSI recipients will receive a $1,200 Economic Impact Payment with no further action needed on their part. The IRS projects the payments for this group will go out no later than early May.

Moving SSI recipients into the automatic payment category follows weeks of extensive cooperative work between SSA, Treasury, IRS as well as the Bureau of Fiscal Services.

“Since SSI recipients typically aren’t required to file tax returns, the IRS had to work extensively with these other government agencies to determine a way to quickly and accurately deliver Economic Impact Payments to this group,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. “Additional programming work remains, but this step simplifies the process for SSI recipients to quickly and easily receive these $1,200 payments automatically. We appreciate the assistance of SSA and the Bureau of Fiscal Services in this effort.”

No action needed by most taxpayers
Earlier this month, the IRS took a similar action to ensure those receiving Social Security retirement or disability benefits and Railroad Retirement benefits can receive automatic payments of $1,200. While these groups receive Forms 1099, many in this group don’t typically file tax returns. People in these groups are expected to see the automatic $1,200 payments later this month.

Eligible taxpayers who filed tax returns for 2019 or 2018 will also receive the payments automatically. About 80 million payments are hitting bank accounts this week.

For benefit recipients with dependents, extra step needed to claim $500 for children
The law provides eligible taxpayers with qualifying children under age 17 to receive an extra $500. For taxpayers who filed tax returns in 2018 or 2019, the child payments will be automatic.

However, many benefit recipients typically aren’t required to file tax returns. If they have children who qualify, an extra step is needed to add $500 per child onto their automatic payment of $1,200 if they didn’t file a tax return in 2018 or 2019.

For those who receive Social Security retirement or disability benefits (SSDI), Railroad Retirement benefits or SSI and have a qualifying child, they can quickly register by visiting special tool available only on and provide their information in the Non-Filers section. By quickly taking steps to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they can receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If beneficiaries in these groups do not provide their information to the IRS soon, they will have to wait until later to receive their $500 per qualifying child.

The Treasury Department, not the Social Security Administration, will make these automatic payments to SSI recipients. Recipients will generally receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their SSI benefits.

For those with dependents who use Direct Express debit cards, additional information will be available soon regarding the steps to take on the IRS web site when claiming children under 17.

For information about Social Security retirement, survivors and disability insurance beneficiaries, please visit the SSA website at

General information about the Economic Impact Payments is available on a special section of

4-15-2020    Stimulus checks began showing up in peoples bank accounts today. Check your bank account today to see if you got yours. If not don’t worry, it should be coming this week.

If you don’t file taxes don’t worry, there are provisions in place to make sure you too get your stimulus check. For non-filers you can sign-up using the non-filers portal.

4-14-2020  When we started to process the SBA Loans for Covid-19 we were under the understanding the loans would be given to any business, but that is not the case. The $10,000 SBA Loans will be now be given up to $10,000 based on your pre-covid-19 employee numbers. The below bold text came to us in an email from the SBA this morning.

“To ensure that the greatest number of applicants can receive assistance during this challenging time, the amount of your Advance will be determined by the number of your pre-disaster (i.e., as of January 31, 2020) employees. The Advance will provide $1,000 per employee up to a maximum of $10,000.”

The full text from the the email is below:

On March 29, 2020, following the passage of the CARES Act, the SBA provided small business owners and non-profits impacted by COVID-19 with the opportunity to obtain up to a $10,000 Advance on their Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL). The Advance is available as part of the full EIDL application and will be transferred into the account you provide shortly after your application is submitted.

To ensure that the greatest number of applicants can receive assistance during this challenging time, the amount of your Advance will be determined by the number of your pre-disaster (i.e., as of January 31, 2020) employees. The Advance will provide $1,000 per employee up to a maximum of $10,000.

You may be eligible for another loan program, the Paycheck Protection Program, which is available through participating lenders. 

3-30-2020      Tax Returns & Estimated Taxes Now Due July 15

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the federal income tax filing due date is automatically extended from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020. Taxpayers can also defer federal income tax payments due on April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020, without penalties and interest, regardless of the amount owed.

Many states have also extended their tax deadlines and payments for a number of taxes in response to COVID-19. Please call for additional information.

Who is Affected?

This deferment applies to all taxpayers, including individuals, trusts and estates, corporations and other non-corporate tax filers as well as those who pay self-employment tax. In addition, the payment and return-filing requirements for gift and generation-skipping transfer taxes due April 15 are now due July 15, matching postponements granted to federal income taxes and returns.

No Need to File an Extension

Taxpayers do not need to file any additional forms or call the IRS to qualify for this automatic federal tax filing and payment relief.

Individual taxpayers who need additional time to file beyond the July 15 deadline, should file Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. Businesses who need additional time must file Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns. Don’t hesitate to call if you have questions or need assistance.

File Now for a Refund

Even though the filing deadline has been extended there is no need to wait to file your tax return especially if you are due a refund. Filing electronically using direct deposit is the fastest way to get a refund and most tax refunds are still being issued within 21 days.

The Stafford Act

These extended deadlines are the result of the President’s emergency declaration last week and made possible by the Stafford Act. The Stafford Act, which was enacted in 1988, is a federal law designed to bring an orderly and systematic means of federal natural disaster and emergency assistance for state and local governments in carrying out their responsibilities to aid citizens.

3-27-2020    COVID-19: Information for Small Businesses

Small and medium-sized employers can begin taking advantage of two new refundable payroll tax credits, designed to immediately and fully reimburse them, dollar-for-dollar, for the cost of providing coronavirus-related leave to their employees. This relief to employees and small and midsize businesses is provided under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Act), signed into law on March 18, 2020.

Subsequent legislation, the CARES Act, includes a provision that delays payment of employer payroll taxes due in 2020 with half due December 31, 2021 and the rest due December 31, 2022.These same dates and amounts apply to tax owed by self-employed individuals as well with 50 percent due December 31, 2021 and the remaining amount not due until December 31, 2022.

Paid Sick Leave Credit

For an employee who is unable to work because of coronavirus quarantine or self-quarantine or has coronavirus symptoms and is seeking a medical diagnosis, eligible employers may receive a refundable sick leave credit for sick leave at the employee’s regular rate of pay, up to $511 per day and $5,110 in the aggregate, for a total of 10 days.

For an employee who is caring for someone with coronavirus, or is caring for a child because the child’s school or child care facility is closed, or the child care provider is unavailable due to the coronavirus, eligible employers may claim a credit for two-thirds of the employee’s regular rate of pay, up to $200 per day and $2,000 in the aggregate, for up to 10 days. Eligible employers are entitled to an additional tax credit determined based on costs to maintain health insurance coverage for the eligible employee during the leave period.

Paid Leave for Workers. Employees receive up to two weeks (80 hours) of paid sick leave (either 100 percent or 2/3 of employee’s pay) and expanded paid child care leave when employees’ children’s schools are closed or child care providers are unavailable due to COVID-19 related reasons. An employee who is unable to work due to a need to care for a child whose school is closed, or child care provider is unavailable for reasons related to COVID-19, may in some instances receive up to an additional 10 weeks of expanded paid family and medical leave.

Child Care Leave Credit

In addition to the paid sick leave credit, for an employee who is unable to work because of a need to care for a child whose school or child care facility is closed or whose child care provider is unavailable due to the coronavirus.

Eligible employers may receive a refundable child care leave credit. This credit is equal to two-thirds of the employee’s regular pay, capped at $200 per day or $10,000 in the aggregate. Up to 10 weeks of qualifying leave can be counted towards the child care leave credit. Eligible employers are entitled to an additional tax credit determined based on costs to maintain health insurance coverage for the eligible employee during the leave period.

Employers with fewer than 50 employees are eligible for an exemption from the requirements to provide leave to care for a child whose school is closed or child care is unavailable in cases where the viability of the business is threatened.

How It Works

With the goal of “fast funds,” employers will receive an immediate dollar-for-dollar tax offset against payroll taxes. Payroll taxes that are available for retention include withheld federal income taxes, the employee share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer share of Social Security and Medicare taxes with respect to all employees. Eligible employers who pay qualifying sick or child care leave will be able to retain an amount of the payroll taxes equal to the amount of qualifying sick and child care leave that they paid, rather than deposit them with the IRS. Eligible employers will be able to claim these credits based on qualifying leave they provide between the effective date and December 31, 2020. If there are not sufficient payroll taxes to cover the cost of qualified sick and child care leave paid, employers will be able to file a request for an accelerated payment from the IRS.

Equivalent credits are available to self-employed individuals based on similar circumstances.

Eligible Businesses

Eligible employers are businesses and tax-exempt organizations with fewer than 500 employees that are required to provide emergency paid sick leave and emergency paid family and medical leave under the Act. Eligible employers can use the funds to provide employees with paid leave, either for the employee’s own health needs or to care for family members. Furthermore, employers will be able to keep their workers on their payrolls, while at the same time ensuring that workers are not forced to choose between their paychecks and the public health measures needed to combat the virus.


Employers are required to comply with the Act within a specified period; however, there is currently in effect, a 30-day compliance period in which enforcement actions against any employer for violations of the Act are subject to 30-day non-enforcement period as long as the employer has acted reasonably and in good faith to comply with the Act. During the 30-day period, efforts will be focused on compliance assistance.

3-27-2020  CARES Act: Information for Individual Taxpayers

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, often referred to as the stimulus bill, was signed into law on March 27, 2020, and contains legislation to stabilize the economy during the coronavirus pandemic. These measures include economic recovery checks for taxpayers, as well as several other tax provisions affecting individuals.

Let’s take a look at a few of the highlights:

Economic Impact Payments

Economic impact payments “recovery checks” will be sent to taxpayers in the next three weeks and will be available throughout the rest of 2020. For most people, they will be distributed automatically and no action is required; however, anyone who typically does not file a tax return must submit a simple tax return to receive the stimulus payment. Taxpayers might have questions about economic impact payments and answers to some of these questions are provided below.

1. Who is eligible?

Tax filers with adjusted gross income up to $75,000 for individuals and up to $150,000 for married couples filing joint returns will receive the full payment. For filers with income above those amounts, the payment amount is reduced by $5 for each $100 above the $75,000/$150,000 thresholds. Single filers with income exceeding $99,000 and $198,000 for joint filers with no children are not eligible.

Eligible taxpayers who filed tax returns for either 2019 or 2018 will automatically receive an economic impact payment of up to $1,200 for individuals or $2,400 for married couples. Parents also receive $500 for each qualifying child.

2. Where will the IRS send my payment?

Most people do not need to take any action. The IRS will calculate and automatically send the economic impact payment to those eligible.

For people who have already filed their 2019 tax returns, the IRS will use this information to calculate the payment amount. For those who have not yet filed their return for 2019, the IRS will use information from their 2018 tax filing to calculate the payment. The economic impact payment will be deposited directly into the same banking account reflected on the return filed.

If the IRS does not have direct deposit information. In the coming weeks, Treasury plans to develop a web-based portal for individuals to provide their banking information to the IRS online, so that individuals can receive payments immediately as opposed to checks in the mail.

3. What if I have not filed my 2018 or 2019 tax returns yet?

Anyone with a tax filing obligation who has not yet filed a tax return for 2018 or 2019 to file as soon as they can to receive an economic impact payment and include direct deposit banking information on the return.

If you typically are not required to file a tax return. People who typically do not file a tax return will need to file a simple tax return to receive an economic impact payment. Information on how to do this is forthcoming, but will include necessary information such as filing status, number of dependents and direct deposit bank account information.

Low-income taxpayers, senior citizens, Social Security recipients, some veterans and individuals with disabilities who are otherwise not required to file a tax return will not owe tax.

Early Withdrawals from Retirement Plans

Taxpayers affected by the coronavirus are able to withdraw up to $100,000 and will not be subject to the 10 percent penalty for early withdrawals. Distributions can be through December 31, 2020. If you need to withdraw funds from a retirement plan, please call a tax and accounting professional to discuss how it could impact your financial situation.

Eligible taxpayer. Anyone who has been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 virus or COVID-19 disease or whose spouse or dependent has been diagnosed with the same. In addition, any taxpayer experiencing financial hardship from any of the following situations:

  • Quarantined
  • Furloughed
  • Laid off
  • Work hours reduced
  • Unable to work due to lack of child care

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)

Required minimum distributions are suspended for tax year 2020.

Charitable Deductions

For tax year 2020, there is now an above-the-line charitable deduction of up to $300. In addition, the limitation on adjusted gross income (AGI) for charitable contributions (2020 tax year only) increases to 100 percent of AGI for individuals. Food contribution limits also increase to a maximum of 25 percent.

12-21-2020  Stimulus Package December 2020

Congress has hammered out a new Covid-19 stimulus package that includes a new round of Paycheck Protection Program loans, tax relief and other measures for small businesses.

Congress appears set to vote on the relief measures as early as Monday after leadership from both parties endorsed the new deal. Congress will ultimately pair the deal with additional legislation to fund the government for the next fiscal year. Lawmakers have repeatedly passed short-term measures to keep the government operating over the last few weeks while lawmakers hammer out a stimulus deal. It must still pass the new legislation for any of its provisions to become law.

The roughly $900 billion spending measure will include Stimulus checks of $600 per individual, an extended eviction moratorium and enhanced unemployment insurance of about $300 a week, according to a summary released by House Republicans, among a variety of school funding, vaccine and other public health-related measures.

The package also comes with a variety of measures long sought after by the business community, including:

  • A new round of PPP loans, with about $284 billion earmarked for the program. It also comes with expanded eligibility for so-called 501(c)(6) nonprofits, such as local chambers of commerce, which were left out of the original program. Businesses with “severe” revenue reductions can apply for a second loan.
  • Expenses paid for with PPP loans would be considered tax deductible, officially reversing an IRS decision made earlier in the year that would have seen some small businesses pay more in taxes. The ability to deduct expenses if paid for with PPP loans had been the focus of intense lobbying by small business groups.
  • A fresh $20 billion for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program.

10-26-2020  PPP Loan Forgiveness

On Thursday, Oct. 8, 2020, the Small Business Administration released PPP Loan Forgiveness Application Form 3508S, which is available for borrowers meeting criteria listed on the top of the application. When you are invited to apply, you will use the new streamlined form (form 3508S) if you received a PPP loan of $50,000 or less and have not, together with your affiliates, received PPP loans totaling $2MM or more.

10-6-2020  Economic Impact Payment

The Internal Revenue Service announced today that the deadline to register for an Economic Impact Payment (EIP) is now November 21, 2020. This new date will provide an additional five weeks beyond the original deadline.

The IRS urges people who don’t typically file a tax return – and haven’t received an Economic Impact Payment – to register as quickly as possible using the Non-Filers: Enter Info Here tool on The tool will not be available after November 21.

“We took this step to provide more time for those who have not yet received a payment to register to get their money, including those in low-income and underserved communities,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. “The IRS is deeply involved in processing and programming that overlaps filing seasons. Any further extension beyond November would adversely impact our work on the 2020 and 2021 filing seasons. The Non-Filers portal has been available since the spring and has been used successfully by many millions of Americans.”

Special note: This additional time into November is solely for those who have not received their EIP and don’t normally file a tax return. For taxpayers who requested an extension of time to file their 2019 tax return, that deadline date remains October 15.

To support the ongoing EIP effort, many partner groups have been working with the IRS, helping translate and making available in 35 languages IRS information and resources on Economic Impact Payments.

To help spread the word, the IRS sent nearly 9 million letters in September to people who may be eligible for the $1,200 Economic Impact Payments but don’t normally file a tax return. This push encourages people to use the Non-Filers tool on

“Time is running out for those who don’t normally file a tax return to get their payments,” Rettig added. “Registration is quick and easy, and we urge everyone to share this information to reach as many people before the deadline.”

While most eligible U.S. taxpayers have automatically received their Economic Impact Payment, others who don’t have a filing obligation need to use the Non-Filers tool to register with the IRS to get their money. Typically, this includes people who receive little or no income.

The Non-Filers tool is secure and is based on Free File Fillable Forms, part of the Free File Alliance’s offering of free products on

The Non-Filers tool is designed for people with incomes typically below $24,400 for married couples, and $12,200 for singles who could not be claimed as a dependent by someone else. This includes couples and individuals who are experiencing homelessness.

Anyone using the Non-Filers tool can speed the arrival of their payment by choosing to receive it by direct deposit. Those not choosing this option will get a check.

Beginning two weeks after they register, people can track the status of their payment using the Get My Payment tool, available only on

9-17-2020  Federal Unemployment Starting Up

With the next round of Federal Unemployment starting up REMEMBER the money is taxable both at the IRS level and at the State level (if your state is a taxable state).
Most people have had 10% taken out by the Feds very few have had state taxes withheld. Our advice is to take out 10% for the Feds and 5% for your state.
Will that be enough? Too soon to tell but taking nothing out will be a heavy hit at tax time for most people. Better take taxes out now piecemeal than a lump sum hit at tax time.

9-11-2020  Additional Federal Unemployment

Federal additional $300/week unemployment benefits for New Yorkers will start next week. There will be 6 weeks of benefits starting retroactively to August 01, 2020. 

What that means if you are eligible for unemployment you will get a total of $1,800.00.
As to the second $1,200.00 stimulus check its stuck in Washington. Bureaucracy at its best. The Senate is voting on the this round of CARES money and then the House and Senate have to come to some sort of compromise package.
On hold until then. 

9-1-2020     Still haven’t applied for your SBA EIDL Loan?

We have helped our clients secure almost $4 Million in emergency funds. Time is running out. SBA is offering a 3.75% 30 year payback on the money. What we call CHEAP MONEY. Help your business meet bills, rent, payroll, insurance, inventory, utilities and more. Program is scheduled to end soon. Call us for more details.

8-27-2020     A common question we hear is How Much Life Insurance Should I Have? The answer is how much can you afford?

Rule of thumb is that you should have enough life insurance to cover your outstanding debt such as mortgages, credit cards, car loans, boat loans etc. Then enough to cover 4-5 years of income. Finally add in funeral expenses.

You want to leave your spouse debt free. If nothing else that is your minimum. Then considering your position in life determines the amount over that. If you have children in the house then obviously you will need more. Providing a college fund is important with the ridiculous amounts college costs now let alone 10-15 years from now. If your kids are out of the house then you want to make sure your spouse has enough to not have to significantly lower their lifestyle.

If you are a one income family don’t think you should have insurance only the breadwinner. It will cost you to hire people to replace and do what they provide.

The next question is once we know how much we need what kind of insurance do we get and how can we afford it?

The two basic types of insurance are Whole Life and Term.

Term is insurance for a specific term of time. It is meant to give you as much coverage as possible as cheap as possible. You don’t use it you get nothing back like car insurance.

Whole Life is insurance that builds cash value that will always be there if you decide you don’t want insurance anymore or if you don’t want as much. Paying off a mortgage, children growing up and leaving the house (They truly never leave don’t kid yourself) or a change of lifestyle (like retiring) may alter your needs. With Whole Life there will be a point that you will have more money in the policy than you spent on it. Because of that savings feature it is more expensive than term.

Both types serve the same primary purpose. Protect your spouse and family. If your spouse never needs to collect on the policy then Whole Life will make a nice nest egg that you can use for retirement.

If you want to get more information or have a customized plan drawn up for you call Melissa in our office. She will gladly give you help and pricing.

8-26-2020    When am I going to get the extra unemployment benefit?

Thirty states were approved for the assistance as of Monday evening. 

(They are: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Washington state.)

States are getting an initial tranche of lost-wages funding covering three weeks, going back to the week ended Aug. 1.

States may pay additional weeks depending on how quickly the earmarked federal funds (up to $44 billion) are depleted.

Officials from the Labor Department and Federal Emergency Management Agency, which is overseeing the program, estimate states will get about five total weeks of funding.

But workers may not see the money show up in their accounts for several weeks, as states build out the infrastructure to administer the payments.

8-17-2020  EIDL and the pandemic

Many businesses have used EIDL loans administered by the SBA to offset the pandemic’s effects. An EIDL is a low-interest, fixed-rate loan that can provide assistance to small businesses during an emergency.

EIDL loans are not forgivable, but the 30-year term provides payback flexibility to borrowers. In response to the pandemic, Congress also created $20 billion in EIDL advance grants that are not required to be repaid. Eligible applicants who applied for an EIDL were permitted to request up to $10,000 in EIDL funding to be immediately disbursed, and this advance grant amount did not need to be repaid, regardless of the loan decision.

The $20 billion in advance grants has been exhausted.

8-17-2020    UNEMPLOYMENT

Politicians are still fighting over the amount and time of a federal unemployment extension. It has varied from $200.00 by the Republicans, $400.00 by the president and $600.00 by the Democrats.Not to get political, because this is only an informational website, but most of our business clients have found it hard to bring back their employees who were getting the additional $600.00 through July 31st. Across the country there were states that their average unemployed worker was making 141% staying on unemployment rather than going back to work.
                                                        PPP PROGRAM
A new round of PPP will be available on TOP of the first round money already received. Still in the works but it looks like the criteria will be that a business will have to show a 50% or more loss in business over a similar time frame for the previous year.
If you want to know what that means for you give us a call.

8-17-2020   A revamped PPP coronavirus loan program is in the works. Will it help small businesses left out before?

The Paycheck Protection Program stood out as an early success of the government’s pandemic relief effort, but it ended with a whimper and left billions of dollars unallocated when small businesses got spooked by the ever-changing rules.

Even as Democrats and Republicans fight over other aspects of another major stimulus bill, they have largely agreed on how to revamp the PPP to restore its popularity and usefulness.

But groups representing the smallest business owners — independent contractors, the self-employed and minority-owned businesses who complained they were largely shut out of the earlier rounds of funding and for whom these changes are meant to help — are already questioning whether it will be enough.

For starters, they note that both the old and the proposed new PPP are run by the Small Business Administration, which works with businesses with as many as 500 workers, has less experience with companies with fewer than 100, and almost none with those with one or a handful of employees.

The bulk of America’s small businesses have fewer than 20 employees, but they didn’t get the bulk of the earlier PPP money and aren’t sure they’ll do better under a revised program still run by the SBA, advocates say.

For small businesses that already received one of the forgivable PPP loans, there is some good news about a possible PPP relaunch: They may be able to get a second loan, something not permitted in the original rules. That could be a lifeline for businesses that burned through the initial 24 weeks of payroll support.

In total, more than 5.1 million businesses got PPP funds before lending ended Aug. 8. The government says 51 million jobs were saved. S&P Global estimates it is closer to 13.6 million.

When the program began, $349 billion flowed out the door in less than two weeks. But the early successes were soon replaced by outrage and confusion. The public was frustrated to hear of large publicly traded companies like Potbelly or Shake Shack receiving loans.

Commercial banks tasked with distributing the money gave priority to their existing customers, leaving small businesses without a strong banking relationship scrambling to compile the needed application paperwork as the money flowed to larger businesses.

Meanwhile, rules governing how the money could be spent changed weekly, at times daily, casting doubt on what terms businesses would have to meet to have the loans forgiven. Demand plummeted. Even an extension of the program in June wasn’t enough to renew interest. While more small loans were processed in the second round than in the first, more than $126 billion was left on the table when the program ended.

Republicans want to target businesses with fewer than 300 employees that have seen sales decline by 35% or more, and to set aside $10 billion for community and rural banks to lend. Democrats want to focus on those with fewer than 100 employees that have seen sales decline by 50% or more. Both want to set aside up to $25 billion for businesses with fewer than 10 employees.

For the nation’s smallest businesses — many of which are Black-owned and have no employees — even the changes Congress is proposing may not be enough, said Ron Busby Sr., president of U.S. Black Chambers.

An estimated 41% of Black-owned businesses have permanently closed since the pandemic began, he said.

More info to follow as it happens.

7-24-2020   PPP Loan Guidance

  1. Please make sure your online profile for your bank is active.
  1. Have you spent all of your funds that are eligible for forgiveness?
  1. Have you reviewed the PPP forgiveness program details available at and ?
  1. Will you be using the Covered Period or the Alternative Payroll Covered Period for your payroll costs?
  1. Will you be using the 8 week or the 24 week covered period?
  1. Do you meet any of the Safe Harbor requirements?
  1. Have you determined if you are eligible to use the simpler 3508 EZ form?
  1. If you are eligible to use the 3508 EZ form, have you completed it and calculated your payroll costs by using Tables  1 & 2 from the Schedule A worksheet within form 3508?
  1. If you are not eligible to use the 3508 EZ form, have you completed Form 3508 including the forgiveness calculation form, Schedule A and the Schedule A worksheet?
  1. Have you calculated your payroll costs?
  1. Do you have the documentation to support your payroll costs, including wages, health care costs, retirement costs and taxes?
  1. Do you have the documentation to support your non-payroll costs, including eligible utilities, rent and mortgage interest?
  1. Please have handy your EIDL advance amount, if you received one, and application number.
  1. If you are not ready with any/all of the above, when can you be ready?

7-24-2020   New Stimulus Package Expected Monday—$1,200 Second Stimulus Checks, Unemployment Benefits Propose

$1,200 Stimulus Check

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin confirmed earlier today that a stimulus check would make it into the next bill:

It will match the stimulus check created by the Cares Act, which created a refundable tax credit of $1,200 to qualifying Americans who earned less than $75,000. It added an extra $500 for dependent children ages 16 and younger. Joint filers would get $2,400 for those who earned less than $150,000.

If you earn more than those limits, your stimulus check amounts would be reduced by 5% of your adjusted gross income above those limits.

Lower Unemployment Benefits

We have no concrete information about the next round of unemployment benefits but Secretary Mnuchin has said that he hopes to adjust it to 70% of wages.

Information in this post comes from

7-10-2020    The IRS on Wednesday issued the limitations on depreciation deductions for passenger automobiles first placed in service in 2020 and the amounts of income inclusion for lessees of passenger automobiles first leased during 2020 (Rev. Proc. 2020-37). For these purposes, passenger automobiles include trucks and vans. The amounts in the revenue procedure are inflation-adjusted as required by Sec. 280F(d)(7), using the automobile component of the chained consumer price index for all urban consumers (C-CPI-U).

For passenger automobiles to which the Sec. 168(k) additional (bonus) first-year depreciation deduction applies and that are acquired after Sept. 27, 2017, and placed in service during calendar year 2020, the depreciation limit under Sec. 280F(d)(7) is $18,100 for the first tax year; $16,100 for the second tax year; $9,700 for the third tax year; and $5,760 for each succeeding year, all unchanged from 2019. Under Sec. 168(k)(8)(D)(i), no bonus depreciation is allowed for property acquired before Sept. 28, 2017, and placed in service after 2019.

For passenger automobiles placed in service in 2020 for which no Sec. 168(k) additional (bonus) first-year depreciation deduction applies, the depreciation limit under Sec. 280F(d)(7) is $10,100 for the first tax year; $16,100 for the second tax year; $9,700 for the third tax year; and $5,760 for each succeeding year, also unchanged from 2019.

7-9-2020       PPP Loans Extension

On June 30th, the US Senate voted unanimously to extend the Paycheck Protection Program through August 8th, 2020. That is a 5-week extension to the program. You can read the full article on the PPP Extension here.

If you haven’t yet applied for the program, you can download a PPP application here and submit it to a lender.

7-2-2020  Big News As IRS Opens Taxpayer Phone Lines & More

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) continues to resume operations.

According to the IRS Commissioner, as of mid-month, thousands of employees had returned to facilities in seven states (Kentucky, Texas, Utah, Georgia, Minnesota, Tennessee, and Missouri) with employees in four more states and Puerto Rico returning on June 29. The IRS will reopen facilities in remaining states on July 13. And, as you can imagine, the IRS is putting an emphasis on telework and plans to continue to encourage it, where possible, for the foreseeable future to ensure social distancing. 

Here’s a closer look at some of what’s open or opening soon:

Telephone Lines. Automated phone lines are available to handle calls. But the big news is this: all IRS toll-free phone lines supported by customer service representatives for taxpayers and tax professionals are also now available. You should expect to wait, however, due to limited staffing. 

If you’re looking for an update for your regular tax refund, you can call the automated number at 800.829.1954. And before you dial: this line has no information about the status of your stimulus checks (Economic Impact Payments). For those, call 800.919.9835. 

Balance Due Notices. The IRS was unable to mail some previously printed balance due notices as a result of office closures. These notices will be delivered to taxpayers in the next few weeks. Some of the notices will have due dates that have already passed. However, each notice will include an insert confirming that the due dates printed on the notices have been extended. I can confirm that the inserts are going out (several of my clients have received them)

7-1-2020    The SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) is a special loan backed by the government that offers an unusually low interest rate.

And because it’s a government loan with unusual benefits, the government needs to know that the funds are being spent in the right way. Which means your EIDL loan comes with bookkeeping and record keeping requirements you might not be aware of.

One section of the EIDL agreement, “Books and Records”, outlines your bookkeeping and record keeping responsibilities, such as maintaining accurate books. We are telling all our clients to open up a separate bank account strictly for this. That way when the SBA asks for records and financials we can easily draw the information for that.

Here are some of the conditions of the EIDL loan agreement:

  • Maintain “current and proper” records for the most recent five years until three years after your loan maturity or after the loan has been paid in full, whichever comes first. 

Records include:

Financial and operating statements

    • Insurance policies
    • Tax returns and related filings
    • Records of earnings or dividends distributed
    • Records of compensation to owners or shareholders
  • Allow the SBA to inspect or audit all books and records
  • Allow the SBA to inspect or appraise any business assets
  • Provide financial statements to the SBA within three months of the end of your fiscal year
  • Pay for a review of financial statements by an independent public accountant, if requested by the SBA (this is included in our services to you).
  • Allow all Federal, State, and municipal governments to provide the SBA with relevant documents if requested by the SBA

How do I maintain good records?

An accurate and up-to-date set of books will allow the SBA (and you!) to get a clear look at the financial health of your business, using financial documents such as your balance sheet and income statement.

You’ll need to track and categorize all your business expenses. Receipts and invoices should be digitally filed and recorded. It can take some time, but it’s well worth the effort to be able to see where your money is going and ensure you’ll be able to get the most of your eligible deductions come tax season.

Are my current records okay?

For SBA-ready books, you should have completed financials for the last five years of your business: a fully completed and accurate ledger of transactions, list of accounts, an income statement, and balance sheet.

That will put you in the best possible position if the SBA chooses to audit your business. Plus, preparing regular financial statements is a recommended best practice for understanding how your business is performing. These documents also allow your CPA or accountant to prepare an accurate tax return.

6-30-2020  The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have announced that the 2019 tax filing deadline remains July 15, 2020. 

Due to COVID-19, the original filing deadline and tax payment due date for 2019 was postponed from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020. With many states still under travel and work restrictions due to the pandemic, some taxpayers and tax professionals alike were hoping that the date might be extended.

Last week, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin had not ruled out the possibility of pushing out the deadline, saying, “It’s something I’m thinking about.” He had indicated that he would continue to consider the idea as the date approaches.

But today’s announcement appears to rule out any additional changes. Individual taxpayers who cannot meet the July 15 due date can request an automatic extension of time to file. Keep in mind that the extension is a six-month extension from the original filing date of April 15, meaning that an extension will extend the time to file to October 15, 2020. It is not an extension from the extended due date.

If you can’t pay, help is available.

“The IRS understands that those affected by the coronavirus may not be able to pay their balances in full by July 15, but we have many payment options to help taxpayers,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. “These easy-to-use payment options are available on, and most can be done automatically without reaching out to an IRS representative.”

Payment options are available on to help taxpayers who can’t pay in full and some can offer taxpayers smaller penalties. That’s important since interest and late-payment penalties will continue to accrue on any unpaid taxes.

6-23-2020   The (Not Quite) Definitive Guide To Paycheck Protection Program Program Loan Forgiveness

6-23-2020   EIDL Loan Questions Answered 

1. QUESTION: How do I get in touch with customer service phone support?

ANSWER: The highest level of official customer service is known as “tier 2” and can be reached by calling 1-800-659-2955 and asking for Tier 2.

They are unfortunately, a very limited means of support. They are able to check your application status and see the current “stage” and leave notes in your file, but unable to directly make any changes or escalate anything in a meaningful way.

Most are very nice and well meaning people but are usually poorly informed and often provided contradictory information between calls. The important thing to understand is that notes left by T2 do not actually notify a loan officer or anyone, they are simply waiting to be read if someone happens to open your file and takes the time to review the case notes. So if a T2 says they requested a change do not assume it was or will be made.

2. QUESTION: What are my chances of being approved for this loan? Can I know in advance?


ANSWER: The loan is relatively easy to get approval for by loan standards. The exact underwriting criteria the SBA is using was leaked by some helpful people and thus you can have a good understanding what your chances are.

Underwriters look for the following:-Minimum Credit Score of 570. They will pull from experian. Close to Vantage 3 model found on nav DOT com or TransUnion numbers on credit karma. They do NOT use FICO. Credit score is largest factor for approval for this loan and no exceptions are made for under 570.

-If economic injury was sustained based on formula described in QUESTION 4. If this is a negative number you will be auto declined. (SEE QUESTION 5) The SBA does not consider potential revenue lost or general expenses in the loan amount.

-Tax liens or tax issues are NOT a disqualifying factor or taken into consideration for COVID19 disaster.

-Business start date must be prior to 1/31/20
-open bankruptcies = Declined. Closed OK.
-Arrest for felony < 5 years = Declined
-Arrest for misdemeanor < 5 years = Declined
-Sole proprietors with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Any business principals with 50% or more ownership with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Your business must pass verification in some way that it is a valid operation. If they can find it on google it will suffice. Otherwise you may have to provide documents to prove it’s a legit business.
-Your business type must not be on the list for ineligible business activity.

-All owners on application must be either US citizens or Permanent Residents. E-2 Investor visa is NOT eligible and any attempts to appeal or add a co-borrower who is a citizen or LPR will be unsuccessful. Corporations, Partnerships, and Limited Liability Entities (LLE): Alien-owned corporations, partnerships, and LLEs properly registered and licensed in the state where the disaster occurred are eligible. If any member, partner, or shareholder, owning 20 percent or more of the applicant business is in the USA they must be a qualified alien.  If the alien resides outside the USA an exception may be made.3. QUESTION: I received a decline letter for “Business activity not eligible”. What can I do?

ANSWER: EIDL has a list of restricted business categories, if your type is NOT on this list and you still received this letter you may have been improperly classified.
The following applicants are not eligible for EIDL assistance.

7-Eleven Franchise Stores, despite what corp office says. (advance is OK)

Lending or Investment Concerns (except for real estate investments held for rental)

Multi-level Sales Distribution (Pyramid) Concerns c. Speculative Activities d. Non-profit Organizations that are not considered a Private Non-Profit

Consumer and Marketing Cooperatives. However, other cooperatives and small agricultural cooperatives meeting applicable size standards are eligible f. Not a small business concern (except for PNP of any size) g. Gambling Concerns. Concerns that derive more than one-third of their annual gross revenue from legal gambling activities.

Casinos, Racetracks, Etc. Businesses whose purpose for being is gambling (such as casinos, racetracks, poker parlors, etc.) are not eligible for EIDL assistance regardless of their ability to meet the one-third criteria established for otherwise eligible concerns.Loan packagers who derives more than one-third of their annual volume from the preparation of applications seeking financial assistance from SBA

Religious Organizations.

Political or Lobbying Concerns.

Pawn shops, when 50 percent or more of previous year’s income was derived 50 30 9 71 Effective Date: May 31, 2018 from interest

Real Estate Developers. Establishments primarily engaged in subdividing real property into lots and developing it for resale on their own account.

Life Insurance Companies.

Concerns Engaged in Illegal Activities (as defined by Federal guidelines). p. Government-owned concerns, except for businesses owned or controlled by a Native American tribe.

Concerns with Principals Incarcerated, on Parole or Probation: remain ineligible if the parole or probation is lifted solely because it is an impediment to obtaining a loan.

Concerns engaged in live performances of, or the Sale of Products, Services, of a Prurient Sexual Nature.

Businesses considered as hobbies.

Concerns Involved in Change in Ownership Situations: Concerns which had a substantial change of ownership (more than 50 percent) after the impending economic injury became apparent, and no contract for sale existed prior to that time are ineligible .

4. QUESTION: How is the loan amount calculated? How can I request a specific amount?

ANSWER: There is no way to request a specific amount, the eligible amount is calculated automatically by formula based on your inputs. There are three known formulas:

Standard Small Business: Revenue minus COGS divided by 2 minus advance, subject to maximum of 150K

Not for Profit: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20Business that collects rental property income, your offer is calculated by lost rents due to the disaster, not the standard formula. If your offer is lower than expected you may have been wrongly classified into this formula.

Agricultural businesses: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20

If the formula results in a negative number or less than your advance you will be declined for “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”

5. QUESTION: What is the maximum loan amount?

ANSWER: As of last update it is currently 150K cap. This will not change anytime soon and there will be no way to request more at present. The only way to avoid the cap is if your loan was already being obligated prior to the change by the SBA from 500K. If I hear anything new on this it will be updated here.

6. QUESTION: When will I get my portal invite?

ANSWER: Portal invites are a fully automated process and not strictly sequential but follow general group patterns. If you see someone that has a higher number than you get a portal invite it does NOT mean you were “passed over”.

Note: as of 5/30 there are a number of very early applications that are actually “stuck” in the credit pull stage (no portal invite yet, if you have the portal you do not have this issue) due to a glitch. If you have an application date of 3/29, 3/30, 3/31, or 4/01 (but no later) you may email me for information on how to get this resolved. Please be honest and accurate about your application date, I will know. If you app date is later and you still haven’t gotten your portal invite, I cannot help with this! I can’t stress that enough. 

7. QUESTION: I finally got a portal invite and accepted and submitted an amount. My application says it is “processing”, now what?

ANSWER: This is when the actual loan process starts and underwriting begins. Your application will be assigned a loan officer for review using the criteria listed in question 2.

The exact process is as follows with the actual stages from start to finish. Keep in mind that once you accept in the portal a number of things are going on behind the scenes, which is why “processing” can take a great deal of time. Once you see a loan amount in your portal, this is NOT an approved offer. It is simply a potential amount you are eligible for based on the stated formula if you pass underwriting.

Initial Call Needed (credit not ran)

Credit Pulled (waiting for automated portal invitation, this is by far the longest part of the process)
Quoted (received portal invite with an eligible amount)
Offer Accepted (you confirmed and submitted an amount in the portal)
Submitted Deal (waiting to be assigned to a Loan Officer)

LO assigned and makes decision: Declined, Duplicate, Approved[The following takes place behind the scenes and will not reflect in your portal, but will still say “processing”]

Approved: T2 Rep can now see your loan is approved on their screen. This means the Loan Officer has approved the deal and it is now going to the Senior Loan Officer. If the SLO does not approve the deal then it will go to declined.

Obligating: SLO known as a “team leader” reviews the work of the first LO to ensure everything was done correctly. Once they sign off on the deal the loan is now fully approved. The loan is being sent to the E-Tran system to receive a loan number. The loan has not yet received a loan number from E-Tran while obligating. This is the most common phase where hang ups in “processing” can error called “error in obligating”. Usually due to small technical issues or errors in your information that need to be sorted.Obligated: A loan number from E-Tran has been obtained and now closing documents can be drafted and sent to the borrower. This is when your portal would change from “processing” to approved. There may be a delay between when your offer is obligated to when it actually shows approved. I have seen it happen in as fast as 10 minutes or as long as 12 hours. You can also see approved but not have docs available. Docs will not show up until you get an email with the approval. The delay on this can be a few hours or more.

Funding: Docs are signed and the loan is automatically moved to funding stage to have treasury issue an ACH. This happens very quickly and you should see the ACH sent right after with the funds arriving in 24-48 hours on banking days. **NOTE** Currently as of 6/10 we are seeing delays in funding of up to a week or even more, as it is very backed up in the queue.** At this point you can track the disbursement with your loan number from the docs using CAWEB to see if the ACH has been sent. See CAWEB question.

Funded: Process complete, funds are successfully in your bank account. Congrats

Note: The exception to this process is that some applications which are considered easy (based on unknown factors) to approve are subject to full automation and may go straight to approval bypassing the above steps. This only happens in rare cases.

You may also see a status that says, “On-Hold” Amount $0: This status typically is when your loan was temporarily declined and is still in the reconsideration department pending possible reconsideration approval.

8. QUESTION: I now understand that processing really means “underwriting”, but how long will it actually take? What is the normal amount of time?

ANSWER: The amount of time it is normal for your portal to say “processing” is highly variable as a hundred different factors are involved behind the scenes. As of 6/10 we are seeing extended delays in processing time and obligating stage specifically. The average we are seeing is around 14-16 days total in processing. If your application has been in underwriting for greater than 14 days it may merit investigate, but not necessarily indicate a problem with your chances of approval. Do NOT panic if it seems “stuck” with no communication from anyone. This is normal.

9. QUESTION: Does contacting my congressmen or senator actually work?

ANSWER: Yes, the SBA treats congressional inquiry very carefully and will flag and sometimes white glove your application. Often they will assign a special case worker during the process. The important thing is when your local congressional office reaches out they do NOT contact the local district SBA but this email: This email is NOT for use by applicants but only official government purposes.

10. QUESTION: Help! I accidentally entered the wrong revenue or COGS on my application and my offer amount was lower than I expected, is it possible to change this?

ANSWER: Yes, but two factors are important:

You should NOT have already accepted an amount and submitted for processing in the portal. *If you already did see note below.

You have documentation to backup the changes such as Federal Tax Returns 2018 or 2019 or P&L Statements. Tax returns are strongly preferred if available.

****The important thing here is DO NOT accept the offer in the portal if you need to revise your numbers.****

*IF YOU HAVE ALREADY ACCEPTED THE OFFER: Call tier 2 support as soon as you possibly can and ask them to make the following note in your file: Loan Officer, DO NOT approve this file without calling me, the applicant, because my (revenue or COGS) figures are wrong. I have supporting docs to make the changes. Please contact me ASAP.11. QUESTION: I need to change my Rev or COGS and I already accepted an amount in the portal, Tier 2 told me to do it! Is it too late?

Answer: Unfortunately tier 2 is currently giving absolutely terrible advice in this situation. They are telling people to accept the offer in the portal to speak with a loan officer to make the revision. The problem is that once you accept you set the process in motion and then it gets obligated by treasury it is impossible to adjust. The proper time is prior to accepting. Often times loan officers never are needed, never reach out or even read these notes. I see it every day and people are stuck its the “kiss of death” advice. If you already accepted you may have time but would need to work quickly from date of submit.

UPDATE: As of 6/15 there is now a way to fix this. See question 13.

12. QUESTION: Who are you. Can you help me?

ANSWER: I am the owner of a Mid Sized accounting firm. We are assisting not only our clients but anyone who needs help. We are sharing the information, strategies, and general knowledge we have gained since the beginning of the Covid 19 outbreak. We do not work at the SBA nor do we have any affiliation with the SBA.
Due to a huge volume of E-Mail be patient if we do not get back to you as quickly as we would like. We will be answering all E-Mails.

13. QUESTION: My loan was obligated, already funded, or I already accepted the amount in the portal. I made a mistake with my COGS or revenue and I am not happy with the amount. Can I change it?

ANSWER: As of 6/12 loan modifications are now being allowed. You can contact and request a “Loan Modification increase”. It is a 3-4 week process that requires documentation. A second loan will be given for the difference from the first one. It will be processed as a 20xx series loan in the old system/portal. For more details email me. Note if you have not yet accepted the offer the normal process is much faster.

14. QUESTION: I received my portal link, but when I go to create an account it just takes me to the login page. What can be done?

ANSWER: Follow these steps:

Open the email to create your portal account. Right click on the green button that says, “create your account”. Click “copy link address” or “copy hyperlink” depending on your browser.

Use a VPN service, such as NordVPN or ProtonVPN (free), to connect to a VPN server in different state than yours, preferably on the opposite coast you are located.

Open an incognito browser window, or private browser session if on firefox.

Right click on the URL/web address field and paste the link you copied. Hit enter.

You should then successfully be able to create a login, enter the portal, and accept your offer.

Alternately if you don’t have a VPN or want to use one you can use a mobile phone to login incognito, with WiFi off on a cellular network, to create the account.

15. QUESTION: I was declined for “unsatisfactory credit”. What are my options?

ANSWER: You have a few options.

You can bring your vantage 3 score over 570 by paying down cards, when you are ready you can request the SBA re-pull your report and reactivate your account via


You can request to add a co-borrower that has a higher score than 570 with no open bankruptcy and run their credit to reactivate your application.You can expedite your request for a co-borrower by having this ready to go. You can also do this preemptively if you expect to be declined for credit. The co-borrower does NOT have to be involved with the business and can be anyone.

The form is available here:

SBA Form 3501 – Adding Co-Borrower
Instructions for filling out form:
Only fill out the following:

Line #14 – Add the co-borrowers information under owner #1
Line #15 – Answer question for co-borrower.
Line #16 – Answer question for co-borrower.

Sign page 10, co-borrower signs.Attach and send with your co-borrower request to with your application number.

16. QUESTION: What documents are required? Will a loan officer contact me?

ANSWER: In most cases no documentation is required and everything is self certified. In some cases a LO will need to contact you to clarify some things about your business or request specific documents. In most cases you will never be contacted by or communicate with a loan officer.

17. QUESTION: Can I decline the loan and just get the advance/grant?

ANSWER: Yes, but the EIDL loan and EIDL loan Advance/Grant are on the same application, so you should not decline the loan until you receive the EIDL Advance.

18. QUESTION: What are the eligible uses of EIDL funds?

ANSWER: These loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact. What are all the possible uses of the funds? The wording ‘obligations that are unable to be met due to lack of revenue’ seems to be a catch all, but how much so? The EIDL working capital loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that could have been paid had the disaster not occurred. The loans are not intended to replace lost sales or profits or for expansion.

 19. QUESTION: I received a denial letter for the reason “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”. What does this mean and what can I do?

ANSWER: This occurs when the numbers entered on your application for COGS are greater than your revenue. The SBA calculates economic injury based on the formula in question number 4. You can also be denied for this reason if the resulting number is less than your advance amount. Please note that the SBA is only taking into account revenue earned prior to the disaster date of 1/31/20 to calculate your economic injury. If your only revenue was earned after that date as a newer business you may not qualify.

If the numbers on your application were correct, you would not be eligible for an EIDL. If you made an error you can request an amendment and request reactivation of your application. I can assist with this process. You need at minimum Profit and Loss statements for the period 12 months prior to the disaster starting 1/31/20.

20. QUESTION: What is CAWEB and how can it help me track my loan disbursement and other status?

ANSWER: You can use the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding. It allows you to see disbursement status and other details related to your loan.

Using the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding.Visit or click the link at the top of r/EIDL

Setting up an account:

You need a SBA Loan # to set up an account – for EIDL it appears on the first page of your documents, in the upper left hand area, and says “SBA Loan # XXXXXXXXXX.”

SBA loan #’s are 10 digits. Your Application # will NOT work for account set-up.

If you have a PPP Loan, you can use your SBA # for this loan to set up an account. Sometimes this # is easy to figure out, sometimes not. That has to do with an intermediary (like your bank) being involved, but if you can track down an actual SBA Loan #, you can go ahead and get registered without your EIDL loan number.

On the home page click on “Not Enrolled?” in the top left. This takes you to a screen to enter info. You may come to hate this screen, this process is very finicky.

Look at the rules for creating a User ID and Password by clicking on “Rules…” next to the fields.

Write your exact ID & password down somewhere – if you ever get locked out and call the SBA for help, they are going to tell you that Borrowers are not supposed to be able to access CAFS CAWeb. Apparently we still can, so don’t make this a big deal or maybe that will change!For user type – select “borrower” from the drop down menu.

Fill in the highlighted fields with your info. Click on the “ZIP LOOKUP” button after you enter your zip code. This auto populates some other boxes, and registration won’t work if you don’t do this.
For the country code in the phone number section enter “1” for the United States.

Financial commitment ID is your Loan # – 10 digits.

If you don’t have a landline, it has been reported that just entering your mobile number in both fields works. You will have to select 3 of their security questions, enter the Captcha image info, then hit “submit” at the bottom.

If it didn’t like the info you have entered, it will give you an error message for what part it didn’t like, and you will have to try again, which requires re-entering quite a bit of the information. It’s a pain.
But if it takes it, you’re in! There may be a verification step now as well.

Finding your loan on CAWeb

On the caweb homepage, login (if you aren’t already), it will be personalized and show your name. You have to scroll down and check the “Agree to Terms” box when you are logging in.

Click on “Borrower” in the top left, then click on “Borrower Search”. This should take you to your “Loan List” showing the loan #, borrower name, loan type, amount, and loan status.

PPP loans typically appear as “Active Un-Disbursed” – if your PPP is already funded don’t worry about that. Your EIDL will show up as “Disbursed Current” if funds are on their way. It may say something else if you look immediately after you send back you Docs, but it should change pretty quickly. Logging out and back in again will sometimes refresh the status. Loan status will say “Active Un-Disbursed” until Treasury send the funds to your bank, then it changes to “Disbursed Current”.

It depends on your bank when they post in your account (same day, next day, time).

If your banking info didn’t verify, the transaction will fail to go through, and the status will revert.

If you are not funded within 3-4 banking days, there is likely a problem – check your info in your portal, call the SBA, and then email Cue if needed.

If you click on your loan# in the list, it opens up a page with details about your loan.

There’s even a box at the bottom to check if you want electronic account statements only, but if you check that, a warning pops up about “all attached to this loan will be affected by this change”, so we recommend not selecting that option just yet.
21. QUESTION: I received my portal invite link, however when I go to create an account I just get the message: “The user account has not been confirmed yet. Please confirm using the link in the e-mail”. What can I do?

ANSWER: This is a known bug/error normally relating to either getting the invite ahead of schedule or other missing information in your file that would prevent the account creation from moving forward. Tier 2 cannot solve this and it need a special approach to resolve.

6-23-2020   EIDL Loan Questions Answered 

1. QUESTION: How do I get in touch with customer service phone support?

ANSWER: The highest level of official customer service is known as “tier 2” and can be reached by calling 1-800-659-2955 and asking for Tier 2.

They are unfortunately, a very limited means of support. They are able to check your application status and see the current “stage” and leave notes in your file, but unable to directly make any changes or escalate anything in a meaningful way.

Most are very nice and well meaning people but are usually poorly informed and often provided contradictory information between calls. The important thing to understand is that notes left by T2 do not actually notify a loan officer or anyone, they are simply waiting to be read if someone happens to open your file and takes the time to review the case notes. So if a T2 says they requested a change do not assume it was or will be made.

2. QUESTION: What are my chances of being approved for this loan? Can I know in advance?


ANSWER: The loan is relatively easy to get approval for by loan standards. The exact underwriting criteria the SBA is using was leaked by some helpful people and thus you can have a good understanding what your chances are.

Underwriters look for the following:-Minimum Credit Score of 570. They will pull from experian. Close to Vantage 3 model found on nav DOT com or TransUnion numbers on credit karma. They do NOT use FICO. Credit score is largest factor for approval for this loan and no exceptions are made for under 570.

-If economic injury was sustained based on formula described in QUESTION 4. If this is a negative number you will be auto declined. (SEE QUESTION 5) The SBA does not consider potential revenue lost or general expenses in the loan amount.

-Tax liens or tax issues are NOT a disqualifying factor or taken into consideration for COVID19 disaster.

-Business start date must be prior to 1/31/20
-open bankruptcies = Declined. Closed OK.
-Arrest for felony < 5 years = Declined
-Arrest for misdemeanor < 5 years = Declined
-Sole proprietors with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Any business principals with 50% or more ownership with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Your business must pass verification in some way that it is a valid operation. If they can find it on google it will suffice. Otherwise you may have to provide documents to prove it’s a legit business.
-Your business type must not be on the list for ineligible business activity.

-All owners on application must be either US citizens or Permanent Residents. E-2 Investor visa is NOT eligible and any attempts to appeal or add a co-borrower who is a citizen or LPR will be unsuccessful. Corporations, Partnerships, and Limited Liability Entities (LLE): Alien-owned corporations, partnerships, and LLEs properly registered and licensed in the state where the disaster occurred are eligible. If any member, partner, or shareholder, owning 20 percent or more of the applicant business is in the USA they must be a qualified alien.  If the alien resides outside the USA an exception may be made.3. QUESTION: I received a decline letter for “Business activity not eligible”. What can I do?

ANSWER: EIDL has a list of restricted business categories, if your type is NOT on this list and you still received this letter you may have been improperly classified.
The following applicants are not eligible for EIDL assistance.

7-Eleven Franchise Stores, despite what corp office says. (advance is OK)

Lending or Investment Concerns (except for real estate investments held for rental)

Multi-level Sales Distribution (Pyramid) Concerns c. Speculative Activities d. Non-profit Organizations that are not considered a Private Non-Profit

Consumer and Marketing Cooperatives. However, other cooperatives and small agricultural cooperatives meeting applicable size standards are eligible f. Not a small business concern (except for PNP of any size) g. Gambling Concerns. Concerns that derive more than one-third of their annual gross revenue from legal gambling activities.

Casinos, Racetracks, Etc. Businesses whose purpose for being is gambling (such as casinos, racetracks, poker parlors, etc.) are not eligible for EIDL assistance regardless of their ability to meet the one-third criteria established for otherwise eligible concerns.Loan packagers who derives more than one-third of their annual volume from the preparation of applications seeking financial assistance from SBA

Religious Organizations.

Political or Lobbying Concerns.

Pawn shops, when 50 percent or more of previous year’s income was derived 50 30 9 71 Effective Date: May 31, 2018 from interest

Real Estate Developers. Establishments primarily engaged in subdividing real property into lots and developing it for resale on their own account.

Life Insurance Companies.

Concerns Engaged in Illegal Activities (as defined by Federal guidelines). p. Government-owned concerns, except for businesses owned or controlled by a Native American tribe.

Concerns with Principals Incarcerated, on Parole or Probation: remain ineligible if the parole or probation is lifted solely because it is an impediment to obtaining a loan.

Concerns engaged in live performances of, or the Sale of Products, Services, of a Prurient Sexual Nature.

Businesses considered as hobbies.

Concerns Involved in Change in Ownership Situations: Concerns which had a substantial change of ownership (more than 50 percent) after the impending economic injury became apparent, and no contract for sale existed prior to that time are ineligible .

4. QUESTION: How is the loan amount calculated? How can I request a specific amount?

ANSWER: There is no way to request a specific amount, the eligible amount is calculated automatically by formula based on your inputs. There are three known formulas:

Standard Small Business: Revenue minus COGS divided by 2 minus advance, subject to maximum of 150K

Not for Profit: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20Business that collects rental property income, your offer is calculated by lost rents due to the disaster, not the standard formula. If your offer is lower than expected you may have been wrongly classified into this formula.

Agricultural businesses: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20

If the formula results in a negative number or less than your advance you will be declined for “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”

5. QUESTION: What is the maximum loan amount?

ANSWER: As of last update it is currently 150K cap. This will not change anytime soon and there will be no way to request more at present. The only way to avoid the cap is if your loan was already being obligated prior to the change by the SBA from 500K. If I hear anything new on this it will be updated here.

6. QUESTION: When will I get my portal invite?

ANSWER: Portal invites are a fully automated process and not strictly sequential but follow general group patterns. If you see someone that has a higher number than you get a portal invite it does NOT mean you were “passed over”.

Note: as of 5/30 there are a number of very early applications that are actually “stuck” in the credit pull stage (no portal invite yet, if you have the portal you do not have this issue) due to a glitch. If you have an application date of 3/29, 3/30, 3/31, or 4/01 (but no later) you may email me for information on how to get this resolved. Please be honest and accurate about your application date, I will know. If you app date is later and you still haven’t gotten your portal invite, I cannot help with this! I can’t stress that enough. 

7. QUESTION: I finally got a portal invite and accepted and submitted an amount. My application says it is “processing”, now what?

ANSWER: This is when the actual loan process starts and underwriting begins. Your application will be assigned a loan officer for review using the criteria listed in question 2.

The exact process is as follows with the actual stages from start to finish. Keep in mind that once you accept in the portal a number of things are going on behind the scenes, which is why “processing” can take a great deal of time. Once you see a loan amount in your portal, this is NOT an approved offer. It is simply a potential amount you are eligible for based on the stated formula if you pass underwriting.

Initial Call Needed (credit not ran)

Credit Pulled (waiting for automated portal invitation, this is by far the longest part of the process)
Quoted (received portal invite with an eligible amount)
Offer Accepted (you confirmed and submitted an amount in the portal)
Submitted Deal (waiting to be assigned to a Loan Officer)

LO assigned and makes decision: Declined, Duplicate, Approved[The following takes place behind the scenes and will not reflect in your portal, but will still say “processing”]

Approved: T2 Rep can now see your loan is approved on their screen. This means the Loan Officer has approved the deal and it is now going to the Senior Loan Officer. If the SLO does not approve the deal then it will go to declined.

Obligating: SLO known as a “team leader” reviews the work of the first LO to ensure everything was done correctly. Once they sign off on the deal the loan is now fully approved. The loan is being sent to the E-Tran system to receive a loan number. The loan has not yet received a loan number from E-Tran while obligating. This is the most common phase where hang ups in “processing” can error called “error in obligating”. Usually due to small technical issues or errors in your information that need to be sorted.Obligated: A loan number from E-Tran has been obtained and now closing documents can be drafted and sent to the borrower. This is when your portal would change from “processing” to approved. There may be a delay between when your offer is obligated to when it actually shows approved. I have seen it happen in as fast as 10 minutes or as long as 12 hours. You can also see approved but not have docs available. Docs will not show up until you get an email with the approval. The delay on this can be a few hours or more.

Funding: Docs are signed and the loan is automatically moved to funding stage to have treasury issue an ACH. This happens very quickly and you should see the ACH sent right after with the funds arriving in 24-48 hours on banking days. **NOTE** Currently as of 6/10 we are seeing delays in funding of up to a week or even more, as it is very backed up in the queue.** At this point you can track the disbursement with your loan number from the docs using CAWEB to see if the ACH has been sent. See CAWEB question.

Funded: Process complete, funds are successfully in your bank account. Congrats

Note: The exception to this process is that some applications which are considered easy (based on unknown factors) to approve are subject to full automation and may go straight to approval bypassing the above steps. This only happens in rare cases.

You may also see a status that says, “On-Hold” Amount $0: This status typically is when your loan was temporarily declined and is still in the reconsideration department pending possible reconsideration approval.

8. QUESTION: I now understand that processing really means “underwriting”, but how long will it actually take? What is the normal amount of time?

ANSWER: The amount of time it is normal for your portal to say “processing” is highly variable as a hundred different factors are involved behind the scenes. As of 6/10 we are seeing extended delays in processing time and obligating stage specifically. The average we are seeing is around 14-16 days total in processing. If your application has been in underwriting for greater than 14 days it may merit investigate, but not necessarily indicate a problem with your chances of approval. Do NOT panic if it seems “stuck” with no communication from anyone. This is normal.

9. QUESTION: Does contacting my congressmen or senator actually work?

ANSWER: Yes, the SBA treats congressional inquiry very carefully and will flag and sometimes white glove your application. Often they will assign a special case worker during the process. The important thing is when your local congressional office reaches out they do NOT contact the local district SBA but this email: This email is NOT for use by applicants but only official government purposes.

10. QUESTION: Help! I accidentally entered the wrong revenue or COGS on my application and my offer amount was lower than I expected, is it possible to change this?

ANSWER: Yes, but two factors are important:

You should NOT have already accepted an amount and submitted for processing in the portal. *If you already did see note below.

You have documentation to backup the changes such as Federal Tax Returns 2018 or 2019 or P&L Statements. Tax returns are strongly preferred if available.

****The important thing here is DO NOT accept the offer in the portal if you need to revise your numbers.****

*IF YOU HAVE ALREADY ACCEPTED THE OFFER: Call tier 2 support as soon as you possibly can and ask them to make the following note in your file: Loan Officer, DO NOT approve this file without calling me, the applicant, because my (revenue or COGS) figures are wrong. I have supporting docs to make the changes. Please contact me ASAP.11. QUESTION: I need to change my Rev or COGS and I already accepted an amount in the portal, Tier 2 told me to do it! Is it too late?

Answer: Unfortunately tier 2 is currently giving absolutely terrible advice in this situation. They are telling people to accept the offer in the portal to speak with a loan officer to make the revision. The problem is that once you accept you set the process in motion and then it gets obligated by treasury it is impossible to adjust. The proper time is prior to accepting. Often times loan officers never are needed, never reach out or even read these notes. I see it every day and people are stuck its the “kiss of death” advice. If you already accepted you may have time but would need to work quickly from date of submit.

UPDATE: As of 6/15 there is now a way to fix this. See question 13.

12. QUESTION: Who are you. Can you help me?

ANSWER: I am the owner of a Mid Sized accounting firm. We are assisting not only our clients but anyone who needs help. We are sharing the information, strategies, and general knowledge we have gained since the beginning of the Covid 19 outbreak. We do not work at the SBA nor do we have any affiliation with the SBA.
Due to a huge volume of E-Mail be patient if we do not get back to you as quickly as we would like. We will be answering all E-Mails.

13. QUESTION: My loan was obligated, already funded, or I already accepted the amount in the portal. I made a mistake with my COGS or revenue and I am not happy with the amount. Can I change it?

ANSWER: As of 6/12 loan modifications are now being allowed. You can contact and request a “Loan Modification increase”. It is a 3-4 week process that requires documentation. A second loan will be given for the difference from the first one. It will be processed as a 20xx series loan in the old system/portal. For more details email me. Note if you have not yet accepted the offer the normal process is much faster.

14. QUESTION: I received my portal link, but when I go to create an account it just takes me to the login page. What can be done?

ANSWER: Follow these steps:

Open the email to create your portal account. Right click on the green button that says, “create your account”. Click “copy link address” or “copy hyperlink” depending on your browser.

Use a VPN service, such as NordVPN or ProtonVPN (free), to connect to a VPN server in different state than yours, preferably on the opposite coast you are located.

Open an incognito browser window, or private browser session if on firefox.

Right click on the URL/web address field and paste the link you copied. Hit enter.

You should then successfully be able to create a login, enter the portal, and accept your offer.

Alternately if you don’t have a VPN or want to use one you can use a mobile phone to login incognito, with WiFi off on a cellular network, to create the account.

15. QUESTION: I was declined for “unsatisfactory credit”. What are my options?

ANSWER: You have a few options.

You can bring your vantage 3 score over 570 by paying down cards, when you are ready you can request the SBA re-pull your report and reactivate your account via


You can request to add a co-borrower that has a higher score than 570 with no open bankruptcy and run their credit to reactivate your application.You can expedite your request for a co-borrower by having this ready to go. You can also do this preemptively if you expect to be declined for credit. The co-borrower does NOT have to be involved with the business and can be anyone.

The form is available here:

SBA Form 3501 – Adding Co-Borrower
Instructions for filling out form:
Only fill out the following:

Line #14 – Add the co-borrowers information under owner #1
Line #15 – Answer question for co-borrower.
Line #16 – Answer question for co-borrower.

Sign page 10, co-borrower signs.Attach and send with your co-borrower request to with your application number.

16. QUESTION: What documents are required? Will a loan officer contact me?

ANSWER: In most cases no documentation is required and everything is self certified. In some cases a LO will need to contact you to clarify some things about your business or request specific documents. In most cases you will never be contacted by or communicate with a loan officer.

17. QUESTION: Can I decline the loan and just get the advance/grant?

ANSWER: Yes, but the EIDL loan and EIDL loan Advance/Grant are on the same application, so you should not decline the loan until you receive the EIDL Advance.

18. QUESTION: What are the eligible uses of EIDL funds?

ANSWER: These loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact. What are all the possible uses of the funds? The wording ‘obligations that are unable to be met due to lack of revenue’ seems to be a catch all, but how much so? The EIDL working capital loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that could have been paid had the disaster not occurred. The loans are not intended to replace lost sales or profits or for expansion.

 19. QUESTION: I received a denial letter for the reason “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”. What does this mean and what can I do?

ANSWER: This occurs when the numbers entered on your application for COGS are greater than your revenue. The SBA calculates economic injury based on the formula in question number 4. You can also be denied for this reason if the resulting number is less than your advance amount. Please note that the SBA is only taking into account revenue earned prior to the disaster date of 1/31/20 to calculate your economic injury. If your only revenue was earned after that date as a newer business you may not qualify.

If the numbers on your application were correct, you would not be eligible for an EIDL. If you made an error you can request an amendment and request reactivation of your application. I can assist with this process. You need at minimum Profit and Loss statements for the period 12 months prior to the disaster starting 1/31/20.

20. QUESTION: What is CAWEB and how can it help me track my loan disbursement and other status?

ANSWER: You can use the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding. It allows you to see disbursement status and other details related to your loan.

Using the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding.Visit or click the link at the top of r/EIDL

Setting up an account:

You need a SBA Loan # to set up an account – for EIDL it appears on the first page of your documents, in the upper left hand area, and says “SBA Loan # XXXXXXXXXX.”

SBA loan #’s are 10 digits. Your Application # will NOT work for account set-up.

If you have a PPP Loan, you can use your SBA # for this loan to set up an account. Sometimes this # is easy to figure out, sometimes not. That has to do with an intermediary (like your bank) being involved, but if you can track down an actual SBA Loan #, you can go ahead and get registered without your EIDL loan number.

On the home page click on “Not Enrolled?” in the top left. This takes you to a screen to enter info. You may come to hate this screen, this process is very finicky.

Look at the rules for creating a User ID and Password by clicking on “Rules…” next to the fields.

Write your exact ID & password down somewhere – if you ever get locked out and call the SBA for help, they are going to tell you that Borrowers are not supposed to be able to access CAFS CAWeb. Apparently we still can, so don’t make this a big deal or maybe that will change!For user type – select “borrower” from the drop down menu.

Fill in the highlighted fields with your info. Click on the “ZIP LOOKUP” button after you enter your zip code. This auto populates some other boxes, and registration won’t work if you don’t do this.
For the country code in the phone number section enter “1” for the United States.

Financial commitment ID is your Loan # – 10 digits.

If you don’t have a landline, it has been reported that just entering your mobile number in both fields works. You will have to select 3 of their security questions, enter the Captcha image info, then hit “submit” at the bottom.

If it didn’t like the info you have entered, it will give you an error message for what part it didn’t like, and you will have to try again, which requires re-entering quite a bit of the information. It’s a pain.
But if it takes it, you’re in! There may be a verification step now as well.

Finding your loan on CAWeb

On the caweb homepage, login (if you aren’t already), it will be personalized and show your name. You have to scroll down and check the “Agree to Terms” box when you are logging in.

Click on “Borrower” in the top left, then click on “Borrower Search”. This should take you to your “Loan List” showing the loan #, borrower name, loan type, amount, and loan status.

PPP loans typically appear as “Active Un-Disbursed” – if your PPP is already funded don’t worry about that. Your EIDL will show up as “Disbursed Current” if funds are on their way. It may say something else if you look immediately after you send back you Docs, but it should change pretty quickly. Logging out and back in again will sometimes refresh the status. Loan status will say “Active Un-Disbursed” until Treasury send the funds to your bank, then it changes to “Disbursed Current”.

It depends on your bank when they post in your account (same day, next day, time).

If your banking info didn’t verify, the transaction will fail to go through, and the status will revert.

If you are not funded within 3-4 banking days, there is likely a problem – check your info in your portal, call the SBA, and then email Cue if needed.

If you click on your loan# in the list, it opens up a page with details about your loan.

There’s even a box at the bottom to check if you want electronic account statements only, but if you check that, a warning pops up about “all attached to this loan will be affected by this change”, so we recommend not selecting that option just yet.
21. QUESTION: I received my portal invite link, however when I go to create an account I just get the message: “The user account has not been confirmed yet. Please confirm using the link in the e-mail”. What can I do?

ANSWER: This is a known bug/error normally relating to either getting the invite ahead of schedule or other missing information in your file that would prevent the account creation from moving forward. Tier 2 cannot solve this and it need a special approach to resolve.

6-23-2020   EIDL Loan Questions Answered 

1. QUESTION: How do I get in touch with customer service phone support?

ANSWER: The highest level of official customer service is known as “tier 2” and can be reached by calling 1-800-659-2955 and asking for Tier 2.

They are unfortunately, a very limited means of support. They are able to check your application status and see the current “stage” and leave notes in your file, but unable to directly make any changes or escalate anything in a meaningful way.

Most are very nice and well meaning people but are usually poorly informed and often provided contradictory information between calls. The important thing to understand is that notes left by T2 do not actually notify a loan officer or anyone, they are simply waiting to be read if someone happens to open your file and takes the time to review the case notes. So if a T2 says they requested a change do not assume it was or will be made.

2. QUESTION: What are my chances of being approved for this loan? Can I know in advance?

ANSWER: The loan is relatively easy to get approval for by loan standards. The exact underwriting criteria the SBA is using was leaked by some helpful people and thus you can have a good understanding what your chances are.

Underwriters look for the following:-Minimum Credit Score of 570. They will pull from experian. Close to Vantage 3 model found on nav DOT com or TransUnion numbers on credit karma. They do NOT use FICO. Credit score is largest factor for approval for this loan and no exceptions are made for under 570.

-If economic injury was sustained based on formula described in QUESTION 4. If this is a negative number you will be auto declined. (SEE QUESTION 5) The SBA does not consider potential revenue lost or general expenses in the loan amount.

-Tax liens or tax issues are NOT a disqualifying factor or taken into consideration for COVID19 disaster.

-Business start date must be prior to 1/31/20
-open bankruptcies = Declined. Closed OK.
-Arrest for felony < 5 years = Declined
-Arrest for misdemeanor < 5 years = Declined
-Sole proprietors with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Any business principals with 50% or more ownership with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Your business must pass verification in some way that it is a valid operation. If they can find it on google it will suffice. Otherwise you may have to provide documents to prove it’s a legit business.
-Your business type must not be on the list for ineligible business activity. See list on FAQ.

-All owners on application must be either US citizens or Permanent Residents. E-2 Investor visa is NOT eligible and any attempts to appeal or add a co-borrower who is a citizen or LPR will be unsuccessful. Corporations, Partnerships, and Limited Liability Entities (LLE): Alien-owned corporations, partnerships, and LLEs properly registered and licensed in the state where the disaster occurred are eligible. If any member, partner, or shareholder, owning 20 percent or more of the applicant business is in the USA they must be a qualified alien.  If the alien resides outside the USA an exception may be made.3. QUESTION: I received a decline letter for “Business activity not eligible”. What can I do?

ANSWER: EIDL has a list of restricted business categories, if your type is NOT on this list and you still received this letter you may have been improperly classified.
The following applicants are not eligible for EIDL assistance.

7-Eleven Franchise Stores, despite what corp office says. (advance is OK)

Lending or Investment Concerns (except for real estate investments held for rental)

Multi-level Sales Distribution (Pyramid) Concerns c. Speculative Activities d. Non-profit Organizations that are not considered a Private Non-Profit

Consumer and Marketing Cooperatives. However, other cooperatives and small agricultural cooperatives meeting applicable size standards are eligible f. Not a small business concern (except for PNP of any size) g. Gambling Concerns. Concerns that derive more than one-third of their annual gross revenue from legal gambling activities.

Casinos, Racetracks, Etc. Businesses whose purpose for being is gambling (such as casinos, racetracks, poker parlors, etc.) are not eligible for EIDL assistance regardless of their ability to meet the one-third criteria established for otherwise eligible concerns.Loan packagers who derives more than one-third of their annual volume from the preparation of applications seeking financial assistance from SBA

Religious Organizations.

Political or Lobbying Concerns.

Pawn shops, when 50 percent or more of previous year’s income was derived 50 30 9 71 Effective Date: May 31, 2018 from interest

Real Estate Developers. Establishments primarily engaged in subdividing real property into lots and developing it for resale on their own account.

Life Insurance Companies.

Concerns Engaged in Illegal Activities (as defined by Federal guidelines). p. Government-owned concerns, except for businesses owned or controlled by a Native American tribe.

Concerns with Principals Incarcerated, on Parole or Probation: remain ineligible if the parole or probation is lifted solely because it is an impediment to obtaining a loan.

Concerns engaged in live performances of, or the Sale of Products, Services, of a Prurient Sexual Nature.

Businesses considered as hobbies.

Concerns Involved in Change in Ownership Situations: Concerns which had a substantial change of ownership (more than 50 percent) after the impending economic injury became apparent, and no contract for sale existed prior to that time are ineligible .

4. QUESTION: How is the loan amount calculated? How can I request a specific amount?

ANSWER: There is no way to request a specific amount, the eligible amount is calculated automatically by formula based on your inputs. There are three known formulas:

Standard Small Business: Revenue minus COGS divided by 2 minus advance, subject to maximum of 150K

Not for Profit: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20Business that collects rental property income, your offer is calculated by lost rents due to the disaster, not the standard formula. If your offer is lower than expected you may have been wrongly classified into this formula.
Agricultural businesses: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20

If the formula results in a negative number or less than your advance you will be declined for “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”

5. QUESTION: What is the maximum loan amount?

ANSWER: As of last update it is currently 150K cap. This will not change anytime soon and there will be no way to request more at present. The only way to avoid the cap is if your loan was already being obligated prior to the change by the SBA from 500K. If I hear anything new on this it will be updated here.

6. QUESTION: When will I get my portal invite?

ANSWER: Portal invites are a fully automated process and not strictly sequential but follow general group patterns. If you see someone that has a higher number than you get a portal invite it does NOT mean you were “passed over”.
Note: as of 5/30 there are a number of very early applications that are actually “stuck” in the credit pull stage (no portal invite yet, if you have the portal you do not have this issue) due to a glitch. If you have an application date of 3/29, 3/30, 3/31, or 4/01 (but no later) you may email me for information on how to get this resolved. Please be honest and accurate about your application date, I will know. If you app date is later and you still haven’t gotten your portal invite, I cannot help with this! I can’t stress that enough. 

7. QUESTION: I finally got a portal invite and accepted and submitted an amount. My application says it is “processing”, now what?

ANSWER: This is when the actual loan process starts and underwriting begins. Your application will be assigned a loan officer for review using the criteria listed in question 2. The exact process is as follows with the actual stages from start to finish. Keep in mind that once you accept in the portal a number of things are going on behind the scenes, which is why “processing” can take a great deal of time. Once you see a loan amount in your portal, this is NOT an approved offer. It is simply a potential amount you are eligible for based on the stated formula if you pass underwriting.

Initial Call Needed (credit not ran)

Credit Pulled (waiting for automated portal invitation, this is by far the longest part of the process)
Quoted (received portal invite with an eligible amount)
Offer Accepted (you confirmed and submitted an amount in the portal)
Submitted Deal (waiting to be assigned to a Loan Officer)

LO assigned and makes decision: Declined, Duplicate, Approved[The following takes place behind the scenes and will not reflect in your portal, but will still say “processing”]

Approved: T2 Rep can now see your loan is approved on their screen. This means the Loan Officer has approved the deal and it is now going to the Senior Loan Officer. If the SLO does not approve the deal then it will go to declined.
Obligating: SLO known as a “team leader” reviews the work of the first LO to ensure everything was done correctly. Once they sign off on the deal the loan is now fully approved. The loan is being sent to the E-Tran system to receive a loan number. The loan has not yet received a loan number from E-Tran while obligating. This is the most common phase where hang ups in “processing” can error called “error in obligating”. Usually due to small technical issues or errors in your information that need to be sorted.Obligated: A loan number from E-Tran has been obtained and now closing documents can be drafted and sent to the borrower. This is when your portal would change from “processing” to approved. There may be a delay between when your offer is obligated to when it actually shows approved. I have seen it happen in as fast as 10 minutes or as long as 12 hours. You can also see approved but not have docs available. Docs will not show up until you get an email with the approval. The delay on this can be a few hours or more.

Funding: Docs are signed and the loan is automatically moved to funding stage to have treasury issue an ACH. This happens very quickly and you should see the ACH sent right after with the funds arriving in 24-48 hours on banking days. **NOTE** Currently as of 6/10 we are seeing delays in funding of up to a week or even more, as it is very backed up in the queue.** At this point you can track the disbursement with your loan number from the docs using CAWEB to see if the ACH has been sent. See CAWEB question.

Funded: Process complete, funds are successfully in your bank account. Congrats

Note: The exception to this process is that some applications which are considered easy (based on unknown factors) to approve are subject to full automation and may go straight to approval bypassing the above steps. This only happens in rare cases.

You may also see a status that says, “On-Hold” Amount $0: This status typically is when your loan was temporarily declined and is still in the reconsideration department pending possible reconsideration approval.

8. QUESTION: I now understand that processing really means “underwriting”, but how long will it actually take? What is the normal amount of time?

ANSWER: The amount of time it is normal for your portal to say “processing” is highly variable as a hundred different factors are involved behind the scenes. As of 6/10 we are seeing extended delays in processing time and obligating stage specifically. The average we are seeing is around 14-16 days total in processing. If your application has been in underwriting for greater than 14 days it may merit investigate, but not necessarily indicate a problem with your chances of approval. Do NOT panic if it seems “stuck” with no communication from anyone. This is normal.

9. QUESTION: Does contacting my congressmen or senator actually work?

ANSWER: Yes, the SBA treats congressional inquiry very carefully and will flag and sometimes white glove your application. Often they will assign a special case worker during the process. The important thing is when your local congressional office reaches out they do NOT contact the local district SBA but this email: This email is NOT for use by applicants but only official government purposes.

10. QUESTION: Help! I accidentally entered the wrong revenue or COGS on my application and my offer amount was lower than I expected, is it possible to change this?

ANSWER: Yes, but two factors are important:

You should NOT have already accepted an amount and submitted for processing in the portal. *If you already did see note below.

You have documentation to backup the changes such as Federal Tax Returns 2018 or 2019 or P&L Statements. Tax returns are strongly preferred if available.

****The important thing here is DO NOT accept the offer in the portal if you need to revise your numbers.****

*IF YOU HAVE ALREADY ACCEPTED THE OFFER: Call tier 2 support as soon as you possibly can and ask them to make the following note in your file: Loan Officer, DO NOT approve this file without calling me, the applicant, because my (revenue or COGS) figures are wrong. I have supporting docs to make the changes. Please contact me ASAP.11. QUESTION: I need to change my Rev or COGS and I already accepted an amount in the portal, Tier 2 told me to do it! Is it too late?

Answer: Unfortunately tier 2 is currently giving absolutely terrible advice in this situation. They are telling people to accept the offer in the portal to speak with a loan officer to make the revision. The problem is that once you accept you set the process in motion and then it gets obligated by treasury it is impossible to adjust. The proper time is prior to accepting. Often times loan officers never are needed, never reach out or even read these notes. I see it every day and people are stuck its the “kiss of death” advice. If you already accepted you may have time but would need to work quickly from date of submit.

UPDATE: As of 6/15 there is now a way to fix this. See question 13.

12. QUESTION: Who are you. Can you help me?

ANSWER: I am the owner of a Mid Sized accounting firm. We are assisting not only our clients but anyone who needs help. We are sharing the information, strategies, and general knowledge we have gained since the beginning of the Covid 19 outbreak. We do not work at the SBA nor do we have any affiliation with the SBA.
Due to a huge volume of E-Mail be patient if we do not get back to you as quickly as we would like. We will be answering all E-Mails.

13. QUESTION: My loan was obligated, already funded, or I already accepted the amount in the portal. I made a mistake with my COGS or revenue and I am not happy with the amount. Can I change it?

ANSWER: As of 6/12 loan modifications are now being allowed. You can contact and request a “Loan Modification increase”. It is a 3-4 week process that requires documentation. A second loan will be given for the difference from the first one. It will be processed as a 20xx series loan in the old system/portal. For more details email me. Note if you have not yet accepted the offer the normal process is much faster.

14. QUESTION: I received my portal link, but when I go to create an account it just takes me to the login page. What can be done?

ANSWER: Follow these steps:

Open the email to create your portal account. Right click on the green button that says, “create your account”. Click “copy link address” or “copy hyperlink” depending on your browser.

Use a VPN service, such as NordVPN or ProtonVPN (free), to connect to a VPN server in different state than yours, preferably on the opposite coast you are located.

Open an incognito browser window, or private browser session if on firefox.

Right click on the URL/web address field and paste the link you copied. Hit enter.

You should then successfully be able to create a login, enter the portal, and accept your offer.

Alternately if you don’t have a VPN or want to use one you can use a mobile phone to login incognito, with WiFi off on a cellular network, to create the account.

15. QUESTION: I was declined for “unsatisfactory credit”. What are my options?

ANSWER: You have a few options.

You can bring your vantage 3 score over 570 by paying down cards, when you are ready you can request the SBA re-pull your report and reactivate your account via

You can request to add a co-borrower that has a higher score than 570 with no open bankruptcy and run their credit to reactivate your application.You can expedite your request for a co-borrower by having this ready to go. You can also do this preemptively if you expect to be declined for credit. The co-borrower does NOT have to be involved with the business and can be anyone.

The form is available here:

SBA Form 3501 – Adding Co-Borrower
Instructions for filling out form:
Only fill out the following:

Line #14 – Add the co-borrowers information under owner #1
Line #15 – Answer question for co-borrower.
Line #16 – Answer question for co-borrower.
Sign page 10, co-borrower signs.Attach and send with your co-borrower request to with your application number.

NOTE: If you have an urgent need to have your co-borrower request expedited, please email me at with the subject line: “ADDING CO-BORROWER REQUESTED URGENT” I will respond within 24 hours.

16. QUESTION: What documents are required? Will a loan officer contact me?

ANSWER: In most cases no documentation is required and everything is self certified. In some cases a LO will need to contact you to clarify some things about your business or request specific documents. In most cases you will never be contacted by or communicate with a loan officer.

17. QUESTION: Can I decline the loan and just get the advance/grant?

ANSWER: Yes, but the EIDL loan and EIDL loan Advance/Grant are on the same application, so you should not decline the loan until you receive the EIDL Advance.

18. QUESTION: What are the eligible uses of EIDL funds?

ANSWER: These loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact. What are all the possible uses of the funds? The wording ‘obligations that are unable to be met due to lack of revenue’ seems to be a catch all, but how much so? The EIDL working capital loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that could have been paid had the disaster not occurred. The loans are not intended to replace lost sales or profits or for expansion.

 19. QUESTION: I received a denial letter for the reason “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”. What does this mean and what can I do?

ANSWER: This occurs when the numbers entered on your application for COGS are greater than your revenue. The SBA calculates economic injury based on the formula in question number 4. You can also be denied for this reason if the resulting number is less than your advance amount. Please note that the SBA is only taking into account revenue earned prior to the disaster date of 1/31/20 to calculate your economic injury. If your only revenue was earned after that date as a newer business you may not qualify.

If the numbers on your application were correct, you would not be eligible for an EIDL. If you made an error you can request an amendment and request reactivation of your application. I can assist with this process. You need at minimum Profit and Loss statements for the period 12 months prior to the disaster starting 1/31/20.

20. QUESTION: What is CAWEB and how can it help me track my loan disbursement and other status?

ANSWER: You can use the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding. It allows you to see disbursement status and other details related to your loan.
Using the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding.Visit or click the link at the top of r/EIDL

Setting up an account:

You need a SBA Loan # to set up an account – for EIDL it appears on the first page of your documents, in the upper left hand area, and says “SBA Loan # XXXXXXXXXX.”

SBA loan #’s are 10 digits. Your Application # will NOT work for account set-up.

If you have a PPP Loan, you can use your SBA # for this loan to set up an account. Sometimes this # is easy to figure out, sometimes not. That has to do with an intermediary (like your bank) being involved, but if you can track down an actual SBA Loan #, you can go ahead and get registered without your EIDL loan number.

On the home page click on “Not Enrolled?” in the top left. This takes you to a screen to enter info. You may come to hate this screen, this process is very finicky.

Look at the rules for creating a User ID and Password by clicking on “Rules…” next to the fields.

Write your exact ID & password down somewhere – if you ever get locked out and call the SBA for help, they are going to tell you that Borrowers are not supposed to be able to access CAFS CAWeb. Apparently we still can, so don’t make this a big deal or maybe that will change!For user type – select “borrower” from the drop down menu.

Fill in the highlighted fields with your info. Click on the “ZIP LOOKUP” button after you enter your zip code. This auto populates some other boxes, and registration won’t work if you don’t do this.
For the country code in the phone number section enter “1” for the United States.

Financial commitment ID is your Loan # – 10 digits.

If you don’t have a landline, it has been reported that just entering your mobile number in both fields works. You will have to select 3 of their security questions, enter the Captcha image info, then hit “submit” at the bottom.
If it didn’t like the info you have entered, it will give you an error message for what part it didn’t like, and you will have to try again, which requires re-entering quite a bit of the information. It’s a pain.
But if it takes it, you’re in! There may be a verification step now as well.
Finding your loan on CAWeb

On the caweb homepage, login (if you aren’t already), it will be personalized and show your name. You have to scroll down and check the “Agree to Terms” box when you are logging in.

Click on “Borrower” in the top left, then click on “Borrower Search”. This should take you to your “Loan List” showing the loan #, borrower name, loan type, amount, and loan status.

PPP loans typically appear as “Active Un-Disbursed” – if your PPP is already funded don’t worry about that. Your EIDL will show up as “Disbursed Current” if funds are on their way. It may say something else if you look immediately after you send back you Docs, but it should change pretty quickly. Logging out and back in again will sometimes refresh the status. Loan status will say “Active Un-Disbursed” until Treasury send the funds to your bank, then it changes to “Disbursed Current”.

It depends on your bank when they post in your account (same day, next day, time).
If your banking info didn’t verify, the transaction will fail to go through, and the status will revert.
If you are not funded within 3-4 banking days, there is likely a problem – check your info in your portal, call the SBA, and then email Cue if needed.

If you click on your loan# in the list, it opens up a page with details about your loan.
There’s even a box at the bottom to check if you want electronic account statements only, but if you check that, a warning pops up about “all attached to this loan will be affected by this change”, so we recommend not selecting that option just yet.
21. QUESTION: I received my portal invite link, however when I go to create an account I just get the message: “The user account has not been confirmed yet. Please confirm using the link in the e-mail”. What can I do?

ANSWER: This is a known bug/error normally relating to either getting the invite ahead of schedule or other missing information in your file that would prevent the account creation from moving forward. Tier 2 cannot solve this and it need a special approach to resolve.

6-19-2020   Financial Assistance for Small Businesses

Have you applied for the SBA’s Payroll Protection Program (PPP) yet? 
Reach out to your lender to apply before June 30, 2020. 
On June 15, the SBA reopened the EIDL loan program. Small businesses can access low-interest, long-term loans and an advance of up to $10,000. You can apply directly online with the SBA here.
Have questions about either program? We are ready to help you prepare and submit loan documents call us at 718-227-9797 

6-19-2020   Social Security Benefits Site

The Social Security Administration announced the first of several steps the agency is taking to improve the publics experience on its website. The newly redesigned retirement benefits portal, at, will help millions of people prepare for and apply for retirement.

For more information, please visit

6-16-2020   EIDL applications for non-agricultural business have been re-opened.

Press Release Here:

Program application here:

If you have a business client that owes back taxes to the IRS, especially if it’s relatively recent tax liability, then they should absolutely apply for an EIDL, without hesitation. IRS debts are the only long-term liability that is allowed to be paid with an EIDL.

These are 30-year, 3.75% loans. Compare that to combined penalties and interest at IRS rates, as well as the much shorter “term” of 10 years max that an IA payment is based on.

6-15-2020   New York Forward Loan Fund (NYFLF)

The New York Forward Loan Fund (NYFLF) is a new economic recovery loan program aimed at supporting New York State small businesses, nonprofits and small landlords as they reopen after the COVID-19 outbreak and NYS on PAUSE.  The NYFLF targets the state’s small businesses with 20 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees (90% of all businesses), nonprofits and small landlords that have seen a loss of rental income.  The NYFLF is specifically timed to support businesses and organizations as they proceed to reopen and have upfront expenses to comply with guidelines (e.g., inventory, marketing, refitting for new social distancing guidelines) under the New York Forward Plan.   

Pre-applications for the New York Forward Loan Fund are now open.  Priority will be given to industries and regions that have been reopened.  This is not a first-come, first-served loan program.  Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis as regions and industries reopen. 

For small businesses and nonprofits that are in industries and regions that have not yet reopened, you are encouraged to prepare your pre-application in advance by taking advantage of the application preparation resources available here.  

  • Small businesses and nonprofits must employ 20 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees; 
  • Small businesses must have gross revenues of less than $3 million per year;
  • Nonprofits must provide direct services and have an annual operating budget of less than $3 million per year; and
  • Have not received a loan from either SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) for COVID-19 in 2020.

6-5-2020    Senate approves House-passed Paycheck Protection Program Reform Bill

5-18-2020  The following is the rule for collecting partial unemployment insurance

What if I work part-time?

If you’ve lost work and are working less than four days a week, making $504 or less, you are eligible for unemployment benefits in New York.

But partial unemployment benefits are calculated based on the number of days you work, not the number of hours. So, even if you work only two hours each day for four days a week, the state unemployment system considers that working four days, and you would not qualify for unemployment benefits.

Nicole Salk, senior staff attorney at the nonprofit Legal Services NYC, recommends consolidating your hours.

“If you have reduced work, try to put it all on one day, because then you maximize your benefits,” she said.

For every day you work, you lose access to 25% of your maximum unemployment benefits. So if you work three days a week, you get 25% of your benefits. If you work two days a week, you get 50% of your benefits, and if you work one day a week, you get 75% of your benefits.

5-7-2020   IF YOU MISSED THE PPP Loans

If you missed out on the ppp payroll program, there is still money available to help with payroll.

There is a tax credit we can help you apply for as long as you have w-2 employees. This can be as much as $5000 an employee that can be used to pay Irs payroll taxes and possibly have a check written out to you. 

Available to all businesses that are down 50% of gross income or you have a government shutdown business. 

Touch base with us so we can see if this works for you! 

If you are already in the PPP Program you are not eligible for this. 

5-7-2020   PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROGRAM LOANS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

5-7-2020     Frequently Asked Questions: SBA Loans

4-21-2020     Social Security Recipients

4-17-2020     Paycheck Protection Program

4-16-2020     To our valued clients,

4-16-2020     Relief for workers affected by the Corona Virus

4-15-2020     Small-business program intended for quick grants is running weeks behind

4-15-2020        Supplemental Security Income recipients will receive automatic Economic Impact Payments; step follows work between Treasury, IRS, Social Security Administration

The Internal Revenue Service, working in partnership with the Treasury Department and the Social Security Administration, announced today that recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) will automatically receive automatic Economic Impact Payments.

SSI recipients will receive a $1,200 Economic Impact Payment with no further action needed on their part. The IRS projects the payments for this group will go out no later than early May.

Moving SSI recipients into the automatic payment category follows weeks of extensive cooperative work between SSA, Treasury, IRS as well as the Bureau of Fiscal Services.

“Since SSI recipients typically aren’t required to file tax returns, the IRS had to work extensively with these other government agencies to determine a way to quickly and accurately deliver Economic Impact Payments to this group,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. “Additional programming work remains, but this step simplifies the process for SSI recipients to quickly and easily receive these $1,200 payments automatically. We appreciate the assistance of SSA and the Bureau of Fiscal Services in this effort.”

No action needed by most taxpayers
Earlier this month, the IRS took a similar action to ensure those receiving Social Security retirement or disability benefits and Railroad Retirement benefits can receive automatic payments of $1,200. While these groups receive Forms 1099, many in this group don’t typically file tax returns. People in these groups are expected to see the automatic $1,200 payments later this month.

Eligible taxpayers who filed tax returns for 2019 or 2018 will also receive the payments automatically. About 80 million payments are hitting bank accounts this week.

For benefit recipients with dependents, extra step needed to claim $500 for children
The law provides eligible taxpayers with qualifying children under age 17 to receive an extra $500. For taxpayers who filed tax returns in 2018 or 2019, the child payments will be automatic.

However, many benefit recipients typically aren’t required to file tax returns. If they have children who qualify, an extra step is needed to add $500 per child onto their automatic payment of $1,200 if they didn’t file a tax return in 2018 or 2019.

For those who receive Social Security retirement or disability benefits (SSDI), Railroad Retirement benefits or SSI and have a qualifying child, they can quickly register by visiting special tool available only on and provide their information in the Non-Filers section. By quickly taking steps to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they can receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If beneficiaries in these groups do not provide their information to the IRS soon, they will have to wait until later to receive their $500 per qualifying child.

The Treasury Department, not the Social Security Administration, will make these automatic payments to SSI recipients. Recipients will generally receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their SSI benefits.

For those with dependents who use Direct Express debit cards, additional information will be available soon regarding the steps to take on the IRS web site when claiming children under 17.

For information about Social Security retirement, survivors and disability insurance beneficiaries, please visit the SSA website at

General information about the Economic Impact Payments is available on a special section of

4-15-2020    Stimulus checks began showing up in peoples bank accounts today. Check your bank account today to see if you got yours. If not don’t worry, it should be coming this week.

If you don’t file taxes don’t worry, there are provisions in place to make sure you too get your stimulus check. For non-filers you can sign-up using the non-filers portal.

4-14-2020  When we started to process the SBA Loans for Covid-19 we were under the understanding the loans would be given to any business, but that is not the case. The $10,000 SBA Loans will be now be given up to $10,000 based on your pre-covid-19 employee numbers. The below bold text came to us in an email from the SBA this morning.

“To ensure that the greatest number of applicants can receive assistance during this challenging time, the amount of your Advance will be determined by the number of your pre-disaster (i.e., as of January 31, 2020) employees. The Advance will provide $1,000 per employee up to a maximum of $10,000.”

The full text from the the email is below:

On March 29, 2020, following the passage of the CARES Act, the SBA provided small business owners and non-profits impacted by COVID-19 with the opportunity to obtain up to a $10,000 Advance on their Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL). The Advance is available as part of the full EIDL application and will be transferred into the account you provide shortly after your application is submitted.

To ensure that the greatest number of applicants can receive assistance during this challenging time, the amount of your Advance will be determined by the number of your pre-disaster (i.e., as of January 31, 2020) employees. The Advance will provide $1,000 per employee up to a maximum of $10,000.

You may be eligible for another loan program, the Paycheck Protection Program, which is available through participating lenders. 

3-30-2020      Tax Returns & Estimated Taxes Now Due July 15

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the federal income tax filing due date is automatically extended from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020. Taxpayers can also defer federal income tax payments due on April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020, without penalties and interest, regardless of the amount owed.

Many states have also extended their tax deadlines and payments for a number of taxes in response to COVID-19. Please call for additional information.

Who is Affected?

This deferment applies to all taxpayers, including individuals, trusts and estates, corporations and other non-corporate tax filers as well as those who pay self-employment tax. In addition, the payment and return-filing requirements for gift and generation-skipping transfer taxes due April 15 are now due July 15, matching postponements granted to federal income taxes and returns.

No Need to File an Extension

Taxpayers do not need to file any additional forms or call the IRS to qualify for this automatic federal tax filing and payment relief.

Individual taxpayers who need additional time to file beyond the July 15 deadline, should file Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. Businesses who need additional time must file Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns. Don’t hesitate to call if you have questions or need assistance.

File Now for a Refund

Even though the filing deadline has been extended there is no need to wait to file your tax return especially if you are due a refund. Filing electronically using direct deposit is the fastest way to get a refund and most tax refunds are still being issued within 21 days.

The Stafford Act

These extended deadlines are the result of the President’s emergency declaration last week and made possible by the Stafford Act. The Stafford Act, which was enacted in 1988, is a federal law designed to bring an orderly and systematic means of federal natural disaster and emergency assistance for state and local governments in carrying out their responsibilities to aid citizens.

3-27-2020    COVID-19: Information for Small Businesses

Small and medium-sized employers can begin taking advantage of two new refundable payroll tax credits, designed to immediately and fully reimburse them, dollar-for-dollar, for the cost of providing coronavirus-related leave to their employees. This relief to employees and small and midsize businesses is provided under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Act), signed into law on March 18, 2020.

Subsequent legislation, the CARES Act, includes a provision that delays payment of employer payroll taxes due in 2020 with half due December 31, 2021 and the rest due December 31, 2022.These same dates and amounts apply to tax owed by self-employed individuals as well with 50 percent due December 31, 2021 and the remaining amount not due until December 31, 2022.

Paid Sick Leave Credit

For an employee who is unable to work because of coronavirus quarantine or self-quarantine or has coronavirus symptoms and is seeking a medical diagnosis, eligible employers may receive a refundable sick leave credit for sick leave at the employee’s regular rate of pay, up to $511 per day and $5,110 in the aggregate, for a total of 10 days.

For an employee who is caring for someone with coronavirus, or is caring for a child because the child’s school or child care facility is closed, or the child care provider is unavailable due to the coronavirus, eligible employers may claim a credit for two-thirds of the employee’s regular rate of pay, up to $200 per day and $2,000 in the aggregate, for up to 10 days. Eligible employers are entitled to an additional tax credit determined based on costs to maintain health insurance coverage for the eligible employee during the leave period.

Paid Leave for Workers. Employees receive up to two weeks (80 hours) of paid sick leave (either 100 percent or 2/3 of employee’s pay) and expanded paid child care leave when employees’ children’s schools are closed or child care providers are unavailable due to COVID-19 related reasons. An employee who is unable to work due to a need to care for a child whose school is closed, or child care provider is unavailable for reasons related to COVID-19, may in some instances receive up to an additional 10 weeks of expanded paid family and medical leave.

Child Care Leave Credit

In addition to the paid sick leave credit, for an employee who is unable to work because of a need to care for a child whose school or child care facility is closed or whose child care provider is unavailable due to the coronavirus.

Eligible employers may receive a refundable child care leave credit. This credit is equal to two-thirds of the employee’s regular pay, capped at $200 per day or $10,000 in the aggregate. Up to 10 weeks of qualifying leave can be counted towards the child care leave credit. Eligible employers are entitled to an additional tax credit determined based on costs to maintain health insurance coverage for the eligible employee during the leave period.

Employers with fewer than 50 employees are eligible for an exemption from the requirements to provide leave to care for a child whose school is closed or child care is unavailable in cases where the viability of the business is threatened.

How It Works

With the goal of “fast funds,” employers will receive an immediate dollar-for-dollar tax offset against payroll taxes. Payroll taxes that are available for retention include withheld federal income taxes, the employee share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer share of Social Security and Medicare taxes with respect to all employees. Eligible employers who pay qualifying sick or child care leave will be able to retain an amount of the payroll taxes equal to the amount of qualifying sick and child care leave that they paid, rather than deposit them with the IRS. Eligible employers will be able to claim these credits based on qualifying leave they provide between the effective date and December 31, 2020. If there are not sufficient payroll taxes to cover the cost of qualified sick and child care leave paid, employers will be able to file a request for an accelerated payment from the IRS.

Equivalent credits are available to self-employed individuals based on similar circumstances.

Eligible Businesses

Eligible employers are businesses and tax-exempt organizations with fewer than 500 employees that are required to provide emergency paid sick leave and emergency paid family and medical leave under the Act. Eligible employers can use the funds to provide employees with paid leave, either for the employee’s own health needs or to care for family members. Furthermore, employers will be able to keep their workers on their payrolls, while at the same time ensuring that workers are not forced to choose between their paychecks and the public health measures needed to combat the virus.


Employers are required to comply with the Act within a specified period; however, there is currently in effect, a 30-day compliance period in which enforcement actions against any employer for violations of the Act are subject to 30-day non-enforcement period as long as the employer has acted reasonably and in good faith to comply with the Act. During the 30-day period, efforts will be focused on compliance assistance.

3-27-2020  CARES Act: Information for Individual Taxpayers

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, often referred to as the stimulus bill, was signed into law on March 27, 2020, and contains legislation to stabilize the economy during the coronavirus pandemic. These measures include economic recovery checks for taxpayers, as well as several other tax provisions affecting individuals.

Let’s take a look at a few of the highlights:

Economic Impact Payments

Economic impact payments “recovery checks” will be sent to taxpayers in the next three weeks and will be available throughout the rest of 2020. For most people, they will be distributed automatically and no action is required; however, anyone who typically does not file a tax return must submit a simple tax return to receive the stimulus payment. Taxpayers might have questions about economic impact payments and answers to some of these questions are provided below.

1. Who is eligible?

Tax filers with adjusted gross income up to $75,000 for individuals and up to $150,000 for married couples filing joint returns will receive the full payment. For filers with income above those amounts, the payment amount is reduced by $5 for each $100 above the $75,000/$150,000 thresholds. Single filers with income exceeding $99,000 and $198,000 for joint filers with no children are not eligible.

Eligible taxpayers who filed tax returns for either 2019 or 2018 will automatically receive an economic impact payment of up to $1,200 for individuals or $2,400 for married couples. Parents also receive $500 for each qualifying child.

2. Where will the IRS send my payment?

Most people do not need to take any action. The IRS will calculate and automatically send the economic impact payment to those eligible.

For people who have already filed their 2019 tax returns, the IRS will use this information to calculate the payment amount. For those who have not yet filed their return for 2019, the IRS will use information from their 2018 tax filing to calculate the payment. The economic impact payment will be deposited directly into the same banking account reflected on the return filed.

If the IRS does not have direct deposit information. In the coming weeks, Treasury plans to develop a web-based portal for individuals to provide their banking information to the IRS online, so that individuals can receive payments immediately as opposed to checks in the mail.

3. What if I have not filed my 2018 or 2019 tax returns yet?

Anyone with a tax filing obligation who has not yet filed a tax return for 2018 or 2019 to file as soon as they can to receive an economic impact payment and include direct deposit banking information on the return.

If you typically are not required to file a tax return. People who typically do not file a tax return will need to file a simple tax return to receive an economic impact payment. Information on how to do this is forthcoming, but will include necessary information such as filing status, number of dependents and direct deposit bank account information.

Low-income taxpayers, senior citizens, Social Security recipients, some veterans and individuals with disabilities who are otherwise not required to file a tax return will not owe tax.

Early Withdrawals from Retirement Plans

Taxpayers affected by the coronavirus are able to withdraw up to $100,000 and will not be subject to the 10 percent penalty for early withdrawals. Distributions can be through December 31, 2020. If you need to withdraw funds from a retirement plan, please call a tax and accounting professional to discuss how it could impact your financial situation.

Eligible taxpayer. Anyone who has been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 virus or COVID-19 disease or whose spouse or dependent has been diagnosed with the same. In addition, any taxpayer experiencing financial hardship from any of the following situations:

  • Quarantined
  • Furloughed
  • Laid off
  • Work hours reduced
  • Unable to work due to lack of child care

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)

Required minimum distributions are suspended for tax year 2020.

Charitable Deductions

For tax year 2020, there is now an above-the-line charitable deduction of up to $300. In addition, the limitation on adjusted gross income (AGI) for charitable contributions (2020 tax year only) increases to 100 percent of AGI for individuals. Food contribution limits also increase to a maximum of 25 percent.

7-9-2020       PPP Loans Extension

On June 30th, the US Senate voted unanimously to extend the Paycheck Protection Program through August 8th, 2020. That is a 5-week extension to the program. You can read the full article on the PPP Extension here.

If you haven’t yet applied for the program, you can download a PPP application here and submit it to a lender.

7-2-2020  Big News As IRS Opens Taxpayer Phone Lines & More

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) continues to resume operations.

According to the IRS Commissioner, as of mid-month, thousands of employees had returned to facilities in seven states (Kentucky, Texas, Utah, Georgia, Minnesota, Tennessee, and Missouri) with employees in four more states and Puerto Rico returning on June 29. The IRS will reopen facilities in remaining states on July 13. And, as you can imagine, the IRS is putting an emphasis on telework and plans to continue to encourage it, where possible, for the foreseeable future to ensure social distancing. 

Here’s a closer look at some of what’s open or opening soon:

Telephone Lines. Automated phone lines are available to handle calls. But the big news is this: all IRS toll-free phone lines supported by customer service representatives for taxpayers and tax professionals are also now available. You should expect to wait, however, due to limited staffing. 

If you’re looking for an update for your regular tax refund, you can call the automated number at 800.829.1954. And before you dial: this line has no information about the status of your stimulus checks (Economic Impact Payments). For those, call 800.919.9835. 

Balance Due Notices. The IRS was unable to mail some previously printed balance due notices as a result of office closures. These notices will be delivered to taxpayers in the next few weeks. Some of the notices will have due dates that have already passed. However, each notice will include an insert confirming that the due dates printed on the notices have been extended. I can confirm that the inserts are going out (several of my clients have received them)

7-1-2020    The SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) is a special loan backed by the government that offers an unusually low interest rate.

And because it’s a government loan with unusual benefits, the government needs to know that the funds are being spent in the right way. Which means your EIDL loan comes with bookkeeping and record keeping requirements you might not be aware of.

One section of the EIDL agreement, “Books and Records”, outlines your bookkeeping and record keeping responsibilities, such as maintaining accurate books. We are telling all our clients to open up a separate bank account strictly for this. That way when the SBA asks for records and financials we can easily draw the information for that.

Here are some of the conditions of the EIDL loan agreement:

  • Maintain “current and proper” records for the most recent five years until three years after your loan maturity or after the loan has been paid in full, whichever comes first. 

Records include:

Financial and operating statements

    • Insurance policies
    • Tax returns and related filings
    • Records of earnings or dividends distributed
    • Records of compensation to owners or shareholders
  • Allow the SBA to inspect or audit all books and records
  • Allow the SBA to inspect or appraise any business assets
  • Provide financial statements to the SBA within three months of the end of your fiscal year
  • Pay for a review of financial statements by an independent public accountant, if requested by the SBA (this is included in our services to you).
  • Allow all Federal, State, and municipal governments to provide the SBA with relevant documents if requested by the SBA

How do I maintain good records?

An accurate and up-to-date set of books will allow the SBA (and you!) to get a clear look at the financial health of your business, using financial documents such as your balance sheet and income statement.

You’ll need to track and categorize all your business expenses. Receipts and invoices should be digitally filed and recorded. It can take some time, but it’s well worth the effort to be able to see where your money is going and ensure you’ll be able to get the most of your eligible deductions come tax season.

Are my current records okay?

For SBA-ready books, you should have completed financials for the last five years of your business: a fully completed and accurate ledger of transactions, list of accounts, an income statement, and balance sheet.

That will put you in the best possible position if the SBA chooses to audit your business. Plus, preparing regular financial statements is a recommended best practice for understanding how your business is performing. These documents also allow your CPA or accountant to prepare an accurate tax return.

6-30-2020  The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have announced that the 2019 tax filing deadline remains July 15, 2020. 

Due to COVID-19, the original filing deadline and tax payment due date for 2019 was postponed from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020. With many states still under travel and work restrictions due to the pandemic, some taxpayers and tax professionals alike were hoping that the date might be extended.

Last week, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin had not ruled out the possibility of pushing out the deadline, saying, “It’s something I’m thinking about.” He had indicated that he would continue to consider the idea as the date approaches.

But today’s announcement appears to rule out any additional changes. Individual taxpayers who cannot meet the July 15 due date can request an automatic extension of time to file. Keep in mind that the extension is a six-month extension from the original filing date of April 15, meaning that an extension will extend the time to file to October 15, 2020. It is not an extension from the extended due date.

If you can’t pay, help is available.

“The IRS understands that those affected by the coronavirus may not be able to pay their balances in full by July 15, but we have many payment options to help taxpayers,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. “These easy-to-use payment options are available on, and most can be done automatically without reaching out to an IRS representative.”

Payment options are available on to help taxpayers who can’t pay in full and some can offer taxpayers smaller penalties. That’s important since interest and late-payment penalties will continue to accrue on any unpaid taxes.

6-23-2020   The (Not Quite) Definitive Guide To Paycheck Protection Program Program Loan Forgiveness

6-23-2020   EIDL Loan Questions Answered 

1. QUESTION: How do I get in touch with customer service phone support?

ANSWER: The highest level of official customer service is known as “tier 2” and can be reached by calling 1-800-659-2955 and asking for Tier 2.

They are unfortunately, a very limited means of support. They are able to check your application status and see the current “stage” and leave notes in your file, but unable to directly make any changes or escalate anything in a meaningful way.

Most are very nice and well meaning people but are usually poorly informed and often provided contradictory information between calls. The important thing to understand is that notes left by T2 do not actually notify a loan officer or anyone, they are simply waiting to be read if someone happens to open your file and takes the time to review the case notes. So if a T2 says they requested a change do not assume it was or will be made.

2. QUESTION: What are my chances of being approved for this loan? Can I know in advance?


ANSWER: The loan is relatively easy to get approval for by loan standards. The exact underwriting criteria the SBA is using was leaked by some helpful people and thus you can have a good understanding what your chances are.

Underwriters look for the following:-Minimum Credit Score of 570. They will pull from experian. Close to Vantage 3 model found on nav DOT com or TransUnion numbers on credit karma. They do NOT use FICO. Credit score is largest factor for approval for this loan and no exceptions are made for under 570.

-If economic injury was sustained based on formula described in QUESTION 4. If this is a negative number you will be auto declined. (SEE QUESTION 5) The SBA does not consider potential revenue lost or general expenses in the loan amount.

-Tax liens or tax issues are NOT a disqualifying factor or taken into consideration for COVID19 disaster.

-Business start date must be prior to 1/31/20
-open bankruptcies = Declined. Closed OK.
-Arrest for felony < 5 years = Declined
-Arrest for misdemeanor < 5 years = Declined
-Sole proprietors with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Any business principals with 50% or more ownership with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Your business must pass verification in some way that it is a valid operation. If they can find it on google it will suffice. Otherwise you may have to provide documents to prove it’s a legit business.
-Your business type must not be on the list for ineligible business activity.

-All owners on application must be either US citizens or Permanent Residents. E-2 Investor visa is NOT eligible and any attempts to appeal or add a co-borrower who is a citizen or LPR will be unsuccessful. Corporations, Partnerships, and Limited Liability Entities (LLE): Alien-owned corporations, partnerships, and LLEs properly registered and licensed in the state where the disaster occurred are eligible. If any member, partner, or shareholder, owning 20 percent or more of the applicant business is in the USA they must be a qualified alien.  If the alien resides outside the USA an exception may be made.3. QUESTION: I received a decline letter for “Business activity not eligible”. What can I do?

ANSWER: EIDL has a list of restricted business categories, if your type is NOT on this list and you still received this letter you may have been improperly classified.
The following applicants are not eligible for EIDL assistance.

7-Eleven Franchise Stores, despite what corp office says. (advance is OK)

Lending or Investment Concerns (except for real estate investments held for rental)

Multi-level Sales Distribution (Pyramid) Concerns c. Speculative Activities d. Non-profit Organizations that are not considered a Private Non-Profit

Consumer and Marketing Cooperatives. However, other cooperatives and small agricultural cooperatives meeting applicable size standards are eligible f. Not a small business concern (except for PNP of any size) g. Gambling Concerns. Concerns that derive more than one-third of their annual gross revenue from legal gambling activities.

Casinos, Racetracks, Etc. Businesses whose purpose for being is gambling (such as casinos, racetracks, poker parlors, etc.) are not eligible for EIDL assistance regardless of their ability to meet the one-third criteria established for otherwise eligible concerns.Loan packagers who derives more than one-third of their annual volume from the preparation of applications seeking financial assistance from SBA

Religious Organizations.

Political or Lobbying Concerns.

Pawn shops, when 50 percent or more of previous year’s income was derived 50 30 9 71 Effective Date: May 31, 2018 from interest

Real Estate Developers. Establishments primarily engaged in subdividing real property into lots and developing it for resale on their own account.

Life Insurance Companies.

Concerns Engaged in Illegal Activities (as defined by Federal guidelines). p. Government-owned concerns, except for businesses owned or controlled by a Native American tribe.

Concerns with Principals Incarcerated, on Parole or Probation: remain ineligible if the parole or probation is lifted solely because it is an impediment to obtaining a loan.

Concerns engaged in live performances of, or the Sale of Products, Services, of a Prurient Sexual Nature.

Businesses considered as hobbies.

Concerns Involved in Change in Ownership Situations: Concerns which had a substantial change of ownership (more than 50 percent) after the impending economic injury became apparent, and no contract for sale existed prior to that time are ineligible .

4. QUESTION: How is the loan amount calculated? How can I request a specific amount?

ANSWER: There is no way to request a specific amount, the eligible amount is calculated automatically by formula based on your inputs. There are three known formulas:

Standard Small Business: Revenue minus COGS divided by 2 minus advance, subject to maximum of 150K

Not for Profit: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20Business that collects rental property income, your offer is calculated by lost rents due to the disaster, not the standard formula. If your offer is lower than expected you may have been wrongly classified into this formula.

Agricultural businesses: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20

If the formula results in a negative number or less than your advance you will be declined for “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”

5. QUESTION: What is the maximum loan amount?

ANSWER: As of last update it is currently 150K cap. This will not change anytime soon and there will be no way to request more at present. The only way to avoid the cap is if your loan was already being obligated prior to the change by the SBA from 500K. If I hear anything new on this it will be updated here.

6. QUESTION: When will I get my portal invite?

ANSWER: Portal invites are a fully automated process and not strictly sequential but follow general group patterns. If you see someone that has a higher number than you get a portal invite it does NOT mean you were “passed over”.

Note: as of 5/30 there are a number of very early applications that are actually “stuck” in the credit pull stage (no portal invite yet, if you have the portal you do not have this issue) due to a glitch. If you have an application date of 3/29, 3/30, 3/31, or 4/01 (but no later) you may email me for information on how to get this resolved. Please be honest and accurate about your application date, I will know. If you app date is later and you still haven’t gotten your portal invite, I cannot help with this! I can’t stress that enough. 

7. QUESTION: I finally got a portal invite and accepted and submitted an amount. My application says it is “processing”, now what?

ANSWER: This is when the actual loan process starts and underwriting begins. Your application will be assigned a loan officer for review using the criteria listed in question 2.

The exact process is as follows with the actual stages from start to finish. Keep in mind that once you accept in the portal a number of things are going on behind the scenes, which is why “processing” can take a great deal of time. Once you see a loan amount in your portal, this is NOT an approved offer. It is simply a potential amount you are eligible for based on the stated formula if you pass underwriting.

Initial Call Needed (credit not ran)

Credit Pulled (waiting for automated portal invitation, this is by far the longest part of the process)
Quoted (received portal invite with an eligible amount)
Offer Accepted (you confirmed and submitted an amount in the portal)
Submitted Deal (waiting to be assigned to a Loan Officer)

LO assigned and makes decision: Declined, Duplicate, Approved[The following takes place behind the scenes and will not reflect in your portal, but will still say “processing”]

Approved: T2 Rep can now see your loan is approved on their screen. This means the Loan Officer has approved the deal and it is now going to the Senior Loan Officer. If the SLO does not approve the deal then it will go to declined.

Obligating: SLO known as a “team leader” reviews the work of the first LO to ensure everything was done correctly. Once they sign off on the deal the loan is now fully approved. The loan is being sent to the E-Tran system to receive a loan number. The loan has not yet received a loan number from E-Tran while obligating. This is the most common phase where hang ups in “processing” can error called “error in obligating”. Usually due to small technical issues or errors in your information that need to be sorted.Obligated: A loan number from E-Tran has been obtained and now closing documents can be drafted and sent to the borrower. This is when your portal would change from “processing” to approved. There may be a delay between when your offer is obligated to when it actually shows approved. I have seen it happen in as fast as 10 minutes or as long as 12 hours. You can also see approved but not have docs available. Docs will not show up until you get an email with the approval. The delay on this can be a few hours or more.

Funding: Docs are signed and the loan is automatically moved to funding stage to have treasury issue an ACH. This happens very quickly and you should see the ACH sent right after with the funds arriving in 24-48 hours on banking days. **NOTE** Currently as of 6/10 we are seeing delays in funding of up to a week or even more, as it is very backed up in the queue.** At this point you can track the disbursement with your loan number from the docs using CAWEB to see if the ACH has been sent. See CAWEB question.

Funded: Process complete, funds are successfully in your bank account. Congrats

Note: The exception to this process is that some applications which are considered easy (based on unknown factors) to approve are subject to full automation and may go straight to approval bypassing the above steps. This only happens in rare cases.

You may also see a status that says, “On-Hold” Amount $0: This status typically is when your loan was temporarily declined and is still in the reconsideration department pending possible reconsideration approval.

8. QUESTION: I now understand that processing really means “underwriting”, but how long will it actually take? What is the normal amount of time?

ANSWER: The amount of time it is normal for your portal to say “processing” is highly variable as a hundred different factors are involved behind the scenes. As of 6/10 we are seeing extended delays in processing time and obligating stage specifically. The average we are seeing is around 14-16 days total in processing. If your application has been in underwriting for greater than 14 days it may merit investigate, but not necessarily indicate a problem with your chances of approval. Do NOT panic if it seems “stuck” with no communication from anyone. This is normal.

9. QUESTION: Does contacting my congressmen or senator actually work?

ANSWER: Yes, the SBA treats congressional inquiry very carefully and will flag and sometimes white glove your application. Often they will assign a special case worker during the process. The important thing is when your local congressional office reaches out they do NOT contact the local district SBA but this email: This email is NOT for use by applicants but only official government purposes.

10. QUESTION: Help! I accidentally entered the wrong revenue or COGS on my application and my offer amount was lower than I expected, is it possible to change this?

ANSWER: Yes, but two factors are important:

You should NOT have already accepted an amount and submitted for processing in the portal. *If you already did see note below.

You have documentation to backup the changes such as Federal Tax Returns 2018 or 2019 or P&L Statements. Tax returns are strongly preferred if available.

****The important thing here is DO NOT accept the offer in the portal if you need to revise your numbers.****

*IF YOU HAVE ALREADY ACCEPTED THE OFFER: Call tier 2 support as soon as you possibly can and ask them to make the following note in your file: Loan Officer, DO NOT approve this file without calling me, the applicant, because my (revenue or COGS) figures are wrong. I have supporting docs to make the changes. Please contact me ASAP.11. QUESTION: I need to change my Rev or COGS and I already accepted an amount in the portal, Tier 2 told me to do it! Is it too late?

Answer: Unfortunately tier 2 is currently giving absolutely terrible advice in this situation. They are telling people to accept the offer in the portal to speak with a loan officer to make the revision. The problem is that once you accept you set the process in motion and then it gets obligated by treasury it is impossible to adjust. The proper time is prior to accepting. Often times loan officers never are needed, never reach out or even read these notes. I see it every day and people are stuck its the “kiss of death” advice. If you already accepted you may have time but would need to work quickly from date of submit.

UPDATE: As of 6/15 there is now a way to fix this. See question 13.

12. QUESTION: Who are you. Can you help me?

ANSWER: I am the owner of a Mid Sized accounting firm. We are assisting not only our clients but anyone who needs help. We are sharing the information, strategies, and general knowledge we have gained since the beginning of the Covid 19 outbreak. We do not work at the SBA nor do we have any affiliation with the SBA.
Due to a huge volume of E-Mail be patient if we do not get back to you as quickly as we would like. We will be answering all E-Mails.

13. QUESTION: My loan was obligated, already funded, or I already accepted the amount in the portal. I made a mistake with my COGS or revenue and I am not happy with the amount. Can I change it?

ANSWER: As of 6/12 loan modifications are now being allowed. You can contact and request a “Loan Modification increase”. It is a 3-4 week process that requires documentation. A second loan will be given for the difference from the first one. It will be processed as a 20xx series loan in the old system/portal. For more details email me. Note if you have not yet accepted the offer the normal process is much faster.

14. QUESTION: I received my portal link, but when I go to create an account it just takes me to the login page. What can be done?

ANSWER: Follow these steps:

Open the email to create your portal account. Right click on the green button that says, “create your account”. Click “copy link address” or “copy hyperlink” depending on your browser.

Use a VPN service, such as NordVPN or ProtonVPN (free), to connect to a VPN server in different state than yours, preferably on the opposite coast you are located.

Open an incognito browser window, or private browser session if on firefox.

Right click on the URL/web address field and paste the link you copied. Hit enter.

You should then successfully be able to create a login, enter the portal, and accept your offer.

Alternately if you don’t have a VPN or want to use one you can use a mobile phone to login incognito, with WiFi off on a cellular network, to create the account.

15. QUESTION: I was declined for “unsatisfactory credit”. What are my options?

ANSWER: You have a few options.

You can bring your vantage 3 score over 570 by paying down cards, when you are ready you can request the SBA re-pull your report and reactivate your account via


You can request to add a co-borrower that has a higher score than 570 with no open bankruptcy and run their credit to reactivate your application.You can expedite your request for a co-borrower by having this ready to go. You can also do this preemptively if you expect to be declined for credit. The co-borrower does NOT have to be involved with the business and can be anyone.

The form is available here:

SBA Form 3501 – Adding Co-Borrower
Instructions for filling out form:
Only fill out the following:

Line #14 – Add the co-borrowers information under owner #1
Line #15 – Answer question for co-borrower.
Line #16 – Answer question for co-borrower.

Sign page 10, co-borrower signs.Attach and send with your co-borrower request to with your application number.

16. QUESTION: What documents are required? Will a loan officer contact me?

ANSWER: In most cases no documentation is required and everything is self certified. In some cases a LO will need to contact you to clarify some things about your business or request specific documents. In most cases you will never be contacted by or communicate with a loan officer.

17. QUESTION: Can I decline the loan and just get the advance/grant?

ANSWER: Yes, but the EIDL loan and EIDL loan Advance/Grant are on the same application, so you should not decline the loan until you receive the EIDL Advance.

18. QUESTION: What are the eligible uses of EIDL funds?

ANSWER: These loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact. What are all the possible uses of the funds? The wording ‘obligations that are unable to be met due to lack of revenue’ seems to be a catch all, but how much so? The EIDL working capital loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that could have been paid had the disaster not occurred. The loans are not intended to replace lost sales or profits or for expansion.

 19. QUESTION: I received a denial letter for the reason “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”. What does this mean and what can I do?

ANSWER: This occurs when the numbers entered on your application for COGS are greater than your revenue. The SBA calculates economic injury based on the formula in question number 4. You can also be denied for this reason if the resulting number is less than your advance amount. Please note that the SBA is only taking into account revenue earned prior to the disaster date of 1/31/20 to calculate your economic injury. If your only revenue was earned after that date as a newer business you may not qualify.

If the numbers on your application were correct, you would not be eligible for an EIDL. If you made an error you can request an amendment and request reactivation of your application. I can assist with this process. You need at minimum Profit and Loss statements for the period 12 months prior to the disaster starting 1/31/20.

20. QUESTION: What is CAWEB and how can it help me track my loan disbursement and other status?

ANSWER: You can use the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding. It allows you to see disbursement status and other details related to your loan.

Using the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding.Visit or click the link at the top of r/EIDL

Setting up an account:

You need a SBA Loan # to set up an account – for EIDL it appears on the first page of your documents, in the upper left hand area, and says “SBA Loan # XXXXXXXXXX.”

SBA loan #’s are 10 digits. Your Application # will NOT work for account set-up.

If you have a PPP Loan, you can use your SBA # for this loan to set up an account. Sometimes this # is easy to figure out, sometimes not. That has to do with an intermediary (like your bank) being involved, but if you can track down an actual SBA Loan #, you can go ahead and get registered without your EIDL loan number.

On the home page click on “Not Enrolled?” in the top left. This takes you to a screen to enter info. You may come to hate this screen, this process is very finicky.

Look at the rules for creating a User ID and Password by clicking on “Rules…” next to the fields.

Write your exact ID & password down somewhere – if you ever get locked out and call the SBA for help, they are going to tell you that Borrowers are not supposed to be able to access CAFS CAWeb. Apparently we still can, so don’t make this a big deal or maybe that will change!For user type – select “borrower” from the drop down menu.

Fill in the highlighted fields with your info. Click on the “ZIP LOOKUP” button after you enter your zip code. This auto populates some other boxes, and registration won’t work if you don’t do this.
For the country code in the phone number section enter “1” for the United States.

Financial commitment ID is your Loan # – 10 digits.

If you don’t have a landline, it has been reported that just entering your mobile number in both fields works. You will have to select 3 of their security questions, enter the Captcha image info, then hit “submit” at the bottom.

If it didn’t like the info you have entered, it will give you an error message for what part it didn’t like, and you will have to try again, which requires re-entering quite a bit of the information. It’s a pain.
But if it takes it, you’re in! There may be a verification step now as well.

Finding your loan on CAWeb

On the caweb homepage, login (if you aren’t already), it will be personalized and show your name. You have to scroll down and check the “Agree to Terms” box when you are logging in.

Click on “Borrower” in the top left, then click on “Borrower Search”. This should take you to your “Loan List” showing the loan #, borrower name, loan type, amount, and loan status.

PPP loans typically appear as “Active Un-Disbursed” – if your PPP is already funded don’t worry about that. Your EIDL will show up as “Disbursed Current” if funds are on their way. It may say something else if you look immediately after you send back you Docs, but it should change pretty quickly. Logging out and back in again will sometimes refresh the status. Loan status will say “Active Un-Disbursed” until Treasury send the funds to your bank, then it changes to “Disbursed Current”.

It depends on your bank when they post in your account (same day, next day, time).

If your banking info didn’t verify, the transaction will fail to go through, and the status will revert.

If you are not funded within 3-4 banking days, there is likely a problem – check your info in your portal, call the SBA, and then email Cue if needed.

If you click on your loan# in the list, it opens up a page with details about your loan.

There’s even a box at the bottom to check if you want electronic account statements only, but if you check that, a warning pops up about “all attached to this loan will be affected by this change”, so we recommend not selecting that option just yet.
21. QUESTION: I received my portal invite link, however when I go to create an account I just get the message: “The user account has not been confirmed yet. Please confirm using the link in the e-mail”. What can I do?

ANSWER: This is a known bug/error normally relating to either getting the invite ahead of schedule or other missing information in your file that would prevent the account creation from moving forward. Tier 2 cannot solve this and it need a special approach to resolve.

6-23-2020   EIDL Loan Questions Answered 

1. QUESTION: How do I get in touch with customer service phone support?

ANSWER: The highest level of official customer service is known as “tier 2” and can be reached by calling 1-800-659-2955 and asking for Tier 2.

They are unfortunately, a very limited means of support. They are able to check your application status and see the current “stage” and leave notes in your file, but unable to directly make any changes or escalate anything in a meaningful way.

Most are very nice and well meaning people but are usually poorly informed and often provided contradictory information between calls. The important thing to understand is that notes left by T2 do not actually notify a loan officer or anyone, they are simply waiting to be read if someone happens to open your file and takes the time to review the case notes. So if a T2 says they requested a change do not assume it was or will be made.

2. QUESTION: What are my chances of being approved for this loan? Can I know in advance?


ANSWER: The loan is relatively easy to get approval for by loan standards. The exact underwriting criteria the SBA is using was leaked by some helpful people and thus you can have a good understanding what your chances are.

Underwriters look for the following:-Minimum Credit Score of 570. They will pull from experian. Close to Vantage 3 model found on nav DOT com or TransUnion numbers on credit karma. They do NOT use FICO. Credit score is largest factor for approval for this loan and no exceptions are made for under 570.

-If economic injury was sustained based on formula described in QUESTION 4. If this is a negative number you will be auto declined. (SEE QUESTION 5) The SBA does not consider potential revenue lost or general expenses in the loan amount.

-Tax liens or tax issues are NOT a disqualifying factor or taken into consideration for COVID19 disaster.

-Business start date must be prior to 1/31/20
-open bankruptcies = Declined. Closed OK.
-Arrest for felony < 5 years = Declined
-Arrest for misdemeanor < 5 years = Declined
-Sole proprietors with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Any business principals with 50% or more ownership with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Your business must pass verification in some way that it is a valid operation. If they can find it on google it will suffice. Otherwise you may have to provide documents to prove it’s a legit business.
-Your business type must not be on the list for ineligible business activity.

-All owners on application must be either US citizens or Permanent Residents. E-2 Investor visa is NOT eligible and any attempts to appeal or add a co-borrower who is a citizen or LPR will be unsuccessful. Corporations, Partnerships, and Limited Liability Entities (LLE): Alien-owned corporations, partnerships, and LLEs properly registered and licensed in the state where the disaster occurred are eligible. If any member, partner, or shareholder, owning 20 percent or more of the applicant business is in the USA they must be a qualified alien.  If the alien resides outside the USA an exception may be made.3. QUESTION: I received a decline letter for “Business activity not eligible”. What can I do?

ANSWER: EIDL has a list of restricted business categories, if your type is NOT on this list and you still received this letter you may have been improperly classified.
The following applicants are not eligible for EIDL assistance.

7-Eleven Franchise Stores, despite what corp office says. (advance is OK)

Lending or Investment Concerns (except for real estate investments held for rental)

Multi-level Sales Distribution (Pyramid) Concerns c. Speculative Activities d. Non-profit Organizations that are not considered a Private Non-Profit

Consumer and Marketing Cooperatives. However, other cooperatives and small agricultural cooperatives meeting applicable size standards are eligible f. Not a small business concern (except for PNP of any size) g. Gambling Concerns. Concerns that derive more than one-third of their annual gross revenue from legal gambling activities.

Casinos, Racetracks, Etc. Businesses whose purpose for being is gambling (such as casinos, racetracks, poker parlors, etc.) are not eligible for EIDL assistance regardless of their ability to meet the one-third criteria established for otherwise eligible concerns.Loan packagers who derives more than one-third of their annual volume from the preparation of applications seeking financial assistance from SBA

Religious Organizations.

Political or Lobbying Concerns.

Pawn shops, when 50 percent or more of previous year’s income was derived 50 30 9 71 Effective Date: May 31, 2018 from interest

Real Estate Developers. Establishments primarily engaged in subdividing real property into lots and developing it for resale on their own account.

Life Insurance Companies.

Concerns Engaged in Illegal Activities (as defined by Federal guidelines). p. Government-owned concerns, except for businesses owned or controlled by a Native American tribe.

Concerns with Principals Incarcerated, on Parole or Probation: remain ineligible if the parole or probation is lifted solely because it is an impediment to obtaining a loan.

Concerns engaged in live performances of, or the Sale of Products, Services, of a Prurient Sexual Nature.

Businesses considered as hobbies.

Concerns Involved in Change in Ownership Situations: Concerns which had a substantial change of ownership (more than 50 percent) after the impending economic injury became apparent, and no contract for sale existed prior to that time are ineligible .

4. QUESTION: How is the loan amount calculated? How can I request a specific amount?

ANSWER: There is no way to request a specific amount, the eligible amount is calculated automatically by formula based on your inputs. There are three known formulas:

Standard Small Business: Revenue minus COGS divided by 2 minus advance, subject to maximum of 150K

Not for Profit: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20Business that collects rental property income, your offer is calculated by lost rents due to the disaster, not the standard formula. If your offer is lower than expected you may have been wrongly classified into this formula.

Agricultural businesses: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20

If the formula results in a negative number or less than your advance you will be declined for “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”

5. QUESTION: What is the maximum loan amount?

ANSWER: As of last update it is currently 150K cap. This will not change anytime soon and there will be no way to request more at present. The only way to avoid the cap is if your loan was already being obligated prior to the change by the SBA from 500K. If I hear anything new on this it will be updated here.

6. QUESTION: When will I get my portal invite?

ANSWER: Portal invites are a fully automated process and not strictly sequential but follow general group patterns. If you see someone that has a higher number than you get a portal invite it does NOT mean you were “passed over”.

Note: as of 5/30 there are a number of very early applications that are actually “stuck” in the credit pull stage (no portal invite yet, if you have the portal you do not have this issue) due to a glitch. If you have an application date of 3/29, 3/30, 3/31, or 4/01 (but no later) you may email me for information on how to get this resolved. Please be honest and accurate about your application date, I will know. If you app date is later and you still haven’t gotten your portal invite, I cannot help with this! I can’t stress that enough. 

7. QUESTION: I finally got a portal invite and accepted and submitted an amount. My application says it is “processing”, now what?

ANSWER: This is when the actual loan process starts and underwriting begins. Your application will be assigned a loan officer for review using the criteria listed in question 2.

The exact process is as follows with the actual stages from start to finish. Keep in mind that once you accept in the portal a number of things are going on behind the scenes, which is why “processing” can take a great deal of time. Once you see a loan amount in your portal, this is NOT an approved offer. It is simply a potential amount you are eligible for based on the stated formula if you pass underwriting.

Initial Call Needed (credit not ran)

Credit Pulled (waiting for automated portal invitation, this is by far the longest part of the process)
Quoted (received portal invite with an eligible amount)
Offer Accepted (you confirmed and submitted an amount in the portal)
Submitted Deal (waiting to be assigned to a Loan Officer)

LO assigned and makes decision: Declined, Duplicate, Approved[The following takes place behind the scenes and will not reflect in your portal, but will still say “processing”]

Approved: T2 Rep can now see your loan is approved on their screen. This means the Loan Officer has approved the deal and it is now going to the Senior Loan Officer. If the SLO does not approve the deal then it will go to declined.

Obligating: SLO known as a “team leader” reviews the work of the first LO to ensure everything was done correctly. Once they sign off on the deal the loan is now fully approved. The loan is being sent to the E-Tran system to receive a loan number. The loan has not yet received a loan number from E-Tran while obligating. This is the most common phase where hang ups in “processing” can error called “error in obligating”. Usually due to small technical issues or errors in your information that need to be sorted.Obligated: A loan number from E-Tran has been obtained and now closing documents can be drafted and sent to the borrower. This is when your portal would change from “processing” to approved. There may be a delay between when your offer is obligated to when it actually shows approved. I have seen it happen in as fast as 10 minutes or as long as 12 hours. You can also see approved but not have docs available. Docs will not show up until you get an email with the approval. The delay on this can be a few hours or more.

Funding: Docs are signed and the loan is automatically moved to funding stage to have treasury issue an ACH. This happens very quickly and you should see the ACH sent right after with the funds arriving in 24-48 hours on banking days. **NOTE** Currently as of 6/10 we are seeing delays in funding of up to a week or even more, as it is very backed up in the queue.** At this point you can track the disbursement with your loan number from the docs using CAWEB to see if the ACH has been sent. See CAWEB question.

Funded: Process complete, funds are successfully in your bank account. Congrats

Note: The exception to this process is that some applications which are considered easy (based on unknown factors) to approve are subject to full automation and may go straight to approval bypassing the above steps. This only happens in rare cases.

You may also see a status that says, “On-Hold” Amount $0: This status typically is when your loan was temporarily declined and is still in the reconsideration department pending possible reconsideration approval.

8. QUESTION: I now understand that processing really means “underwriting”, but how long will it actually take? What is the normal amount of time?

ANSWER: The amount of time it is normal for your portal to say “processing” is highly variable as a hundred different factors are involved behind the scenes. As of 6/10 we are seeing extended delays in processing time and obligating stage specifically. The average we are seeing is around 14-16 days total in processing. If your application has been in underwriting for greater than 14 days it may merit investigate, but not necessarily indicate a problem with your chances of approval. Do NOT panic if it seems “stuck” with no communication from anyone. This is normal.

9. QUESTION: Does contacting my congressmen or senator actually work?

ANSWER: Yes, the SBA treats congressional inquiry very carefully and will flag and sometimes white glove your application. Often they will assign a special case worker during the process. The important thing is when your local congressional office reaches out they do NOT contact the local district SBA but this email: This email is NOT for use by applicants but only official government purposes.

10. QUESTION: Help! I accidentally entered the wrong revenue or COGS on my application and my offer amount was lower than I expected, is it possible to change this?

ANSWER: Yes, but two factors are important:

You should NOT have already accepted an amount and submitted for processing in the portal. *If you already did see note below.

You have documentation to backup the changes such as Federal Tax Returns 2018 or 2019 or P&L Statements. Tax returns are strongly preferred if available.

****The important thing here is DO NOT accept the offer in the portal if you need to revise your numbers.****

*IF YOU HAVE ALREADY ACCEPTED THE OFFER: Call tier 2 support as soon as you possibly can and ask them to make the following note in your file: Loan Officer, DO NOT approve this file without calling me, the applicant, because my (revenue or COGS) figures are wrong. I have supporting docs to make the changes. Please contact me ASAP.11. QUESTION: I need to change my Rev or COGS and I already accepted an amount in the portal, Tier 2 told me to do it! Is it too late?

Answer: Unfortunately tier 2 is currently giving absolutely terrible advice in this situation. They are telling people to accept the offer in the portal to speak with a loan officer to make the revision. The problem is that once you accept you set the process in motion and then it gets obligated by treasury it is impossible to adjust. The proper time is prior to accepting. Often times loan officers never are needed, never reach out or even read these notes. I see it every day and people are stuck its the “kiss of death” advice. If you already accepted you may have time but would need to work quickly from date of submit.

UPDATE: As of 6/15 there is now a way to fix this. See question 13.

12. QUESTION: Who are you. Can you help me?

ANSWER: I am the owner of a Mid Sized accounting firm. We are assisting not only our clients but anyone who needs help. We are sharing the information, strategies, and general knowledge we have gained since the beginning of the Covid 19 outbreak. We do not work at the SBA nor do we have any affiliation with the SBA.
Due to a huge volume of E-Mail be patient if we do not get back to you as quickly as we would like. We will be answering all E-Mails.

13. QUESTION: My loan was obligated, already funded, or I already accepted the amount in the portal. I made a mistake with my COGS or revenue and I am not happy with the amount. Can I change it?

ANSWER: As of 6/12 loan modifications are now being allowed. You can contact and request a “Loan Modification increase”. It is a 3-4 week process that requires documentation. A second loan will be given for the difference from the first one. It will be processed as a 20xx series loan in the old system/portal. For more details email me. Note if you have not yet accepted the offer the normal process is much faster.

14. QUESTION: I received my portal link, but when I go to create an account it just takes me to the login page. What can be done?

ANSWER: Follow these steps:

Open the email to create your portal account. Right click on the green button that says, “create your account”. Click “copy link address” or “copy hyperlink” depending on your browser.

Use a VPN service, such as NordVPN or ProtonVPN (free), to connect to a VPN server in different state than yours, preferably on the opposite coast you are located.

Open an incognito browser window, or private browser session if on firefox.

Right click on the URL/web address field and paste the link you copied. Hit enter.

You should then successfully be able to create a login, enter the portal, and accept your offer.

Alternately if you don’t have a VPN or want to use one you can use a mobile phone to login incognito, with WiFi off on a cellular network, to create the account.

15. QUESTION: I was declined for “unsatisfactory credit”. What are my options?

ANSWER: You have a few options.

You can bring your vantage 3 score over 570 by paying down cards, when you are ready you can request the SBA re-pull your report and reactivate your account via


You can request to add a co-borrower that has a higher score than 570 with no open bankruptcy and run their credit to reactivate your application.You can expedite your request for a co-borrower by having this ready to go. You can also do this preemptively if you expect to be declined for credit. The co-borrower does NOT have to be involved with the business and can be anyone.

The form is available here:

SBA Form 3501 – Adding Co-Borrower
Instructions for filling out form:
Only fill out the following:

Line #14 – Add the co-borrowers information under owner #1
Line #15 – Answer question for co-borrower.
Line #16 – Answer question for co-borrower.

Sign page 10, co-borrower signs.Attach and send with your co-borrower request to with your application number.

16. QUESTION: What documents are required? Will a loan officer contact me?

ANSWER: In most cases no documentation is required and everything is self certified. In some cases a LO will need to contact you to clarify some things about your business or request specific documents. In most cases you will never be contacted by or communicate with a loan officer.

17. QUESTION: Can I decline the loan and just get the advance/grant?

ANSWER: Yes, but the EIDL loan and EIDL loan Advance/Grant are on the same application, so you should not decline the loan until you receive the EIDL Advance.

18. QUESTION: What are the eligible uses of EIDL funds?

ANSWER: These loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact. What are all the possible uses of the funds? The wording ‘obligations that are unable to be met due to lack of revenue’ seems to be a catch all, but how much so? The EIDL working capital loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that could have been paid had the disaster not occurred. The loans are not intended to replace lost sales or profits or for expansion.

 19. QUESTION: I received a denial letter for the reason “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”. What does this mean and what can I do?

ANSWER: This occurs when the numbers entered on your application for COGS are greater than your revenue. The SBA calculates economic injury based on the formula in question number 4. You can also be denied for this reason if the resulting number is less than your advance amount. Please note that the SBA is only taking into account revenue earned prior to the disaster date of 1/31/20 to calculate your economic injury. If your only revenue was earned after that date as a newer business you may not qualify.

If the numbers on your application were correct, you would not be eligible for an EIDL. If you made an error you can request an amendment and request reactivation of your application. I can assist with this process. You need at minimum Profit and Loss statements for the period 12 months prior to the disaster starting 1/31/20.

20. QUESTION: What is CAWEB and how can it help me track my loan disbursement and other status?

ANSWER: You can use the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding. It allows you to see disbursement status and other details related to your loan.

Using the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding.Visit or click the link at the top of r/EIDL

Setting up an account:

You need a SBA Loan # to set up an account – for EIDL it appears on the first page of your documents, in the upper left hand area, and says “SBA Loan # XXXXXXXXXX.”

SBA loan #’s are 10 digits. Your Application # will NOT work for account set-up.

If you have a PPP Loan, you can use your SBA # for this loan to set up an account. Sometimes this # is easy to figure out, sometimes not. That has to do with an intermediary (like your bank) being involved, but if you can track down an actual SBA Loan #, you can go ahead and get registered without your EIDL loan number.

On the home page click on “Not Enrolled?” in the top left. This takes you to a screen to enter info. You may come to hate this screen, this process is very finicky.

Look at the rules for creating a User ID and Password by clicking on “Rules…” next to the fields.

Write your exact ID & password down somewhere – if you ever get locked out and call the SBA for help, they are going to tell you that Borrowers are not supposed to be able to access CAFS CAWeb. Apparently we still can, so don’t make this a big deal or maybe that will change!For user type – select “borrower” from the drop down menu.

Fill in the highlighted fields with your info. Click on the “ZIP LOOKUP” button after you enter your zip code. This auto populates some other boxes, and registration won’t work if you don’t do this.
For the country code in the phone number section enter “1” for the United States.

Financial commitment ID is your Loan # – 10 digits.

If you don’t have a landline, it has been reported that just entering your mobile number in both fields works. You will have to select 3 of their security questions, enter the Captcha image info, then hit “submit” at the bottom.

If it didn’t like the info you have entered, it will give you an error message for what part it didn’t like, and you will have to try again, which requires re-entering quite a bit of the information. It’s a pain.
But if it takes it, you’re in! There may be a verification step now as well.

Finding your loan on CAWeb

On the caweb homepage, login (if you aren’t already), it will be personalized and show your name. You have to scroll down and check the “Agree to Terms” box when you are logging in.

Click on “Borrower” in the top left, then click on “Borrower Search”. This should take you to your “Loan List” showing the loan #, borrower name, loan type, amount, and loan status.

PPP loans typically appear as “Active Un-Disbursed” – if your PPP is already funded don’t worry about that. Your EIDL will show up as “Disbursed Current” if funds are on their way. It may say something else if you look immediately after you send back you Docs, but it should change pretty quickly. Logging out and back in again will sometimes refresh the status. Loan status will say “Active Un-Disbursed” until Treasury send the funds to your bank, then it changes to “Disbursed Current”.

It depends on your bank when they post in your account (same day, next day, time).

If your banking info didn’t verify, the transaction will fail to go through, and the status will revert.

If you are not funded within 3-4 banking days, there is likely a problem – check your info in your portal, call the SBA, and then email Cue if needed.

If you click on your loan# in the list, it opens up a page with details about your loan.

There’s even a box at the bottom to check if you want electronic account statements only, but if you check that, a warning pops up about “all attached to this loan will be affected by this change”, so we recommend not selecting that option just yet.
21. QUESTION: I received my portal invite link, however when I go to create an account I just get the message: “The user account has not been confirmed yet. Please confirm using the link in the e-mail”. What can I do?

ANSWER: This is a known bug/error normally relating to either getting the invite ahead of schedule or other missing information in your file that would prevent the account creation from moving forward. Tier 2 cannot solve this and it need a special approach to resolve.

6-23-2020   EIDL Loan Questions Answered 

1. QUESTION: How do I get in touch with customer service phone support?

ANSWER: The highest level of official customer service is known as “tier 2” and can be reached by calling 1-800-659-2955 and asking for Tier 2.

They are unfortunately, a very limited means of support. They are able to check your application status and see the current “stage” and leave notes in your file, but unable to directly make any changes or escalate anything in a meaningful way.

Most are very nice and well meaning people but are usually poorly informed and often provided contradictory information between calls. The important thing to understand is that notes left by T2 do not actually notify a loan officer or anyone, they are simply waiting to be read if someone happens to open your file and takes the time to review the case notes. So if a T2 says they requested a change do not assume it was or will be made.

2. QUESTION: What are my chances of being approved for this loan? Can I know in advance?

ANSWER: The loan is relatively easy to get approval for by loan standards. The exact underwriting criteria the SBA is using was leaked by some helpful people and thus you can have a good understanding what your chances are.

Underwriters look for the following:-Minimum Credit Score of 570. They will pull from experian. Close to Vantage 3 model found on nav DOT com or TransUnion numbers on credit karma. They do NOT use FICO. Credit score is largest factor for approval for this loan and no exceptions are made for under 570.

-If economic injury was sustained based on formula described in QUESTION 4. If this is a negative number you will be auto declined. (SEE QUESTION 5) The SBA does not consider potential revenue lost or general expenses in the loan amount.

-Tax liens or tax issues are NOT a disqualifying factor or taken into consideration for COVID19 disaster.

-Business start date must be prior to 1/31/20
-open bankruptcies = Declined. Closed OK.
-Arrest for felony < 5 years = Declined
-Arrest for misdemeanor < 5 years = Declined
-Sole proprietors with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Any business principals with 50% or more ownership with delinquent child support > 60 days = Declined
-Your business must pass verification in some way that it is a valid operation. If they can find it on google it will suffice. Otherwise you may have to provide documents to prove it’s a legit business.
-Your business type must not be on the list for ineligible business activity. See list on FAQ.

-All owners on application must be either US citizens or Permanent Residents. E-2 Investor visa is NOT eligible and any attempts to appeal or add a co-borrower who is a citizen or LPR will be unsuccessful. Corporations, Partnerships, and Limited Liability Entities (LLE): Alien-owned corporations, partnerships, and LLEs properly registered and licensed in the state where the disaster occurred are eligible. If any member, partner, or shareholder, owning 20 percent or more of the applicant business is in the USA they must be a qualified alien.  If the alien resides outside the USA an exception may be made.3. QUESTION: I received a decline letter for “Business activity not eligible”. What can I do?

ANSWER: EIDL has a list of restricted business categories, if your type is NOT on this list and you still received this letter you may have been improperly classified.
The following applicants are not eligible for EIDL assistance.

7-Eleven Franchise Stores, despite what corp office says. (advance is OK)

Lending or Investment Concerns (except for real estate investments held for rental)

Multi-level Sales Distribution (Pyramid) Concerns c. Speculative Activities d. Non-profit Organizations that are not considered a Private Non-Profit

Consumer and Marketing Cooperatives. However, other cooperatives and small agricultural cooperatives meeting applicable size standards are eligible f. Not a small business concern (except for PNP of any size) g. Gambling Concerns. Concerns that derive more than one-third of their annual gross revenue from legal gambling activities.

Casinos, Racetracks, Etc. Businesses whose purpose for being is gambling (such as casinos, racetracks, poker parlors, etc.) are not eligible for EIDL assistance regardless of their ability to meet the one-third criteria established for otherwise eligible concerns.Loan packagers who derives more than one-third of their annual volume from the preparation of applications seeking financial assistance from SBA

Religious Organizations.

Political or Lobbying Concerns.

Pawn shops, when 50 percent or more of previous year’s income was derived 50 30 9 71 Effective Date: May 31, 2018 from interest

Real Estate Developers. Establishments primarily engaged in subdividing real property into lots and developing it for resale on their own account.

Life Insurance Companies.

Concerns Engaged in Illegal Activities (as defined by Federal guidelines). p. Government-owned concerns, except for businesses owned or controlled by a Native American tribe.

Concerns with Principals Incarcerated, on Parole or Probation: remain ineligible if the parole or probation is lifted solely because it is an impediment to obtaining a loan.

Concerns engaged in live performances of, or the Sale of Products, Services, of a Prurient Sexual Nature.

Businesses considered as hobbies.

Concerns Involved in Change in Ownership Situations: Concerns which had a substantial change of ownership (more than 50 percent) after the impending economic injury became apparent, and no contract for sale existed prior to that time are ineligible .

4. QUESTION: How is the loan amount calculated? How can I request a specific amount?

ANSWER: There is no way to request a specific amount, the eligible amount is calculated automatically by formula based on your inputs. There are three known formulas:

Standard Small Business: Revenue minus COGS divided by 2 minus advance, subject to maximum of 150K

Not for Profit: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20Business that collects rental property income, your offer is calculated by lost rents due to the disaster, not the standard formula. If your offer is lower than expected you may have been wrongly classified into this formula.
Agricultural businesses: 6 months operating expenses year prior to 1/31/20

If the formula results in a negative number or less than your advance you will be declined for “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”

5. QUESTION: What is the maximum loan amount?

ANSWER: As of last update it is currently 150K cap. This will not change anytime soon and there will be no way to request more at present. The only way to avoid the cap is if your loan was already being obligated prior to the change by the SBA from 500K. If I hear anything new on this it will be updated here.

6. QUESTION: When will I get my portal invite?

ANSWER: Portal invites are a fully automated process and not strictly sequential but follow general group patterns. If you see someone that has a higher number than you get a portal invite it does NOT mean you were “passed over”.
Note: as of 5/30 there are a number of very early applications that are actually “stuck” in the credit pull stage (no portal invite yet, if you have the portal you do not have this issue) due to a glitch. If you have an application date of 3/29, 3/30, 3/31, or 4/01 (but no later) you may email me for information on how to get this resolved. Please be honest and accurate about your application date, I will know. If you app date is later and you still haven’t gotten your portal invite, I cannot help with this! I can’t stress that enough. 

7. QUESTION: I finally got a portal invite and accepted and submitted an amount. My application says it is “processing”, now what?

ANSWER: This is when the actual loan process starts and underwriting begins. Your application will be assigned a loan officer for review using the criteria listed in question 2. The exact process is as follows with the actual stages from start to finish. Keep in mind that once you accept in the portal a number of things are going on behind the scenes, which is why “processing” can take a great deal of time. Once you see a loan amount in your portal, this is NOT an approved offer. It is simply a potential amount you are eligible for based on the stated formula if you pass underwriting.

Initial Call Needed (credit not ran)

Credit Pulled (waiting for automated portal invitation, this is by far the longest part of the process)
Quoted (received portal invite with an eligible amount)
Offer Accepted (you confirmed and submitted an amount in the portal)
Submitted Deal (waiting to be assigned to a Loan Officer)

LO assigned and makes decision: Declined, Duplicate, Approved[The following takes place behind the scenes and will not reflect in your portal, but will still say “processing”]

Approved: T2 Rep can now see your loan is approved on their screen. This means the Loan Officer has approved the deal and it is now going to the Senior Loan Officer. If the SLO does not approve the deal then it will go to declined.
Obligating: SLO known as a “team leader” reviews the work of the first LO to ensure everything was done correctly. Once they sign off on the deal the loan is now fully approved. The loan is being sent to the E-Tran system to receive a loan number. The loan has not yet received a loan number from E-Tran while obligating. This is the most common phase where hang ups in “processing” can error called “error in obligating”. Usually due to small technical issues or errors in your information that need to be sorted.Obligated: A loan number from E-Tran has been obtained and now closing documents can be drafted and sent to the borrower. This is when your portal would change from “processing” to approved. There may be a delay between when your offer is obligated to when it actually shows approved. I have seen it happen in as fast as 10 minutes or as long as 12 hours. You can also see approved but not have docs available. Docs will not show up until you get an email with the approval. The delay on this can be a few hours or more.

Funding: Docs are signed and the loan is automatically moved to funding stage to have treasury issue an ACH. This happens very quickly and you should see the ACH sent right after with the funds arriving in 24-48 hours on banking days. **NOTE** Currently as of 6/10 we are seeing delays in funding of up to a week or even more, as it is very backed up in the queue.** At this point you can track the disbursement with your loan number from the docs using CAWEB to see if the ACH has been sent. See CAWEB question.

Funded: Process complete, funds are successfully in your bank account. Congrats

Note: The exception to this process is that some applications which are considered easy (based on unknown factors) to approve are subject to full automation and may go straight to approval bypassing the above steps. This only happens in rare cases.

You may also see a status that says, “On-Hold” Amount $0: This status typically is when your loan was temporarily declined and is still in the reconsideration department pending possible reconsideration approval.

8. QUESTION: I now understand that processing really means “underwriting”, but how long will it actually take? What is the normal amount of time?

ANSWER: The amount of time it is normal for your portal to say “processing” is highly variable as a hundred different factors are involved behind the scenes. As of 6/10 we are seeing extended delays in processing time and obligating stage specifically. The average we are seeing is around 14-16 days total in processing. If your application has been in underwriting for greater than 14 days it may merit investigate, but not necessarily indicate a problem with your chances of approval. Do NOT panic if it seems “stuck” with no communication from anyone. This is normal.

9. QUESTION: Does contacting my congressmen or senator actually work?

ANSWER: Yes, the SBA treats congressional inquiry very carefully and will flag and sometimes white glove your application. Often they will assign a special case worker during the process. The important thing is when your local congressional office reaches out they do NOT contact the local district SBA but this email: This email is NOT for use by applicants but only official government purposes.

10. QUESTION: Help! I accidentally entered the wrong revenue or COGS on my application and my offer amount was lower than I expected, is it possible to change this?

ANSWER: Yes, but two factors are important:

You should NOT have already accepted an amount and submitted for processing in the portal. *If you already did see note below.

You have documentation to backup the changes such as Federal Tax Returns 2018 or 2019 or P&L Statements. Tax returns are strongly preferred if available.

****The important thing here is DO NOT accept the offer in the portal if you need to revise your numbers.****

*IF YOU HAVE ALREADY ACCEPTED THE OFFER: Call tier 2 support as soon as you possibly can and ask them to make the following note in your file: Loan Officer, DO NOT approve this file without calling me, the applicant, because my (revenue or COGS) figures are wrong. I have supporting docs to make the changes. Please contact me ASAP.11. QUESTION: I need to change my Rev or COGS and I already accepted an amount in the portal, Tier 2 told me to do it! Is it too late?

Answer: Unfortunately tier 2 is currently giving absolutely terrible advice in this situation. They are telling people to accept the offer in the portal to speak with a loan officer to make the revision. The problem is that once you accept you set the process in motion and then it gets obligated by treasury it is impossible to adjust. The proper time is prior to accepting. Often times loan officers never are needed, never reach out or even read these notes. I see it every day and people are stuck its the “kiss of death” advice. If you already accepted you may have time but would need to work quickly from date of submit.

UPDATE: As of 6/15 there is now a way to fix this. See question 13.

12. QUESTION: Who are you. Can you help me?

ANSWER: I am the owner of a Mid Sized accounting firm. We are assisting not only our clients but anyone who needs help. We are sharing the information, strategies, and general knowledge we have gained since the beginning of the Covid 19 outbreak. We do not work at the SBA nor do we have any affiliation with the SBA.
Due to a huge volume of E-Mail be patient if we do not get back to you as quickly as we would like. We will be answering all E-Mails.

13. QUESTION: My loan was obligated, already funded, or I already accepted the amount in the portal. I made a mistake with my COGS or revenue and I am not happy with the amount. Can I change it?

ANSWER: As of 6/12 loan modifications are now being allowed. You can contact and request a “Loan Modification increase”. It is a 3-4 week process that requires documentation. A second loan will be given for the difference from the first one. It will be processed as a 20xx series loan in the old system/portal. For more details email me. Note if you have not yet accepted the offer the normal process is much faster.

14. QUESTION: I received my portal link, but when I go to create an account it just takes me to the login page. What can be done?

ANSWER: Follow these steps:

Open the email to create your portal account. Right click on the green button that says, “create your account”. Click “copy link address” or “copy hyperlink” depending on your browser.

Use a VPN service, such as NordVPN or ProtonVPN (free), to connect to a VPN server in different state than yours, preferably on the opposite coast you are located.

Open an incognito browser window, or private browser session if on firefox.

Right click on the URL/web address field and paste the link you copied. Hit enter.

You should then successfully be able to create a login, enter the portal, and accept your offer.

Alternately if you don’t have a VPN or want to use one you can use a mobile phone to login incognito, with WiFi off on a cellular network, to create the account.

15. QUESTION: I was declined for “unsatisfactory credit”. What are my options?

ANSWER: You have a few options.

You can bring your vantage 3 score over 570 by paying down cards, when you are ready you can request the SBA re-pull your report and reactivate your account via

You can request to add a co-borrower that has a higher score than 570 with no open bankruptcy and run their credit to reactivate your application.You can expedite your request for a co-borrower by having this ready to go. You can also do this preemptively if you expect to be declined for credit. The co-borrower does NOT have to be involved with the business and can be anyone.

The form is available here:

SBA Form 3501 – Adding Co-Borrower
Instructions for filling out form:
Only fill out the following:

Line #14 – Add the co-borrowers information under owner #1
Line #15 – Answer question for co-borrower.
Line #16 – Answer question for co-borrower.
Sign page 10, co-borrower signs.Attach and send with your co-borrower request to with your application number.

NOTE: If you have an urgent need to have your co-borrower request expedited, please email me at with the subject line: “ADDING CO-BORROWER REQUESTED URGENT” I will respond within 24 hours.

16. QUESTION: What documents are required? Will a loan officer contact me?

ANSWER: In most cases no documentation is required and everything is self certified. In some cases a LO will need to contact you to clarify some things about your business or request specific documents. In most cases you will never be contacted by or communicate with a loan officer.

17. QUESTION: Can I decline the loan and just get the advance/grant?

ANSWER: Yes, but the EIDL loan and EIDL loan Advance/Grant are on the same application, so you should not decline the loan until you receive the EIDL Advance.

18. QUESTION: What are the eligible uses of EIDL funds?

ANSWER: These loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact. What are all the possible uses of the funds? The wording ‘obligations that are unable to be met due to lack of revenue’ seems to be a catch all, but how much so? The EIDL working capital loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that could have been paid had the disaster not occurred. The loans are not intended to replace lost sales or profits or for expansion.

 19. QUESTION: I received a denial letter for the reason “ECONOMIC INJURY NOT SUSTAINED”. What does this mean and what can I do?

ANSWER: This occurs when the numbers entered on your application for COGS are greater than your revenue. The SBA calculates economic injury based on the formula in question number 4. You can also be denied for this reason if the resulting number is less than your advance amount. Please note that the SBA is only taking into account revenue earned prior to the disaster date of 1/31/20 to calculate your economic injury. If your only revenue was earned after that date as a newer business you may not qualify.

If the numbers on your application were correct, you would not be eligible for an EIDL. If you made an error you can request an amendment and request reactivation of your application. I can assist with this process. You need at minimum Profit and Loss statements for the period 12 months prior to the disaster starting 1/31/20.

20. QUESTION: What is CAWEB and how can it help me track my loan disbursement and other status?

ANSWER: You can use the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding. It allows you to see disbursement status and other details related to your loan.
Using the Capital Access Finance System to track your EIDL after your documents have been signed and submitted through funding.Visit or click the link at the top of r/EIDL

Setting up an account:

You need a SBA Loan # to set up an account – for EIDL it appears on the first page of your documents, in the upper left hand area, and says “SBA Loan # XXXXXXXXXX.”

SBA loan #’s are 10 digits. Your Application # will NOT work for account set-up.

If you have a PPP Loan, you can use your SBA # for this loan to set up an account. Sometimes this # is easy to figure out, sometimes not. That has to do with an intermediary (like your bank) being involved, but if you can track down an actual SBA Loan #, you can go ahead and get registered without your EIDL loan number.

On the home page click on “Not Enrolled?” in the top left. This takes you to a screen to enter info. You may come to hate this screen, this process is very finicky.

Look at the rules for creating a User ID and Password by clicking on “Rules…” next to the fields.

Write your exact ID & password down somewhere – if you ever get locked out and call the SBA for help, they are going to tell you that Borrowers are not supposed to be able to access CAFS CAWeb. Apparently we still can, so don’t make this a big deal or maybe that will change!For user type – select “borrower” from the drop down menu.

Fill in the highlighted fields with your info. Click on the “ZIP LOOKUP” button after you enter your zip code. This auto populates some other boxes, and registration won’t work if you don’t do this.
For the country code in the phone number section enter “1” for the United States.

Financial commitment ID is your Loan # – 10 digits.

If you don’t have a landline, it has been reported that just entering your mobile number in both fields works. You will have to select 3 of their security questions, enter the Captcha image info, then hit “submit” at the bottom.
If it didn’t like the info you have entered, it will give you an error message for what part it didn’t like, and you will have to try again, which requires re-entering quite a bit of the information. It’s a pain.
But if it takes it, you’re in! There may be a verification step now as well.
Finding your loan on CAWeb

On the caweb homepage, login (if you aren’t already), it will be personalized and show your name. You have to scroll down and check the “Agree to Terms” box when you are logging in.

Click on “Borrower” in the top left, then click on “Borrower Search”. This should take you to your “Loan List” showing the loan #, borrower name, loan type, amount, and loan status.

PPP loans typically appear as “Active Un-Disbursed” – if your PPP is already funded don’t worry about that. Your EIDL will show up as “Disbursed Current” if funds are on their way. It may say something else if you look immediately after you send back you Docs, but it should change pretty quickly. Logging out and back in again will sometimes refresh the status. Loan status will say “Active Un-Disbursed” until Treasury send the funds to your bank, then it changes to “Disbursed Current”.

It depends on your bank when they post in your account (same day, next day, time).
If your banking info didn’t verify, the transaction will fail to go through, and the status will revert.
If you are not funded within 3-4 banking days, there is likely a problem – check your info in your portal, call the SBA, and then email Cue if needed.

If you click on your loan# in the list, it opens up a page with details about your loan.
There’s even a box at the bottom to check if you want electronic account statements only, but if you check that, a warning pops up about “all attached to this loan will be affected by this change”, so we recommend not selecting that option just yet.
21. QUESTION: I received my portal invite link, however when I go to create an account I just get the message: “The user account has not been confirmed yet. Please confirm using the link in the e-mail”. What can I do?

ANSWER: This is a known bug/error normally relating to either getting the invite ahead of schedule or other missing information in your file that would prevent the account creation from moving forward. Tier 2 cannot solve this and it need a special approach to resolve.

6-19-2020   Financial Assistance for Small Businesses

Have you applied for the SBA’s Payroll Protection Program (PPP) yet? 
Reach out to your lender to apply before June 30, 2020. 
On June 15, the SBA reopened the EIDL loan program. Small businesses can access low-interest, long-term loans and an advance of up to $10,000. You can apply directly online with the SBA here.
Have questions about either program? We are ready to help you prepare and submit loan documents call us at 718-227-9797 

6-19-2020   Social Security Benefits Site

The Social Security Administration announced the first of several steps the agency is taking to improve the publics experience on its website. The newly redesigned retirement benefits portal, at, will help millions of people prepare for and apply for retirement.

For more information, please visit

6-16-2020   EIDL applications for non-agricultural business have been re-opened.

Press Release Here:

Program application here:

If you have a business client that owes back taxes to the IRS, especially if it’s relatively recent tax liability, then they should absolutely apply for an EIDL, without hesitation. IRS debts are the only long-term liability that is allowed to be paid with an EIDL.

These are 30-year, 3.75% loans. Compare that to combined penalties and interest at IRS rates, as well as the much shorter “term” of 10 years max that an IA payment is based on.

6-15-2020   New York Forward Loan Fund (NYFLF)

The New York Forward Loan Fund (NYFLF) is a new economic recovery loan program aimed at supporting New York State small businesses, nonprofits and small landlords as they reopen after the COVID-19 outbreak and NYS on PAUSE.  The NYFLF targets the state’s small businesses with 20 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees (90% of all businesses), nonprofits and small landlords that have seen a loss of rental income.  The NYFLF is specifically timed to support businesses and organizations as they proceed to reopen and have upfront expenses to comply with guidelines (e.g., inventory, marketing, refitting for new social distancing guidelines) under the New York Forward Plan.   

Pre-applications for the New York Forward Loan Fund are now open.  Priority will be given to industries and regions that have been reopened.  This is not a first-come, first-served loan program.  Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis as regions and industries reopen. 

For small businesses and nonprofits that are in industries and regions that have not yet reopened, you are encouraged to prepare your pre-application in advance by taking advantage of the application preparation resources available here.  

  • Small businesses and nonprofits must employ 20 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees; 
  • Small businesses must have gross revenues of less than $3 million per year;
  • Nonprofits must provide direct services and have an annual operating budget of less than $3 million per year; and
  • Have not received a loan from either SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) for COVID-19 in 2020.

6-5-2020    Senate approves House-passed Paycheck Protection Program Reform Bill

5-18-2020  The following is the rule for collecting partial unemployment insurance

What if I work part-time?

If you’ve lost work and are working less than four days a week, making $504 or less, you are eligible for unemployment benefits in New York.

But partial unemployment benefits are calculated based on the number of days you work, not the number of hours. So, even if you work only two hours each day for four days a week, the state unemployment system considers that working four days, and you would not qualify for unemployment benefits.

Nicole Salk, senior staff attorney at the nonprofit Legal Services NYC, recommends consolidating your hours.

“If you have reduced work, try to put it all on one day, because then you maximize your benefits,” she said.

For every day you work, you lose access to 25% of your maximum unemployment benefits. So if you work three days a week, you get 25% of your benefits. If you work two days a week, you get 50% of your benefits, and if you work one day a week, you get 75% of your benefits.

5-7-2020   IF YOU MISSED THE PPP Loans

If you missed out on the ppp payroll program, there is still money available to help with payroll.

There is a tax credit we can help you apply for as long as you have w-2 employees. This can be as much as $5000 an employee that can be used to pay Irs payroll taxes and possibly have a check written out to you. 

Available to all businesses that are down 50% of gross income or you have a government shutdown business. 

Touch base with us so we can see if this works for you! 

If you are already in the PPP Program you are not eligible for this. 

5-7-2020   PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROGRAM LOANS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

5-7-2020     Frequently Asked Questions: SBA Loans

4-21-2020     Social Security Recipients

4-17-2020     Paycheck Protection Program

4-16-2020     To our valued clients,

4-16-2020     Relief for workers affected by the Corona Virus

4-15-2020     Small-business program intended for quick grants is running weeks behind

4-15-2020        Supplemental Security Income recipients will receive automatic Economic Impact Payments; step follows work between Treasury, IRS, Social Security Administration

The Internal Revenue Service, working in partnership with the Treasury Department and the Social Security Administration, announced today that recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) will automatically receive automatic Economic Impact Payments.

SSI recipients will receive a $1,200 Economic Impact Payment with no further action needed on their part. The IRS projects the payments for this group will go out no later than early May.

Moving SSI recipients into the automatic payment category follows weeks of extensive cooperative work between SSA, Treasury, IRS as well as the Bureau of Fiscal Services.

“Since SSI recipients typically aren’t required to file tax returns, the IRS had to work extensively with these other government agencies to determine a way to quickly and accurately deliver Economic Impact Payments to this group,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. “Additional programming work remains, but this step simplifies the process for SSI recipients to quickly and easily receive these $1,200 payments automatically. We appreciate the assistance of SSA and the Bureau of Fiscal Services in this effort.”

No action needed by most taxpayers
Earlier this month, the IRS took a similar action to ensure those receiving Social Security retirement or disability benefits and Railroad Retirement benefits can receive automatic payments of $1,200. While these groups receive Forms 1099, many in this group don’t typically file tax returns. People in these groups are expected to see the automatic $1,200 payments later this month.

Eligible taxpayers who filed tax returns for 2019 or 2018 will also receive the payments automatically. About 80 million payments are hitting bank accounts this week.

For benefit recipients with dependents, extra step needed to claim $500 for children
The law provides eligible taxpayers with qualifying children under age 17 to receive an extra $500. For taxpayers who filed tax returns in 2018 or 2019, the child payments will be automatic.

However, many benefit recipients typically aren’t required to file tax returns. If they have children who qualify, an extra step is needed to add $500 per child onto their automatic payment of $1,200 if they didn’t file a tax return in 2018 or 2019.

For those who receive Social Security retirement or disability benefits (SSDI), Railroad Retirement benefits or SSI and have a qualifying child, they can quickly register by visiting special tool available only on and provide their information in the Non-Filers section. By quickly taking steps to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they can receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If beneficiaries in these groups do not provide their information to the IRS soon, they will have to wait until later to receive their $500 per qualifying child.

The Treasury Department, not the Social Security Administration, will make these automatic payments to SSI recipients. Recipients will generally receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their SSI benefits.

For those with dependents who use Direct Express debit cards, additional information will be available soon regarding the steps to take on the IRS web site when claiming children under 17.

For information about Social Security retirement, survivors and disability insurance beneficiaries, please visit the SSA website at

General information about the Economic Impact Payments is available on a special section of

4-15-2020    Stimulus checks began showing up in peoples bank accounts today. Check your bank account today to see if you got yours. If not don’t worry, it should be coming this week.

If you don’t file taxes don’t worry, there are provisions in place to make sure you too get your stimulus check. For non-filers you can sign-up using the non-filers portal.

4-14-2020  When we started to process the SBA Loans for Covid-19 we were under the understanding the loans would be given to any business, but that is not the case. The $10,000 SBA Loans will be now be given up to $10,000 based on your pre-covid-19 employee numbers. The below bold text came to us in an email from the SBA this morning.

“To ensure that the greatest number of applicants can receive assistance during this challenging time, the amount of your Advance will be determined by the number of your pre-disaster (i.e., as of January 31, 2020) employees. The Advance will provide $1,000 per employee up to a maximum of $10,000.”

The full text from the the email is below:

On March 29, 2020, following the passage of the CARES Act, the SBA provided small business owners and non-profits impacted by COVID-19 with the opportunity to obtain up to a $10,000 Advance on their Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL). The Advance is available as part of the full EIDL application and will be transferred into the account you provide shortly after your application is submitted.

To ensure that the greatest number of applicants can receive assistance during this challenging time, the amount of your Advance will be determined by the number of your pre-disaster (i.e., as of January 31, 2020) employees. The Advance will provide $1,000 per employee up to a maximum of $10,000.

You may be eligible for another loan program, the Paycheck Protection Program, which is available through participating lenders. 

3-30-2020      Tax Returns & Estimated Taxes Now Due July 15

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the federal income tax filing due date is automatically extended from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020. Taxpayers can also defer federal income tax payments due on April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020, without penalties and interest, regardless of the amount owed.

Many states have also extended their tax deadlines and payments for a number of taxes in response to COVID-19. Please call for additional information.

Who is Affected?

This deferment applies to all taxpayers, including individuals, trusts and estates, corporations and other non-corporate tax filers as well as those who pay self-employment tax. In addition, the payment and return-filing requirements for gift and generation-skipping transfer taxes due April 15 are now due July 15, matching postponements granted to federal income taxes and returns.

No Need to File an Extension

Taxpayers do not need to file any additional forms or call the IRS to qualify for this automatic federal tax filing and payment relief.

Individual taxpayers who need additional time to file beyond the July 15 deadline, should file Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. Businesses who need additional time must file Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns. Don’t hesitate to call if you have questions or need assistance.

File Now for a Refund

Even though the filing deadline has been extended there is no need to wait to file your tax return especially if you are due a refund. Filing electronically using direct deposit is the fastest way to get a refund and most tax refunds are still being issued within 21 days.

The Stafford Act

These extended deadlines are the result of the President’s emergency declaration last week and made possible by the Stafford Act. The Stafford Act, which was enacted in 1988, is a federal law designed to bring an orderly and systematic means of federal natural disaster and emergency assistance for state and local governments in carrying out their responsibilities to aid citizens.

3-27-2020    COVID-19: Information for Small Businesses

Small and medium-sized employers can begin taking advantage of two new refundable payroll tax credits, designed to immediately and fully reimburse them, dollar-for-dollar, for the cost of providing coronavirus-related leave to their employees. This relief to employees and small and midsize businesses is provided under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Act), signed into law on March 18, 2020.

Subsequent legislation, the CARES Act, includes a provision that delays payment of employer payroll taxes due in 2020 with half due December 31, 2021 and the rest due December 31, 2022.These same dates and amounts apply to tax owed by self-employed individuals as well with 50 percent due December 31, 2021 and the remaining amount not due until December 31, 2022.

Paid Sick Leave Credit

For an employee who is unable to work because of coronavirus quarantine or self-quarantine or has coronavirus symptoms and is seeking a medical diagnosis, eligible employers may receive a refundable sick leave credit for sick leave at the employee’s regular rate of pay, up to $511 per day and $5,110 in the aggregate, for a total of 10 days.

For an employee who is caring for someone with coronavirus, or is caring for a child because the child’s school or child care facility is closed, or the child care provider is unavailable due to the coronavirus, eligible employers may claim a credit for two-thirds of the employee’s regular rate of pay, up to $200 per day and $2,000 in the aggregate, for up to 10 days. Eligible employers are entitled to an additional tax credit determined based on costs to maintain health insurance coverage for the eligible employee during the leave period.

Paid Leave for Workers. Employees receive up to two weeks (80 hours) of paid sick leave (either 100 percent or 2/3 of employee’s pay) and expanded paid child care leave when employees’ children’s schools are closed or child care providers are unavailable due to COVID-19 related reasons. An employee who is unable to work due to a need to care for a child whose school is closed, or child care provider is unavailable for reasons related to COVID-19, may in some instances receive up to an additional 10 weeks of expanded paid family and medical leave.

Child Care Leave Credit

In addition to the paid sick leave credit, for an employee who is unable to work because of a need to care for a child whose school or child care facility is closed or whose child care provider is unavailable due to the coronavirus.

Eligible employers may receive a refundable child care leave credit. This credit is equal to two-thirds of the employee’s regular pay, capped at $200 per day or $10,000 in the aggregate. Up to 10 weeks of qualifying leave can be counted towards the child care leave credit. Eligible employers are entitled to an additional tax credit determined based on costs to maintain health insurance coverage for the eligible employee during the leave period.

Employers with fewer than 50 employees are eligible for an exemption from the requirements to provide leave to care for a child whose school is closed or child care is unavailable in cases where the viability of the business is threatened.

How It Works

With the goal of “fast funds,” employers will receive an immediate dollar-for-dollar tax offset against payroll taxes. Payroll taxes that are available for retention include withheld federal income taxes, the employee share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the employer share of Social Security and Medicare taxes with respect to all employees. Eligible employers who pay qualifying sick or child care leave will be able to retain an amount of the payroll taxes equal to the amount of qualifying sick and child care leave that they paid, rather than deposit them with the IRS. Eligible employers will be able to claim these credits based on qualifying leave they provide between the effective date and December 31, 2020. If there are not sufficient payroll taxes to cover the cost of qualified sick and child care leave paid, employers will be able to file a request for an accelerated payment from the IRS.

Equivalent credits are available to self-employed individuals based on similar circumstances.

Eligible Businesses

Eligible employers are businesses and tax-exempt organizations with fewer than 500 employees that are required to provide emergency paid sick leave and emergency paid family and medical leave under the Act. Eligible employers can use the funds to provide employees with paid leave, either for the employee’s own health needs or to care for family members. Furthermore, employers will be able to keep their workers on their payrolls, while at the same time ensuring that workers are not forced to choose between their paychecks and the public health measures needed to combat the virus.


Employers are required to comply with the Act within a specified period; however, there is currently in effect, a 30-day compliance period in which enforcement actions against any employer for violations of the Act are subject to 30-day non-enforcement period as long as the employer has acted reasonably and in good faith to comply with the Act. During the 30-day period, efforts will be focused on compliance assistance.

3-27-2020  CARES Act: Information for Individual Taxpayers

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, often referred to as the stimulus bill, was signed into law on March 27, 2020, and contains legislation to stabilize the economy during the coronavirus pandemic. These measures include economic recovery checks for taxpayers, as well as several other tax provisions affecting individuals.

Let’s take a look at a few of the highlights:

Economic Impact Payments

Economic impact payments “recovery checks” will be sent to taxpayers in the next three weeks and will be available throughout the rest of 2020. For most people, they will be distributed automatically and no action is required; however, anyone who typically does not file a tax return must submit a simple tax return to receive the stimulus payment. Taxpayers might have questions about economic impact payments and answers to some of these questions are provided below.

1. Who is eligible?

Tax filers with adjusted gross income up to $75,000 for individuals and up to $150,000 for married couples filing joint returns will receive the full payment. For filers with income above those amounts, the payment amount is reduced by $5 for each $100 above the $75,000/$150,000 thresholds. Single filers with income exceeding $99,000 and $198,000 for joint filers with no children are not eligible.

Eligible taxpayers who filed tax returns for either 2019 or 2018 will automatically receive an economic impact payment of up to $1,200 for individuals or $2,400 for married couples. Parents also receive $500 for each qualifying child.

2. Where will the IRS send my payment?

Most people do not need to take any action. The IRS will calculate and automatically send the economic impact payment to those eligible.

For people who have already filed their 2019 tax returns, the IRS will use this information to calculate the payment amount. For those who have not yet filed their return for 2019, the IRS will use information from their 2018 tax filing to calculate the payment. The economic impact payment will be deposited directly into the same banking account reflected on the return filed.

If the IRS does not have direct deposit information. In the coming weeks, Treasury plans to develop a web-based portal for individuals to provide their banking information to the IRS online, so that individuals can receive payments immediately as opposed to checks in the mail.

3. What if I have not filed my 2018 or 2019 tax returns yet?

Anyone with a tax filing obligation who has not yet filed a tax return for 2018 or 2019 to file as soon as they can to receive an economic impact payment and include direct deposit banking information on the return.

If you typically are not required to file a tax return. People who typically do not file a tax return will need to file a simple tax return to receive an economic impact payment. Information on how to do this is forthcoming, but will include necessary information such as filing status, number of dependents and direct deposit bank account information.

Low-income taxpayers, senior citizens, Social Security recipients, some veterans and individuals with disabilities who are otherwise not required to file a tax return will not owe tax.

Early Withdrawals from Retirement Plans

Taxpayers affected by the coronavirus are able to withdraw up to $100,000 and will not be subject to the 10 percent penalty for early withdrawals. Distributions can be through December 31, 2020. If you need to withdraw funds from a retirement plan, please call a tax and accounting professional to discuss how it could impact your financial situation.

Eligible taxpayer. Anyone who has been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 virus or COVID-19 disease or whose spouse or dependent has been diagnosed with the same. In addition, any taxpayer experiencing financial hardship from any of the following situations:

  • Quarantined
  • Furloughed
  • Laid off
  • Work hours reduced
  • Unable to work due to lack of child care

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)

Required minimum distributions are suspended for tax year 2020.

Charitable Deductions

For tax year 2020, there is now an above-the-line charitable deduction of up to $300. In addition, the limitation on adjusted gross income (AGI) for charitable contributions (2020 tax year only) increases to 100 percent of AGI for individuals. Food contribution limits also increase to a maximum of 25 percent.